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View Full Version : leader arch

super sappy
11-15-2006, 04:19 PM
Do any Maple Traders have a leader new style wood fired arch with the single door and larger firebox? I have the old style and I am able to feed the wood into one door wile leaving the other closed.If I alternate sides and fire every 8 min I seem to do better than If I open both doors. I was thinking that this new door system may let too much cool air in and screw up my boil. What do you guys think?

11-15-2006, 04:57 PM
I have a leader 3X12 Leader inferno arch and the door is a single one. Prior to that I had a 2 door style. My new one has forced draft so I have to turn the blower down when I open the door. You can see the boil slow down a little bit when I fire but returns to full boil as soon as the blower is turned back up.
If you have a forced draft I don't feel that you lose anything by having one instead of two doors.

11-15-2006, 09:14 PM
I have a dg airtight arch with a single door. I leave the blowers on when tossing in wood and don't loose the boil at all. In my opinion one door is better[unless you can drive a minicooper into the firebox] than two.