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View Full Version : End Cap Evaporator from a 275 Oil Tank

02-04-2014, 06:43 AM
Attached are some images on my latest evaporator; it was designed on a budget $400 for my modest 25+ tree sugar bush operation.

I wanted to improve upon on my batch process which was a barrel evaporator with “2 warming trays” so I purchased an unused 32”x32” S.S. pan for $200. Then I adapted this new pan to the heavier gauge oil tank by “end capping” it. Lined it with fire brick, arch board (protected by sheet metal) and filled the gaps with ceramic insulation. The flame box covers about 2/3 area of the pan and is 27”long & 14“tall with 1.5" exhaust clearance. I think it will generate enough heat for a reasonable boil even if the pan overhangs the sides a bit.

To achieve a tight fit around the pan I used angel iron secured it with some double nut threaded rods through some slots so if need be minor adjustments can be made during the season.

Also to help control the fire decided to vent a larger diameter pipe and slid in a smaller vented pipe as an effort to control the air intake, a side benefit is the larger pipes also act like a grate by support the wood.

I hope it works :confused: or I squandered 4 days of the wife’s “honey do” list…. which is never a good thing :lol:

02-04-2014, 08:36 AM
I like your air inlet control. I wonder if you'll get a strong draft coming up through the fire this way. Let me know how it goes, that could be my Air Under Fire upgrade for next year.