View Full Version : bender question
I think I have attached a picture of the bender that I am working with. The thing has not been apart since God was a baby. Any way the top SS is stuck. Not sure if it screws on or pops off. I think I'm going to soak it in hot water and wait for answers on ways to remove it
I think it is attached
01-22-2014, 01:09 PM
ive had a few bender washer releaser that where the same way stuck like no tomarrow !! its the seal/gasket between the glass jar and ss top hat that's stuck I bet, the top hat pops off once the gaskets free, your on the right track, soak it in warm water for a few then work it around, and repeat till it comes loose, but go easy yes its pyrex glass that is a lot more durable than plain glass, but its still fragile ( due to the fact its old ) once you get it apart and clean it, set it up you`ll have a bulletproof releaser for seasons to come good luck
farmall h
01-22-2014, 04:50 PM
RAYI, it is stuck from caked on milk at the gasket...just as WestMaples stated. I might not force the tophat off or pry it...that gasket is hard to find. Bender releasers were first produced when I was born (1964). Almost as old as dirt ;)
A little warm water and it popped right off. Not what do I do with the dry gaskets
farmall h
01-22-2014, 06:06 PM
Rayi just clean it up best you can without breaking it...maybe put a very light coating of vasailine on just to soften it up. Reinstall the rod, ball and weight through the cap. Install gasket, fit cap assembly back on. Then there should also be a flatter looking cap that has a grommet underneath it. Install that. Then thread on the vac inlet pipe (those are usually 90 degree fittings, some a straight). Your float ball settings are correct. (where the hair pins are). Generally the Benders will not perform well with over 18" on the gauge. Also, the top inlet pipe on the cap needs to be plugged w/ a plastic cap. That is the rinse cycle inlet. If you really need to see some pics see Dennis H's posts. Good luck.
01-22-2014, 06:58 PM
you can get a new gasket for those at :
01-22-2014, 08:25 PM
When I was using them I added weight (washers) to the top of the float to be able to run it at a higher vac. Just cant add a lot or the float will not rise as well.
01-22-2014, 11:17 PM
to properly make a bender cycle under 25" of vac, is to double up the weight ( I used a spare one I had) but when you put the extra weight on the center shaft put it above the top clip on center shaft, otherwise it will slow the float cycling by weighing it down ive had no problems yet just smooth reliable cycling for 1 whole season
From what I have heard the vacuum comes in from the bottom to get higher vacuum. The inlet on the glass it's self is plugged. Do I plug the top inlet (the plastic 90 degree)?
01-23-2014, 02:32 PM
top threaded is to tighten the jar and where I pull the vacuum thru ( threaded bolt should be hollow inside ) , next the rinse port on the side of the top hat I use for the intake for sap, and last the open on the bottom of the glass jar should have a check valve that's attached with a rubber sleeve, that holds the vacuum in to pull in sap and then the float travels up ,closes off vacuum to release the sap out the bottom once the float has cycled but like anything, everyone has there own view on things
maple flats
01-23-2014, 04:32 PM
RAYI, it is stuck from caked on milk at the gasket...just as WestMaples stated. I might not force the tophat off or pry it...that gasket is hard to find. Bender releasers were first produced when I was born (1964). Almost as old as dirt ;)
What do you mean, "old as dirt"? I was married in 1967! Still happy and would do it again.
I can't help you on the Bender, sorry, I just had to comment.
Thank you for all the help I'm going to set it up in my basement to see how it works.
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