View Full Version : rusty flat pan

01-30-2014, 05:13 PM
Hey all... I was just given a large, galvanized vintage flat pan that is a significant size upgrade to my old 2x3. Unfortunately there is some rust on the inside of the pan. Most is just surface rust but some of the metal is slightly pitted as the pan has been rusting for some time. Any suggestions for how to clean the pan? Is it a lost cause?

01-30-2014, 07:51 PM
I myself would not trust galvanized for boiling even if it wasn't rusty,but that's me.Are you sure it's not tin, but even then with rust unless you can get it really clean I think I would not use it.

01-30-2014, 08:05 PM
I used a tin flue pan for years. They make excellent syrup. the question is does it hold liquid? Is it rust or the brownish build up that occurs on tin pans? see if it holds liquid first. then you can get a lead test kit to see if it has High levels of lead exposed. don't scrub the soldered joints to expose more of the lead solder. Good luck! Post pics so we can see if it is indeed a tin pan.

01-31-2014, 06:24 AM
Scrap is .10/lb. right now! nuff said.

buckeye gold
01-31-2014, 06:55 AM
Ditto Mapleguy, I wouldn' take the chance or waste the time.

The old tin pan that was used when my family sugared in the 70s is in barn and I left it there when I started back up. The guy who has it asked me if I wanted to use it and I said exactly what mapleguy did, scrap is a good price now.

01-31-2014, 11:40 AM
I don't know if it's tin or galvanized, so I attached some pictures. I also put a close up of the worst rust spot in the pan. I'm really not interested in a high tech system. I just do it for fun in the spring...a couple dozen taps and a few weekends of boiling over a fire pit. Doing it the old fashioned way is a big part of the appeal for me. So if this pan can be workable without being dangerous, that would be great. If not... it's not a huge deal. Thanks for the input!


01-31-2014, 11:53 AM
Thanks for the pictures. I would not recommend using this pan for anything other than a shelf attached to the wall of the sugarhouse. Find a local fabricator that can make you a nice 300 series stainless pan of the same shape Have them use 18 to 22 gage material. Then have loads of fun with your syrup making. Take our word for it you will be very happy. You can make lots of very good syrup in a new pan and never have any worries about lead or rust.
Free is not always the best. Sorry just trying to help.

01-31-2014, 02:32 PM
Seriously, don't use that junk! Your health and everyone else's is more important. Have a stainless pan made up I know it's money but in the long run you will be happy you did.

01-31-2014, 04:48 PM
agreement by all. it would make a nice decoration in your shed/shop/sugarhouse...heck maybe you can sell it on ebay as an antique sap pan...probably get more then 10 cents per lb that way because there is alays somebody looking to buy your junk.. .good luck with your boiling this year.