View Full Version : Feb. Journal

maple flats
02-03-2014, 04:58 AM
Wow, it's Feb 3rd and we've been too busy to notice the monthly journal didn't get started. Maybe you were just waiting for me.
Well, not so good. Starting last Fri. I had to call in sick, didn't dare get too far from the bathroom. Felt real bad all day but never lost it, until in the middle of the night. Then I was sick as I've ever been for all day Feb. 1. Yesterday I was better, but then my wife got it, just as bad.
Anyways, Saturday was my planned day to set the releaser out , run a new TF line for my 900'+ to the road and get the vacuum running. Well, I called my help and just had them set the releaser while I stayed home. On Saturday I also looked for my new jug labels that were supposed to be delivered on Friday at 5:17pm by UPS. I didn't see them, checked the proof of purchase- they were delivered to the sugarhouse. It was rainy much of the day, so even though I still didn't feel well, I got in the truck and drove down to see if the labels were out in the elements and getting ruined. Fortunately they were protected by a plastic bag put on by UPS over the box. I brought them home and opened them. Not like I expected, not even close to the final proof I approved. The labels have my sugarhouse picture in the background, in the proof it is several shades lighter than the finished label. Still good but certainly not the impressive label I expected. I emailed the salesman and expressed my thoughts. He answered by saying "monitors are all different" and "they can not manipulate a picture". I say hogwash. With this exception the labels are nice, just that the background image is so dark that it makes the label harder to read. I'd also just placed a new order for business cards with the same co. I told the salesman I wanted a printed proof snail mailed to me when ready before I'd approve it for printing, with this he told me to look elsewhere. If anyone wants the name of the co. and salesman, PM me. I will not put it up for all to see, but I'll send it in a PM if asked. While the labels look real high quality (and I pd. accordingly) they do not print to exactly match the proof they send and when they send it they have no disclaimer. If monitors really make such a difference I'd think proofs would be sent by snail.
I'll give the salesman 1 day to promise a remedy before I send any PM's with their name.

02-03-2014, 06:36 AM
So far nothing to report. I didn't do anything maple over the weekend. Have time still won't tap until week of presidents week. Just need to clean tanks really that is about it

02-03-2014, 07:12 AM
One more snow storm then I hire some one to open a path to my bush. There are some drifts that are over 8 feet. News says there has not been this nuch snow since 1978. Wouldn't you know it the year I get my new evaporator I can't get to my trees.

maple flats
02-03-2014, 09:21 AM
Looks like no flow here in the next ten days. This could well turn into a true traditional maple season, I hope so, because, if the cold runs too late we are at a far greater risk of a very short season.

maple flats
02-04-2014, 08:50 AM
The salesman told me they have over 2000 satisfied maple customers (I really doubt that) and will do nothing to remedy the issue. He quit responding to my replies I sent him.
I was not being unreasonable. He sent me a very nice looking proof by email, but when the labels appeared the background image is so dark it is hard to see any detail. He used the image from my website home page. The image there is easy to see detail. I still will not give his name openly, but anyone looking for labels can send me a PM and I will tell you who will not stand behind their work. In all fairness, the label quality look excellent, the issue is just the final print quality of the background image.
Back at the sugarhouse, going down this morning to do some plumbing on the new finisher. It has 2 draw offs, I only plumbed 1 side earlier but I can get better draining if I draw from both sides. I picked up the needed SS pipe & fittings to run the other side too.
Tomorrow I'll likely be clearing snow all morning, predicted for 10" starting tonight. We have little now but from the recent weather everything is just ice anyplace it was packed down, thus the driveway and parking lot are just ice. Makes more interesting plowing, snow on ice.

Clarkfield Farms
02-04-2014, 10:17 AM
I'm glad to hear you and Joan are feeling better, Dave. That same sort of thing hit my daughter, and then my son-in-law. When it hit Becky, it was so severe... she was at one point that night completely unresponsive (eyes never even moved when the eyelids were touched!, no breathing... very scary!) and she didn't come to until after I was on the phone with 911. Fortunately, she recovered enough while I was still on the phone with them that they said best to just keep an eye on her and call back if it happens again. It was absolutely brutal on her. And on me - I hate seeing anyone else going through that, especially family. As for me, I didn't get anything beyond a little nausea.

I'll be tapping again this year but I may not be making syrup, AGAIN... So many dead-ends on getting an evaporator! Too many stories to tell, and like you, I'm not going to mention them openly. If I can do anything, it's just going to be either an oil tank or block arch for this year, using the 2x3 copper pan (antique!). I'm so sick of this Town's animas toward "farmers" and "non-residents." Otherwise, I'll just have Steve haul the sap back to his place. You and Steve both now know how much longer the sap runs good up on that hill, so I'll talk to Steve and either way make a decision sooner rather than later about how to proceed. He'll need to know since if he takes the sap, he'll have to plan to keep his operation going longer than normal to accommodate the longer flow from up there.

As for labels and business cards, I figure I'll eventually need to know the name(s) to stay away from, but even better I'd instead like to know who TO go through that's reliable. When you get a chance. Thanks. :)

- Tim

02-04-2014, 11:36 AM
Well its been a slow month for anything maple related. I still have some mainlines to connect but I wasn't going to chance breaking apart fittings in the sub zero weather. I got the finishing touches put on the evaporator, now it looks better than ever. I still need to set the pans back on and test boil but we'll see how much time I have before tapping.

02-04-2014, 06:48 PM
Have to bite the bullet and order 10,000 check valves tomorrow so we can begin tapping on the 15th.

02-04-2014, 07:46 PM
Good looking SS sides..... I remember last year when mine were all nice and shinny, then the syrup started splattering on it. Doh!