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View Full Version : Need help with evaporator

OO maple
01-28-2014, 12:24 PM
Hello everyone. My question is does the different fuel type evaporators affect the overall flavors and/or grade of syrup? I have heard comments in past that wood evaporators help give syrup flavoring vs doing it on a stove, on a hobby level. Well I will be beyond hobby level now that I have accessibility to 100's of maples.I was researching and see there are 3 minimal types wook, oil, and propane. Propane is out of the question.too many variable dangers use of propane. So, I was considering wood or oil. Wood is great due to less cost. But given the oil one has wonderful features that can still save costing equal to wood. Less labor being that oil is drawn automatically without labor. The only fear i have stated above with choosing oil vs the wood. Syrup from my trees are grade a light amber.done hobby level. I want and expect to do the same on higher scale. Can someone please help with their knowledge on subject, thank you so much in advance.

Maple Ridge
01-28-2014, 01:07 PM
The fuel you use will not affect the flavor. The one thing you need to know about this is if you are outside and the fumes get into your sap, it can concentrate and affect your final product.
As for your grade, it will change as the season progresses. The first runs will be light. The sugars in the sap will change as the bacteria in the trees grow. Your first sugars are glucose and the sugars will split to what they call off sugars which giving you a darker syrup. As you reach the end of the season, you will be making dark syrup.

OO maple
01-28-2014, 02:17 PM
thanks for quick response.that pretty much answers my question.