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View Full Version : 2x6 Home Build Evaporator

01-31-2014, 02:13 AM
My brother decided he wants to get into making syrup. Originally he asked me to build him a pan and he was going to use a block arch, I tend to take things a little overboard so I told him I would build a proper arch as well. I figure if he doesn't stick with it I should be able to sell the arch and make a decent profit.

I cut everything out of 11 gauge plate, with 1.5 squre 11 gauge tubing around the top and for the legs. For the door I'm going to use a barrel burner kit to save some time, I'll fab the ash door. Overall dimensions are 84-1/4 x 31-1/4 x 36 tall, firebox is 28W x 32H x 24D. The ramp (is that what it is called?) goes from 16 inches to 10 inches at the very back. I figure I can make inserts to fine tune the ramp later on if necessary.

For the pan I'm going to use 20 gauge mild steel, reason being is I don't have a back purge setup yet to do the stainless, and this way we can experiment with pan design. From what I've read the pan will season after a couple of boils so it won't rust and I'll make sure he stores it somewhere where it won't rust.

This is about two days of progress, I plan on doing more of the finish welding tomorrow, then flipping it over right side up this weekend to do the remaining welding from the top side. So far it took a little over two sheets of steel, when its all done I think it will be about 400 lbs BEFORE adding the firebrick (yikes).




Flat Lander Sugaring
01-31-2014, 04:38 AM
go the extra mile fab a large door make it air tight add AUF/AOF for sure you wont be disappointed.
only need fire brick where wood goes and under flue pan if your are going to use a flue brush
Nice Job
dont think I would use steel for my pans but just my 2 cents ACA took the other 8 cents


01-31-2014, 07:45 AM
Looking good!

Regardless of whether you go mild or stainless, I'd recommend making 2 pans - a 2x2 for the front, and a 2x4 at the back. Takes a bit more steel up front, but minor amount, and it gives you flexibility in the future to swap one and then the other to stainless, or add a flue pan in the back. 2 pans also allows him to isolate the front pan and use it to concentrate syrup while still boiling sap in the rear.

For stainless - you can consider solar-flux in place of a backpurge. I used it on my flue pan in some spots where it was impossible to get a good back purge. Takes some cleaning up after, but it worked for me.

01-31-2014, 07:52 AM
Looks nice.
Definitely think about a larger door for loading wood- saves your knuckles in the long run.
Possible a draft/ash door below to help with convection.

02-01-2014, 12:31 AM
Today's progress until I ran out of argon:



Flat Lander Sugaring
02-01-2014, 07:16 AM
nice so your tigging the whole unit,

02-01-2014, 09:02 AM
Very nice work.
So you put your firebox dimensions before insul/bricking.

What is your planned final firebox size?

I am building a 2X4. putting in arch board and brick today.

02-01-2014, 05:23 PM
nice so your tigging the whole unit,

I'm TIG'ing all the plate together, I bought a Milwaukee Steel Circular saw and all the plate came out nice and square, the fit-up came out pretty good, no gaps anywhere. Once I start doing the fillet welds to secure the tube to the plate I'll switch to the MIG, it just takes too long to TIG fillet welds. And I didn't feel like cleaning all the mill scale/oil off the entire length of the tubes so the tungsten seems to get contaminated and needs changed out too often.

Very nice work.
So you put your firebox dimensions before insul/bricking.

What is your planned final firebox size?

I am building a 2X4. putting in arch board and brick today.

The firebox dimensions above are before insulation/firebrick. After insulation and firebrick it should be about 24Wx30Hx20D I think.

02-02-2014, 09:36 PM
Rolled it over. Still have some welding left then starting on the chimney.


02-07-2014, 01:41 AM
Working on the chimney. I couldn't find a flue collar locally so I just bent a flat piece into the collar. I'm a little concerned the thin steel will cause issues but we'll have to see what happens. I plan on supporting the chimney with another hoop and stanchions about 3 feet off the arch to keep it straight.

Out of argon again so I called it a day. Will work on the fire brick brackets and cut out the chimney hole later today.



02-16-2014, 01:14 PM
Getting closer. Waiting on insulation right now.


02-16-2014, 06:15 PM
You are looking good there. Those collars are super easy to make with thin flat stock and a form somewhat smaller than your finished diameter. I think your collar/collector will be just fine, alto usually, the "transition" is tapered and quite a bit taller.
The door is never too big, my knuckles can verify that.....