View Full Version : Who all is thinking about starting?
02-09-2014, 12:54 PM
So I am looking at the extended forecast and seen next week (22-28) all but 3 days are below freezing other wise all the other days are around 35-40, who else is thinking about getting some taps in the trees?
02-09-2014, 12:55 PM
So I am looking at the extended forecast and seen next week (22-28) all but 3 days are below freezing other wise all the other days are around 35-40, who else is thinking about getting some taps in the trees?
Scratch the 22-28, I meant the 16-22.
02-09-2014, 03:51 PM
I'll be watching the weather. I heard the frost line is deeper than normal this year. I wonder what impact that might have on sap flow.
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02-10-2014, 06:41 AM
Looks inticing, but is it just a little warm up? On a typical year I'm normally looking at March to start. But, on the other hand maybe a test bucket or two will go up next Monday (no school so the kids can help!)
02-10-2014, 09:23 AM
Sure looks interesting - but these long range forecasts can be way off too. The NWS has MN listed for above average temps and precip for the month of February. I guess I better finish getting things ready and charge up the batteries on the drill just in case!
February 17, 2014
Mostly cloudy, a little icy mix; warmer
High: 36 °F
Low: 25 °F
February 18, 2014
Sun followed by increasing clouds
High: 41 °F
Low: 26 °F
February 19, 2014
Variable cloudiness
High: 42 °F
Low: 25 °F
February 20, 2014
High: 41 °F
Low: 27 °F
February 21, 2014
Sunshine and some clouds
High: 42 °F
Low: 23 °F
February 22, 2014
Decreasing clouds
High: 35 °F
Low: 26 °F
February 23, 2014
Mostly sunny
High: 42 °F
Low: 25 °F
February 24, 2014
Times of sun and clouds
High: 36 °F
Low: 27 °
02-11-2014, 03:10 PM
I can't lie this has been on my mind for a while now. I just decided to check my records (2010 to present). Not many to go by yet, but a couple of those years I tapped the 1st week in March after having a couple of those warm, I gotta get out and tap I'm missing it yet days. Well in those years we had a solid two weeks of days in the high 30's low 40's with the lows hovering around 25 at night before the sap started to trickle. Each year at the same time they started to run. So, I don't know what to say on this. I do think I'll tap a few with buckets on Monday to see if anything happens. Reports to come!!
thinking about it, dreaming about it but then I try to waddle through the snow in the woods and remember man I am out of shape, but besides that the sap isn't ready yet in the deep woods I tap and I think its still to early to tap but not to early to prep. A few years back I tapped in February it was warm it was beautiful and it was a total waste of time and energy, but I agree man I want to cook some syrup or as my brother calls it liquid crack he can't get enough
02-13-2014, 09:58 AM
I only have 4 years of experience in this "hobby", but have noticed that the sap did not start to run in our woods until the snow has started to melt away from the base of the tree and create that little "ring" around the tree. 2-3 days in the low 30's is not going to be enough to get things going. There is no water there for the trees to "draw up" yet, especially this year with the deeper than normal frost. I will most likely be waiting until after Mar. 15 to tap in Otter Tail Co.
02-15-2014, 09:25 AM
Edit my last post. Too much stuff going on this coming week. I am going to spend most of this warm-up teaser getting everything in line and in order. Normally tap around the 1st week in March, we'll see what the weather does then!
02-17-2014, 11:27 AM
I heard the frost line is deeper than normal this year. I wonder what impact that might have on sap flow.
I could be wrong on this but I think the trees don't tend to run much until the frost starts to go out a bit. Frost is definitely more than normal (4 feet deep around my place) so it will be interesting to see what happens this year!
I only have 5 years of "good" records but I've never tapped (aside from a test tap) before March 1. And leaving aside 2012 which was a true anomaly the earliest time the trees started flowing (more than a drop or two anyway) was March 13. I'm in the SW corner of the state so usually would be earlier than most of you (except of course for Dave!). My taps are almost always running good though by March 20. (Last year was also an anomaly - no drip until April!)
So bottom line, guys: hold your horses! As nice as the weather's gonna be this week, we've still got some winter to get thru before its time to get out there.
02-17-2014, 02:26 PM
As much as I want to get out in the woods and start drilling holes it is plenty early (and since the temps have changed a bit from when i first asked the question). I don't think the frost is all that deep in the woods, at least in NE Otter Tail County. I was out a couple days clearing new trails with the skid steer and I came across a few ash and poplar where the roots came out with the whole tree and I also knocked a couple basketball sized rocks out of the ground also. With a good 1 1/2 to 2 foot of snow in the woods and a Heavy leaf litter I think the ground stays insulated enough that the frost doesn't go as deep as say out in the middle of a field. I hope to be in the woods March 1st starting to get taps in, pending on the weather of course.
02-21-2014, 01:49 PM
We usually tap the 2nd weekend of March. I have had too many years with the taps sitting dry for a couple weeks when I have jumped the gun. Plus....this years snow fall is going to be a real bugger for us. Gonna have to figure that situation out. So I'll be content working on our new preheater and cleaning up the sugar shack.
02-25-2014, 03:38 PM
The way the forcasts are looking to me it is going to be the end of March before tapping begins.
02-25-2014, 05:32 PM
The end of the 15 day forecast has a warm up, but who knows.
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02-25-2014, 06:15 PM
While we're all anxiously awaiting warmer temps to come and checking the Trader every few hours, I have to ask are we all ready? I thought I had a good grip on it until I made my annual checklist from tapping to bottling. Now I am crossing off items one by one of the list, hoping to "actually" be ready for the season to start. I think spring this year will be short lived due to the fact that I am highly anticipating it to arrive.
02-25-2014, 06:17 PM
I know I'm in no hurry! Still plenty cold and lots of snow. I did start ordering supplies, and optimistically order 40 gallons of bottles. Did 50 last year but can't see that happening two years in a row!
03-01-2014, 07:40 AM
Extended forecast (accuweather, weather channel) has a warm up for my area starting March 9. Local weather guy said March 10 for a relief from cold temps, with the relief being above average temps. We'll see about that in the near future though. I'll continue getting ready so I will be ready by March 8th. I got all my tapping and collection supplies in check, now have to reset up the block arch, wash the old "pan" out, and make final preps. This guy is not going to be caught off guard this year.
Hungry Beaver Sugar Camp
03-01-2014, 10:44 AM
Going to get out and start packing trails with the snowmobiles next weekend. Hoping weather is nice enough to start tapping about the 10-12th. Have almost 300 taps to do so we'll see just how deep the snow really is. Hopefully don't get dumped on like last year in Late March and April making sap collection a real task. Our sugar camp is off road and really a camp - like overnight sleeping etc. Have gotten a lot of the supplies shuttled in last week but more to go this week. Hoping for about 50 gallons this year the liquid gold. Someone below posted they had lots of friends and an understanding wife-- wow, does that hit the nail on the head! This year I printed up hooded sweatshirts for the helpers with the camp name etc designed into it. Hope the bribe works!
03-01-2014, 02:54 PM
If the forecast holds to what is predicted, mid to late next week I will be cutting more firewood and getting all my tubing put up and buckets all out so when the time is right all I need to do is get the holes drilled and spills in. Can't wait!!
03-02-2014, 02:37 PM
Well before I start I'm going to get myself a little educations. The extension service is putting on a class on maple syrup production for novice to commercial production levels. There must be a great interest in it as I am number 99 to register. A few years back there was only 4 to 5 of us in the state that did it, good to see an increase in the trade though. Which leads me to ask, "Is there an increase in maple syrup due to the recession? Or is it people want a locally produced food item?" I bring up the recession idea because during recessional times fruit trees are planted by homeowners to the point there is a waiting list for tree stock in my area. When the economy is good fruit trees are tore out to be replaced by other non-fruit trees. Either way it'll be good to get a more local support group for mapleholics.
03-02-2014, 04:53 PM
SDDave, Where is the class taking place? Sounds interesting
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03-02-2014, 05:22 PM
SDDave, Where is the class taking place? Sounds interesting
The extension service is providing the same class in 4 different areas of the state. I believe two were already held, with the other two this week at regional extension offices. About an hour and a half class. I'm trying to talk my brother into going as he has "evaporated" out of the maple scene and wants to get back in (wife willing).
03-05-2014, 05:29 PM
I might take the kids out on Sunday afternoon to tap some trees. Not planning on all of them just a few to kick the cabin blues.
03-05-2014, 08:02 PM
I might tap my Ham Lake trees - the forecast up north doesn't look as favorable
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MN Jake
03-06-2014, 07:41 PM
Looks like it's go time now! Prepped about 40 of my trees on tubing the last couple nights, all are virgin trees. Some are giants on the other side of river. I stretched the tubing across the river to a barrel, should be a nice gain for this year. Hard to move around even in snowshoes but packing trails as I go. Going to try to get all my bags out by Saturday night.
03-07-2014, 06:35 AM
Totally off topic here...went to the extension maple syrup class last night. What a blast!! We were the last region in the state and the Dr. said he had great numbers of people that attended about 90 in all. Good to see an increase in interest for the area. Lots of awe strucked people when it came to the amount of time it takes to boil.
Back to topic now...absolutely going to tap this weekend. It's go time!!;)
03-07-2014, 09:36 AM
What do you guys in NE MN think? Does this warm up look like it will be enough to get things going? I'm debating whether I should tap some of my trees around Barnum this weekend. I don't have vacuum they are all buckets and Sap Saks. I'm tapping in Ham Lake for sure. Looks like it will get to high forties maybe 50.
IM not far from you, and IM thinking it will be a couple weeks yet before we tap our trees. Lots of snow and it's been a cold winter I think it will take a while for the trees to wake up.
03-07-2014, 09:25 PM
Doop - it's good to hear from you. Lots of snow for sure. I've kept my place plowed out and have been packing trails on snowshoes. It's quite the workout, forecasts keep changing but it looks like it's going to be in the 40's several days this week. Only my second season so I have no clue what to expect
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03-08-2014, 07:34 AM
We are going to start tapping our trees this weekend, and next. We have 1800 taps so it will take us a couple weekends to get them in. Hope everyone has a great season this year!
spirit lake sugar
03-11-2014, 05:17 PM
We have about 600 of our 1500 on tubbing tapped as of today lots of snow all the snowmobiles are stuck as of this morning yea.
03-12-2014, 05:27 PM
While we're all anxiously awaiting warmer temps to come and checking the Trader every few hours, I have to ask are we all ready? I thought I had a good grip on it until I made my annual checklist from tapping to bottling. Now I am crossing off items one by one of the list, hoping to "actually" be ready for the season to start. I think spring this year will be short lived due to the fact that I am highly anticipating it to arrive.
I'll continue getting ready so I will be ready by March 8th. I got all my tapping and collection supplies in check, now have to reset up the block arch, wash the old "pan" out, and make final preps. This guy is not going to be caught off guard this year.
Ever want to go back a couple of weeks and kick your own a&$...Trees waking up now with each one dripping. Tomorrow should be a good run. Oh but wait... I still haven't washed out my pan or reset the block arch or made final connections on the little RO. At least the only excuse I have is the things called work and sick kids to take care of. I guess tomorrow is D-Day for prep.
03-12-2014, 05:57 PM
Dave - I wish I could help - I'm ready and just staring at dry taps - can't be long now - have fun!
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