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View Full Version : changing out one pan for another

maple flats
01-25-2014, 08:34 AM
Right now I'm trying to come up with an easy way to remove one syrup pan (after draining it) and put a second on, by myself. I was thinking of using a barn door track and rollers on the ceiling to carry the weight and move it off to the side, then turn it to vertical and take it outside. There I plan to make a pan washer and use permeate to clean with. My problem is deciding a practical way to lift the pan since I don't have the ability to easily remove the hood over the syrup pan. I'll measure later today, but I think I have 12-14" space from the top of the syrup pan to the bottom of the hood. Whatever I do will thus need to be real compact in height. Any Ideas? How do some of you do it, by yourself?
My pan in question is a 3x3 with same side draw off, thus all plumbing is on one side. I can plug the flue pan outlet from inside and undo the connection easily. The issue is lifting the pan and safely moving it either to the side or front so I can turn it up sideways and go outside for cleaning. Then I'll set the other pan on, connect the plumbing, pump the drained old pan contents into the clean pan and start boiling. Then as time permits I'll set up a pan washer to clean the dirty one.
Any ideas?

01-25-2014, 09:49 AM
Dave can you sling each side and use track to move it towards the front of the arch so the hood doesn't have to be removed?
When I take my front pan off I have to remove the hood. Then I pull it off the front of the arch. You should be able to pick up the 3 x 3 pan and slide it forward with out a hoist I think? Mine is 3 x 5 and very awkward.
I did build a track system and hoist to remove the heavy Steam Away it is "U" shaped to straddle the steam pipe when the rear hood is raised. Had to make some attachment features to get hooked on to it quickly.
Maybe post some pictures of your set up that might get you some ideas too.


maple flats
01-25-2014, 11:33 AM
I spent a couple of hours this morning studying the issue. At the moment I'm thinking I'll get a machinist buddy to make 4 heavy nylon hooks, each will reach under to outside top lip of the pan. Then I'll raise the pan 3-4" from barn door tracks on the ceiling spaced 12-18" out from the arch sides. Then I can roll it off the front. From there I should be able to tie onto the plumbing on one side of the pan (same side draw off/reversible) , raise that side and let the other side down. Once vertical I should be able to lower it onto a padded dolley and move it to the door. From there I've got a few options. but basically, I'll need to get it to a shelf under my head tank where I plan to make my pan washer using permeate to wash on recirculate, then drain and flush with fresh. I drew up a sketch for the nylon lift links and will go to see my buddy if he is home to see if he will make 4 of them, one each corner. The reason I'll go 12-18" out from the side of the arch (and on the ceiling) is for the right angle to have the lift links (or hooks) catch best under the lip of the pan.

01-25-2014, 11:55 AM
Sounds like a plan. I like the barn door tracks and rollers for moving the steamaway. The boat winch on mine works good to lift and lower too The steamaway probably weighs 200 lb.

maple flats
01-30-2014, 09:45 AM
I'm thinking of ways to remove my 3' syrup pan, get it outside for cleaning and moving a second pan to the arch to boil while the other pan gets cleaned. I've tossed several ideas around. I'm leaning toward 2 ideas I've come up with. The best might be a track and trolley system like they use in walk in meat coolers. I've sent for pricing on that with 3 curves and the rest straight track. My back up idea is barn door track and door hanger rollers. This would require 2 tracks along each side of the arch, one across the front 2-3 feet in front of the arch, and then a section angled to go out the man door. Each of these would need 2 rolling hangers and would require switching from one set of hangers on one track to the next as I roll the load along. The advantage is I could go pick up everything needed at TSC today. I'm hoping to be able to get the first idea. Hope to have answers later today or tomorrow at the latest if I'm going to get it in and mounted in 2 weeks time. I guess I should have planned this aspect out sooner. However I seem to wait until I'm under pressure.