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View Full Version : theoretical flue pan capacity

Bentley Wood Maple
01-28-2014, 04:26 PM
If a 2x4 raised flue pan with 4.5 inch flues will boil 25 gallons per hour is it reasonable to expect 100 gallons per hour from a 2x8 pan with 9 inch flues? Or 125 g.p.h with a 30 inch x 8 pan? Trying to size a pan I want to build this spring, shooting for 100 gph

Bucket Head
01-28-2014, 10:05 PM
There are an awful lot of variables when it comes to boil rates. It would be easier to forecast the weather correctly, lol.

On a standard evaporator, Leader Evaporator claims a 30"x8' with a 5' flue pan will do 60gph. A 3'x10' with a 6' flue pan will do 95gph. Many will tell you that these figures are close, and others will tell you a little better can be expected with good wood, forced draft, arch insulation and consistant firing.

I would build the biggest pan you can. Will it do 100gph? I don't know. But I can tell nobody ever wishes they made a smaller pan! Everyone wishes they went bigger with just about every piece of equipment, and that go's for the sugarshack's also! Most people expand their operation, so its best to plan accordingly early.

Good luck with the pan!


01-28-2014, 10:17 PM
My pans are a 2 X 8 drop flue rear pan and a 2 X 2 syrup pan. Get close to 100 GPH. The flue pan does most of the evaporating, so maximize that. If doing it again, I would do exactly the same.

01-29-2014, 06:35 AM
I originally was going to go with a mason 2x4 flat pan setup on 200 taps. Glad I didn't. I found a 2x6drop flu. If I haven't started off with the 2x6 there is no doubt that I would have already upgraded Evaps. I am already searching for a 30"x8' or something bigger

Bentley Wood Maple
01-29-2014, 07:41 AM
I originally was going to go with a mason 2x4 flat pan setup on 200 taps. Glad I didn't. I found a 2x6drop flu. If I haven't started off with the 2x6 there is no doubt that I would have already upgraded Evaps. I am already searching for a 30"x8' or something bigger
we started with 180 buckets and needed more sap. Last year we went to about 375 taps on lines and had trouble keeping up, ended up dumping sap. I need to upgrade our 2x6 that can run 30 gph to something that will run about 100 gph.