View Full Version : Power Cord

Amber Gold
01-28-2014, 07:01 AM
My new H2O RO doesn't come with a power cord. What size and type of cord should I use? It'll be getting plugged into a 50amp rated plug. I want to size the cord for a 47 amp load in case I add a second tower in the future.


01-28-2014, 07:21 AM
I believe you would want a #6 stranded for 50 amp. Here is a chart that might help.


01-28-2014, 08:29 AM
My new H2O RO doesn't come with a power cord.

What? It didnt come with a cord? Was that an option you could select..LOL

maple flats
01-28-2014, 08:38 AM
If under 25' run 8 ga stranded copper, over that run 6 ga stranded CU. You are best direct wiring it, but if you need to plug and unplug it, use an electric stove plug and recepticle.

Amber Gold
01-28-2014, 09:25 AM
Yeah...no wire. Surprised.

Thanks Dave. I have a stove type plug already set up and wired to the panel. The run is only ~10'. Do I need SOW cable or something different?

01-28-2014, 10:01 AM
Home Depot and some Hardware stores have replacement cord for stoves in stock. Saves a lot of time and screwing around with the molded plug on the end. Next time you have to buy a new elec range chop off the power cord. I do that with anything large before it goes for scrap.

maple flats
01-28-2014, 03:23 PM
There are several you could use. If it is plug in, just be sure it is fine stranded wire (the individual wire strands are fine) and a flexible jacket. I like SJ but that's just me. The only issue with SJ is the sun eventually degrades the jacket, keep it out of the direct sun and you can get 20+ yrs, in the sun too much maybe half that. SOW will also work. Being after the plug you are not bound by code, but if you chose a solid wire or a heavy strand like THHN stranded you will get internal damage in time from flexing. Another choice is 8ga welder cable (or 4 lengths of single conductor). It is very flexable. If you go that route you can use 2 @ 8ga for the 2 hot leads (black and red) and then 2@ 10 ga for neutral and ground.