View Full Version : Done "for now"

01-23-2014, 07:59 AM
So... Looking like the third year with no sugaring for me. I used to lease trees up north of me but that was a pain. Had to remove 600 taps worth of tubing 2 months after installing them each year. And not as many good roadside trees that the town has not removed for some reason or another. So I'm selling it all for now. If we ever decide to buy some land or get a great deal on use of a big bush then wife said I can start over again. Which could work to my benefit !! I know how I would go about it the second time around. First would be a brand new sugar house. With kitchen and no mice!!! Ya right. But that's what I would do. Start with the building first.

So if anyone needs anything Maple I have it all! Except no RO. Never got into that. I have some stuff up on the classifieds. But a ton of misc stuff. Just ask.
I can be called or texted anytime at 413-246-2813

Looking to visit some of you guys while you boil. Good luck this season

Oh and any Massachusetts guys want a Vanity plate for Ma. I am looking to sell off my trucks plates. I just have to see how. The registration and plates say " SUGARN"

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01-23-2014, 08:25 AM
Sorry to hear this. You were one of the first guys I chatted with on the Trader. I wish you the best and hope that if the time is right you can jump back in. I agree that having a building first is a good plan. It will be a lot easier the second time around.
My toughest time at least financially was when the kids were in college.

Keep looking for that sugarbsuh. South facing, 5% slope to the road, all hard maples big enough for two taps, Electric and water available at the bottom of the hill, at least 600 + taps:) Its out there!
You can visit and help any time!

01-23-2014, 09:08 AM
Chris thanks. Yeah this time in life money is tight and everything we want to do as a family costs big time. I'm ok with the decision. No sense having equipment sit around not being used. It may happen again. Who knows.

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01-23-2014, 09:28 AM
Sorry if anyone tried pm me. My box was full you can try again I think.

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01-23-2014, 09:30 AM
All my Kegs are bought now. Thanks.
Still have tanks and collection tanks pickup truck tanks. And other stuff including the Evap.

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01-23-2014, 10:10 AM

Rest assured Alice is still chugging along although that 2x8 is tempting!


01-23-2014, 10:40 AM
3x8 Mike.
I have pushed that thing to 100 gallons per hour. When everything is running right. Most of the time around 90 GPH

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Father & Son
01-23-2014, 02:33 PM
Sorry to hear that you're getting out for now. I understand the having to take down tubing, that really sucks. Myself, my wife and son met you and your family at one of those famous "Yall Come" parties just south of Buffalo (are all those guys still sugarin?). Good luck with your future plans and hopefully things will work out in the near future with you finding a nice property with a sugarbush.


01-23-2014, 06:31 PM
OMG WOW huge dent made in the sales already... sold...the evaporator tonight, a small pickup truck tank, a cage tank, filter press, tubing tools, kegs, still have someone picking up the milk tank saturday...... still have a round bottom 320 gallon stainless lapierre tank. and a stainless 2 bay sink i think is going saturday too

Russell Lampron
01-23-2014, 06:48 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are done sugaring. It just doesn't seem right. You have been here from the start and you and I sort of expanded at a similar rate. I went with an RO and you went with a bigger evaporator when we outgrew our 2x6's. I'm still using my 2x6, crack in the arch front and all. You are welcomed to stop by and check out my new addition and help boil if you happen to be in Loudon, NH in March. We can have a boiling soda or 3 and sip some hot maple syrup.

01-23-2014, 06:54 PM
Russ its like we grew up together here lol I know,,, met so many great people here and some still regularly see or talk to... Like I said, I'm not gone.... just on Hiatus. I will be traveling around for sure and will look up many of you during the season. Have a few buddys nearby whose wives will probably kick me out from over staying my welcome in their sugarhouses ha ha

01-23-2014, 06:59 PM
Sorry to hear this guys! I too use borrowed trees. The land owner is very good to me, but claims he may put the property up for sale. Scares the heck out of me, as I am on a shoestring budget, and just put up 300 taps there. Good luck, and as I am not too far away feel free to visit Goosebrook meadows Sugarhouse in Harrisville NH.

01-23-2014, 08:44 PM
Jim I learned alot from your posts when I started on this journey in 2009. Just wanted to say thanks.

01-23-2014, 10:51 PM
jim the tanks and tools will live on sugaring in my care for many seasons to come. thanks and glad to hear you sold the evap, those guy seemed pretty serious about it.

Pumpkin Village Maple
01-25-2014, 02:12 PM
Hi Jim,
Sorry to hear your getting out of the maple fun. Seems like a long time ago when I pulled into Basket Weaver Rd to meet you Rick and Rooster.
We're just getting done cleaning up the lot enough to get into the trees. Boys are 17 and 12. Big help. Ever get into Vermont look us up.

01-25-2014, 03:24 PM
Al....been a long time for sure! Glad to hear the boys are still helping... Someday if I'm up in Enosburg visiting family I will look you up !

01-25-2014, 07:26 PM
Soory to hear you have to get out "for now". I still am using the tank I got from you years ago.

01-26-2014, 04:00 PM
Was that the big stainless Cage tank? that was a cool tank !!

01-26-2014, 04:22 PM
Plastic cage tank. I lived in Troy then.