View Full Version : New to me 802maple design arch I need advise with running it
01-25-2014, 04:52 PM
Hi everyone I puchased this arch used and am looking for some good info on how to run it. I have ran evaporators in the past so I know the basics.The question is about the three levers for the air. When do the levers need to be in and when do they need to be out. I did my first test boil today and can't get a good boil in the front pan. If you have one or something simular I would love to hear from you and your system of firing. It's a 2x6
01-25-2014, 05:31 PM
Its hard to say exactly, but on the 802 design we made, we only had two damper controls. The bottom was the air that went under the grates. The other damper controlled the air that went everywhere else (along the rail, up the back wall, and all around the door). We pretty much ran everything wide open (for us this was fully out) - the only time we really mixed and played with the air was when we opened the door to fire. We fired based on stack temps, but typically this was about every 7 to 8 minutes.
01-25-2014, 06:56 PM
One of the three is for grate air. On mine it is the middle lever. This will determine how hard it burns. This lever completely controls our stack temp. If you want to stay at a constant stack temp, you need to monitor and adjust this lever every few minutes. We are able to keep our Intensofire within 10 degrees of 800 thru the entire burn, if the fireman is not distracted. A load of wood every 12-13 minutes. When full grate air won't give us 800 degrees, it's time for more wood!
The other 2 levers are for over fire air, and we basically run them full open, never really adjust them.
We need to shut off the blower to load wood, but I know of another Intensofire that can close the air off enough to load with the blower running.
01-25-2014, 10:35 PM
Ask Jerry(802 maple). He is the expert and the original designer of the arch.
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-26-2014, 04:57 AM
Ask Jerry(802 maple). He is the expert and the original designer of the arch.
I haven't seen him on in a while but PM him if he see's the PM he will get right back to you. He is a AWESOME guy
he was on the 16 of Jan
01-27-2014, 08:05 PM
On my new 2.5 x 8 there are three controls. Grates, AOF, and Door. The instructions suggest starting the fire with small wood, paper and cardboard, close the door with all three controls closed. Then start the blower and open grates 1/3. Let wood burn until well lit then close grates and add more wood. Open grates to 1/3 and once you have good coals add wood and open all three full for forced air mode. As stated earlier, monitor stack temps (if possible) and control with grates. Add more wood while you still have good coals and stack temps. have not dropped dramatically. Close all three when loading wood.
To gasify, leave AOF and door open and leave grates at 20% open. It won't boil as hard but you will use less wood.
01-28-2014, 06:03 PM
Thanks everone for the info test boiled again using the advise that was given and have a great boil. It boils so hard the water is splashing out of my 20in high sides in the flue pan. Can't wait for the first run.
01-28-2014, 06:44 PM
If you don't presently have a stack temp monitor, I highly recommend them. The digital is best, as it is almost instant reaction. This is important, first to tell you WHAT your temp is, second, to tell you which direction the temp is going, and third (maybe most important) HOW FAST it is changing. If my temp readout failed, I would be lost....
Also, we have the same problem with sap jumping out of the flue pan. We could easily go much hotter, but sap starts running out the hood gutter drains at much over 800 degrees.
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