View Full Version : my 2x4 arch build..Phanuef pan

01-28-2014, 09:57 AM
been busy building my new arch last few nights. Bought a 2x4 phanuef hybrid pan end of last season. just down to some heat paint and insulation left to do. probably going to add a blower yet too. stack is 5"x24" tapered to 8"round in approx. 4' high. also have a new hood being made. hope she works good. been fun building so far


01-28-2014, 10:00 AM
forgot some pictures. here is a few more

01-28-2014, 10:27 AM
Great pics. Everything looks good. Have a great season.

01-29-2014, 06:28 AM
That's a great rig, bannonbush - nice work! Your arch design is one newbies should take note of, IMHO. As noted on other threads, one big challenge with small rigs is heat going straight to an oversized stack, instead of being transferred to the pan(s). A friend calls them space heaters. You have a shorter firebox and are maximizing the horizontal run and heat transfer -- basically a scaled down "big" rig. Good luck this season and please let us know how this works out.

01-29-2014, 07:46 AM
Thanks twin6. Last year I built a small arch out of a wood stove just basically extended and put a very short ramp on it with stack in rear back panel (not the top). had a divided flat pan on it.. worked ok but always had crazy stack temp but the boil could of been better I thought. ive studied a lot of builds on this forum and this is what ive come up with. hope it serves me well I will definitely keep posted as progress goes and more importantly once I start to boil...cant wait!