View Full Version : Farm Bill

02-05-2014, 02:21 PM
Did anyone else catch that there is $100 Million for the Maple Industry in the Farm Bill that was just passed? What do we suppose this means?

Daves Maple Farm
02-05-2014, 02:27 PM
What I read it was for corn syrup, unless I missed it, I didnt see it mention maple...hope I am wrong!:(

02-05-2014, 03:06 PM
What I read it was for corn syrup, unless I missed it, I didnt see it mention maple...hope I am wrong!:(


The recently passed Farm Bill included the Acer Access and Development provision, which provides $20M per year for the next 5 yrs for maple. Details are in the thread linked above. Anticipating the next question.....how will it work.....nobody knows yet....the bill hasn't yet been signed by the President (he is expected to do so). Once it is signed, the USDA will start figuring out how to allocate the funds available. How they will do this is anybody's guess at this point, since this is a completely new provision of the Farm Bill.

One thing I would add is please don't call, email, or PM me asking how to get free government money to start a new sugaring operation or expand an existing one. There are no details yet available....and if I knew....I'd probably start my own. :)

02-05-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks Dr Tim!

Michael Greer
02-05-2014, 07:24 PM
Yeah, but how do we get the free money????

02-05-2014, 07:39 PM
Yeah, but how do we get the free money????

OK.....you dragged it out of me. It starts by first sending me all your money, preferably small unmarked bills. If you'd rather, send a check...but put in the memo section...."Dr. Tim's retirement fund"....

I'll tell you the next step after the check clears. :lol:

lakeview maple
02-05-2014, 08:35 PM
Lol didn't realize you had a such a sense of humor Dr Tim, if you got any left over small bills I could use a few too,LOL.

Michael Greer
02-09-2014, 08:28 AM
Now seriously. Is there anything in this for the small producer getting started? Do we know yet how this program will look way out here in the sticks, or is it way too early? It seems to me that if it's run by the County Extension folks, then there might be something we can use, but if it's gonna be handled at the State level, by some Madison Avenue marketing people, the sweet stuff will all go the big players.

02-09-2014, 08:38 AM
I just read a report on the FARM BILL and there is $100 BILLION alotted for food stamps????? I can see cigarettes sales will be going up!

02-09-2014, 08:55 AM
you have an issue with giving hungry americans food?

02-09-2014, 09:09 AM
As I stated cigaretts sales will be up! What food group does that fall under? The problem I have is generations upon generations that suck on the govermental teet to only drain the work/tax paying people's money to support this life style!

02-09-2014, 11:29 AM
Well said, Machinist! I have a problem giving food to lazy people. No issues helping folks who have made maximum effort to take care of themselves, but can't.

02-09-2014, 11:40 AM
In the first place, you cannot buy alcohol or cigarettes with food stamps.

In the second place, people got no jobs, people got no money. There are three people for every [crappy-paying] job out there. 80 of walmart's work force (these are working people) are on food stamps, because walmart pays so crappy. A lot of military families have to take food stamps. Gonna hate on them too?

We are all, each and every one of us, just one or two paychecks from living on the street. Begrudging those who ain't got what little they do get doesn't sound very Christan to me.

We spend more in one month in Afghanistan than we do in a year for food stamps. Poor people are not your enemy.

02-09-2014, 12:32 PM
I agree "22". I thought the farm bill was for 100 billion total. I think the focus should be on the "not so affordable care act" and why on god's given earth we let these cronies get away it!

02-09-2014, 03:11 PM
Now seriously. Is there anything in this for the small producer getting started? Do we know yet how this program will look way out here in the sticks, or is it way too early? It seems to me that if it's run by the County Extension folks, then there might be something we can use, but if it's gonna be handled at the State level, by some Madison Avenue marketing people, the sweet stuff will all go the big players.

It is too early to know. Will probably take a few months before there is any information available.

02-09-2014, 04:34 PM
Isn't the farm bill just like another entitlement program? And if you know how to play the game an individual could benefit from it. Not that it's a bad thing it just our way of life anymore.

02-09-2014, 04:46 PM
53% of population getting some kind of $$$ from government and goes up monthly.

02-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Relseek, Thank you for speeking for many of us!I stand with you. This country was built on PRIDE! Today if you have pride you are condidered to not care for anyone else! This is a bunch of crap! I care, but people need to want to succeed in this world. I. for one am sick of the free ride that people think is owed to them!

02-09-2014, 04:55 PM
Isn't the farm bill just like another entitlement program? And if you know how to play the game an individual could benefit from it. Not that it's a bad thing it just our way of life anymore.
Not entirely. What people don't realize is the amount of impact the farm bill has. a lot of people outside of agriculture believe that the entire bill subsidizes farms, but 79% of the bill covers Food aid. now we think, yes there are those people that abuse the system, but this bill does a lot of good too. it subsidizes school lunches, helps the needy(and some that aren't so needy), and actually helps farmers that wouldn't make ends meet in some years. The payments that farmers recieve though are actually to help people world wide. this country might overproduce, but when prices dip below a marginal price for farmers, the government starts to buy up commodities in large quantities. these commodities are made into MRE's for the military, and some is sent to other countries when it is needed(Natural Disasters and such), and some is put into this country for areas of need. its a bill tat more people are affected by than they realize, as well as beneficial for the way of life that the world has adopted in this day and age. now back to the fifteen page paper i have on this...... :cry:

happy thoughts
02-09-2014, 05:22 PM
This thread is turning into something political. I respectfully ask that we keep it focused on maple and expend out energies toward that end..

What types of grants should our respective states be seeking to promote and expand syrup development and production?

shane hickey
02-10-2014, 10:15 PM
Well said

E=collinsmapleman2012;239058]Not entirely. What people don't realize is the amount of impact the farm bill has. a lot of people outside of agriculture believe that the entire bill subsidizes farms, but 79% of the bill covers Food aid. now we think, yes there are those people that abuse the system, but this bill does a lot of good too. it subsidizes school lunches, helps the needy(and some that aren't so needy), and actually helps farmers that wouldn't make ends meet in some years. The payments that farmers recieve though are actually to help people world wide. this country might overproduce, but when prices dip below a marginal price for farmers, the government starts to buy up commodities in large quantities. these commodities are made into MRE's for the military, and some is sent to other countries when it is needed(Natural Disasters and such), and some is put into this country for areas of need. its a bill tat more people are affected by than they realize, as well as beneficial for the way of life that the world has adopted in this day and age. now back to the fifteen page paper i have on this...... :cry:[/QUOTE]

happy thoughts
02-12-2014, 05:58 PM
Yes, really :) Is there a problem with that????!

happy thoughts
02-12-2014, 06:29 PM
The future of this country is decided everyday by people who do not shy away from discussions that sound too political.

That may be but this isn't the place for it. As long as I've been a member here, the administrators of this board have asked we not post things of a political or religious nature. I am not aware that has changed.

Again, I will respectfully request we concentrate on maple.

happy thoughts
02-12-2014, 07:02 PM
Perhaps you should concentrate on maple

That's the purpose of this forum Rob and what has kept it friendly. There are plenty of places on the internet to complain about life and just a few places to talk and learn about maple. I'm here for maple.

I"m sorry you have a problem with that but I am not sorry to politely ask that you stick to the quidelines for posting to this forum.

happy thoughts
02-12-2014, 07:13 PM
We are done Rob. If you want to talk about maple I'll gladly continue:)

Michael Greer
02-13-2014, 07:11 AM
Good. Now that the bickering part is behind us, this is probably the time to think about what to do with this Act. I wrote to my Congressman yesterday and asked to be put on the list of folks that get in on the discussion about maple money. Some thought should go into what would be useful in the maple community, and some letter writing will help those who draft the rules. If the little guys are heard from, they'll have some say. If only the big players speak up, it'll all go their way. Do your part; contact your County Extension office and ask for help. Write your local representatives and make sure they get your region in on it. Maple has the opportunity to grow, and to become a major industry in a part of the country that hasn't had much rural industry since the trees grew back...and you know how long that's been.

happy thoughts
02-13-2014, 08:43 AM
this is probably the time to think about what to do with this Act. I wrote to my Congressman yesterday and asked to be put on the list of folks that get in on the discussion about maple money.

I agree Michael and why I asked people to put on their thinking caps because I think it will take more than writing your congressperson. It's ideas that are needed. Now that the funds have been earmarked, our federal reps probably aren't going to have much to do with it. We might be better off writing our state Ag departments since it's up to the states, tribes, and research institutions to apply.

Though the exact criteria for proposals has not been written we already know this will be a competitive grant program where proposals are submitted and then each is judged on merit. Although $20 million/yr seems like a lot it is a small amount as far as gov't funding goes when you consider how far it will be stretched. I can think of at least a dozen states, who knows how many tribes, and a large number of universities doing research that can apply. I have a feeling they'll be looking for those programs that give the maple industry the most bang for the buck.

Some ideas I had were along the lines of more and better educational programs and technical assistance to small producers through county Ag extensions. To capture future consumers when they're young, maybe grants for educational programs aimed at school children with some funds allotted for field trips to a local sugar house. A poster contest that could be used for state promotion of the industry could be included. Research like Dr Tim's farmed sapling study, maybe with the addition of genetically sweet trees also seem like a worthy use of the money.

Lastly, outside of the grant money, I think we should all write our Ag departments to see if they can press for maple syrup to be included in the proposed farm market voucher program. In my state when that program was offered to the elderly, honey could be purchased with it but not maple syrup.Including it could sure help a lot of small local producers.

More ideas anyone? How would you like to see this money spent?

02-15-2014, 09:09 AM
Let's stay on subject please folks. This thread is about the Acer Access & Development Program. There is an "off-topic" section of the forum for other comments.

02-15-2014, 05:37 PM
Sorry folks, even I got off on a bit of a tangent!

03-27-2014, 02:35 PM
Hi All,

For a little update, the Farm Bill passed a few months back authorizing up to $20M per year for the 5 yr term of the bill (FY15-FY19) for the "Acer Access and Development Program." This would be for marketing, expansion, and research on maple. The reality of the situation is that there is currently NO money on the table for this effort. The next step is that there needs to be funds appropriated for this, and there is an effort to request $5M for FY15 to be put toward this program. So if you think this is something worthwhile, it would really help if you would take a few minutes to contact your Senators and Congressmen to ask them to support the "Schumer" Maple Letter (Senate) or the "Welch" Maple Letter (House) regarding appropriating funds for this program. You can find your representatives at http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml