View Full Version : DSD "Star Line" Fittings by Maple Guys
01-16-2014, 03:29 PM
So I was browsing through their catalog and found these new spouts. Has anyone tried them? I would like to get some and see how they hold up.
01-16-2014, 04:16 PM
I was working at a table at Verona and a gentleman with Starline showed me a few products. Although I had a hard time understanding him, a combination of his french and me being hard of hearing, I thought they had some good simple products that are worth looking into.
Those saddles look real interesting. I wonder how well they seal?
01-16-2014, 08:56 PM
10 mins to put that saddle on..........
01-16-2014, 09:36 PM
Here is the company that makes them.
10 mins to put that saddle on..........
Why so long?
lakeview maple
01-17-2014, 07:31 AM
Why so long? Yes Why so long to put on ,it looks like drill ,open clamp and tighten down ,easy to operate ,id be worried about the seal not being very big .
01-17-2014, 07:56 AM
10 mins to put that saddle on..........
where did you see it takes 10Min to install? I would questions that as well. Looks to simple. Did anyone go to the webiste and watch the video?
01-17-2014, 08:22 AM
I just watched the video and it takes closer to 10 seconds not 10 min to install. would be curious how well they seal!
Does anyone know what size drill bit is required for these saddles?
12-14-2014, 04:08 AM
As they sell a short 5/16 mainline bit, I would say 5/16"
maple flats
12-14-2014, 05:33 AM
I've ordered some of the saddles to try. They should be in transit now. They look like a big improvement to me. I like putting on SS clamps using a cordless drill, I just set the slip clutch. I'll be installing them next weekend. Will let you know how they go, but my vacuum won't be running yet, that will come about a week before tapping starts. I also ordered some of their straight taps for 1st yr taps, the following years I plan to go with the CV2's or silver taps.
OH, if you click on the link it seems to fail, but from the maple guys site, just search "DSD" and you get it.
12-14-2014, 07:22 AM
I put on 8 of the saddles on Friday and I love them. I see no reason why they wouldn't seal 100% and avoid vacuum leaks for you guys that run vacuum. I was real happy with how they worked and the easy of installation. The gasket how about 4 rings on the underside of it to ensure that there was plenty of seal. I think they stainless hose clamp is a great idea and is not going to bite up into the mainline and cause a small hump internally from over tightening a wire tire. I ordered 20 of them from the Maple Guys and yes it takes a 5/16" bit and I like the small hole also. The way the gasket is designed, you can flip it over and it will fit a 7/16" hole also.
12-14-2014, 08:28 AM
I have start installing those saddle this week. Friday, in less then 7 hour, i've install more then 250 saddles. It took between 35 second to 1 min by saddles(use 2 drill). There seem to have no leak at all.
I will also try the spout adaptor (maybe 20000) this year. In my area, a lot of guy try them last year and they seems really satisfy and got really good yield. The hole is very small and spout suppose to stay in place. (for english version)
12-14-2014, 06:18 PM
We went to the mapleguys open house, and looked these items over. The saddls caught our eye, along with the small 1/4" spout. I'm still up in the air on these as cdl is only 25min from me and they treat me very well. I no if I order these online I can't go get something i forgot from them. But we still might try a few just to see..
J. hutchins
12-14-2014, 06:54 PM
on any of their 5/16 fittings that have tension on them make sure that you use the little ring.
12-15-2014, 05:07 PM
All of my line get a connector with a hook that goes on the wire and dosnt put any pressure on the saddle
01-15-2015, 01:19 PM
I was wondering if anyone has tried the Starline 115 degree sap spout? I run 5/16" line from the spout to a bucket. I used the 5/16" elbow style seasonal spouts last year. Just wanted to be sure before I switched to something new.
01-15-2015, 02:50 PM
I just bought a 100 to try out this season as well. I see they now sell a little plastic hammer, which I bought too. When I used them last year, I did have to go around and do a lot of twisting to get them seated when I found leaks.
maple flats
04-28-2015, 09:40 AM
I used them on all of my new lines and they worked extremely well. Then in season, every old saddle that developed a leak was switched to these too. I will continue to change out all old saddles and convert to these as leaks develop. I don't know why somebody didn't do this years ago, very fast to install and I had zero leaks. If a leak were to occure, just tighten the SS band a little more. (all of my old saddles used a 5/16 hole, I don't have any experience using these over a larger hole but the seal is designed to flip over to seal a larger hole.
04-28-2015, 02:55 PM
I used 130 of the 115 degree spouts this year. No problems all season and they were easy to remove at the end.
04-28-2015, 03:21 PM
Yes I agree. I found the 155's to be much easier to use, especially fixing leaks with the little hammer. Actually I switched to a small mallet and worked much better. The straight line spouts you had to remove the tubing and then tap the end. I will be switching out for next season as well....
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