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View Full Version : Stock pot with spigot for filter tank/bottler

Kyle M
01-27-2014, 08:39 PM
Any reason to not use one of these pots on top of a burner and an cone filter hanging in it to filter/ bottle my syrup? I would like something a little nicer but for the amount of syrup I make it would really make since economiclly to spend much more


01-27-2014, 09:17 PM
Nope u can. I use a 40 cup coffee urn

01-27-2014, 09:20 PM
That should work ok. From reading the reviews sounds like you might want to get the Spigot Tig welded. If you draw off right into it you won't need a burner.

maple flats
01-28-2014, 04:52 AM
The same thing is available from brew companies for home brewing in stainless. I far prefer SS. A trace amount of aluminum gets into whatever you cook in it. Canning without heating might be OK, heating is the culprit, but you need to can at 180 minimum.

01-29-2014, 10:45 AM

Ideally, some sort of double boiler would be best to prevent hot spots if you are going to heat the filtered syrup. I did this last year with a stainless sap bucket inside a galvanized bucket with a five gallon plastic bucket with the bottom cut out, to hold a cone filter. I installed a temperature probe to monitor bottling temp.
Mistakes... I used CPVC (rated to only 175deg, and the gate valve was very, very, slow.
This year I made a double boiler again, that should be flawless! Yea, right...
I used aluminum.
Maple Flats
On aluminum... I agree that Stainless is preferred, and certainly needed in many applications. But... Once aluminum was thought to be associated with alzhiemers, but that has been debunked. The high acid PH level liquids can errode aluminum, but maple syrup is considered low at 5.15. There is no reason that one cannot feel safe, and secure using aluminum, and I certainly think that for a bottler with a limited time of exposure that it is good to go. Here is a thread I started on Stainless vs. Aluminum. Please, if you can add anything to support your view, please add it in to the thread.

This year I used aluminum for my double boiler pictured below.


01-29-2014, 03:28 PM
85808581this is what i used,works good

for the love of
02-12-2014, 06:31 AM
Was the spigot part of the original pan or did you add it? I would like to use a SS stock pot and ad a spigot or ball valve. Would they need to be stainless steel as well or would copper be ok?

02-12-2014, 06:41 AM
I filter the syrup off the evap with a cone filter and a few prefilter a. Works great. I made a stand with a hole in it and put screws around the top to hang the cone filter in. Underneath I use a 9 qt ss pail. Once the pail is filled up enough, I switch to a new pail. Pretty simple. When all done, I just heat finished syrup on in ss stock pot on stove to 185. Then transfer that to my preheated coffee urn. From there goes into jugs

happy thoughts
02-12-2014, 08:36 AM
I'm wondering if something like these insulated Cambro coffee dispensers could also work. They come in a couple of different sizes and sometimes used ones show up on ebay.


Might find one at a restaurant supply house that sells used equipment. The company says it will keep 200*F above 192*F for an hour. Replacement parts are available and the spigot assembly is removable for washing.

maple flats
02-12-2014, 09:28 AM
While the cambro might work, it costs more than the SS pot with thermometer linked to in post #1. That should be your best bet. For a higher quality pot go to a brewing supply vendor, they have sizes from 8 gal to over 30 gal, but aside from the pot gauge itself they are the same as the Amazon item.

02-12-2014, 07:55 PM
If you were refering to the ss pot in my post,yes the tap came in the pot, I bought it at bass pro shops. The pot on top is an aluminum turkey pot with the bottom cut out. I filter right off the evaporator (usually 3 or 4 gal. at a time)and bottle right away,eliminating the need to reheat. When the filter starts to slow(i hang 2 in the top pot,with prefilters)set the lid on the top pot to keep the heat in. The syrup is still hot enough that i have to wear gloves to hold the bottles when filling.