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View Full Version : a little bit of settling

02-03-2014, 03:16 PM
well over the course of the year my stove apparently settled in one corner, thus making my pan not exactly level. it looks about 1/8" off...I've tried shimming it but the whole side of the stove lifts vs that one corner. How will this impact my continuous flow divided pan? Do I need to redo the whole thing with frozen ground on the eve of the season?

steve J
02-03-2014, 03:35 PM
You are going to need to get it level my sugar has wood floor and sits on block pillars and I have to check for level before each boil because as the frost comes out of the ground the building shifts and I have had it shift on me during a boil and saw the syrup puddle in an area away from the drain and there was nothing I could do until everything cooled down and I was able to relevel it.

02-03-2014, 05:38 PM
I don't know how deep you run your pans, but I doubt 1/8 inch will even be noticeable. I just took a 1/2 inch bow out of my rail. For the last couple years my 4' back pan has been that far out with no problems. I just made sure syrup pan was level and made syrup.