View Full Version : selling on consignment

01-15-2014, 07:15 AM
Has anyone sold on consignment? Would like to know how to price. thanks

Burnt sap
01-15-2014, 09:03 AM
We use two price lists, however on our website only retail price is listed. If you sell on consignment most people want to make a profit so you need to know what your wholesale price will be? And I just sell wholesale to them then you don't worry about it. Then they call you for more product when low. Hope that helped? Visit us at WWW.Millersmapleacres.com

Drew Pond Maple
01-15-2014, 09:04 AM
What are you selling?

01-15-2014, 11:17 AM
We do not do consignment any longer, too much hassle getting paid and managing inventory.

01-15-2014, 02:03 PM
okay then what is a reasonable percentage from retail to sell wholesale? thanks for all the comment I appreciate it!

01-15-2014, 03:18 PM
Most resellers want at least a 30% profit, greedy ones want much more. I sell a pint for $10 at the farm market, $9 to the reseller who I suggest should get $12 for the pint. I stay away from people who want buy a pint for $6 and resell for $14. I'm the one doing all the work and should make the most off of my product.

maple flats
01-15-2014, 05:10 PM
I give 15% discount to re sellers, but they buy it on delivery. I get $6 half pint, 10 pt, 17 qt, 27 half gal and 52 gal. They buy for 15% off that. They can mark higher than my price if they want, my biggest one sells at my prices. They buy $250-$400 per order.

Dave Y
01-15-2014, 05:32 PM
20% off on cases and 10% off on less than case quantities for wholesale accounts.

01-15-2014, 07:07 PM
I agree, consignment for me was a bit of a hassle. It was an add on for the employees and they weren't always good about recording sales and money. It was a losing effort for me. The guy is still interested in selling my syrup, but we both agree it will be a lot easier if I just sell it to him wholesale and then he marks it up.

As for wholesale price this year, I was thinking I would recommend that he sell it for the same price I do. I'm only about a mile and a half away, so I'm thinking it wouldn't be good for business if people see they can get the same thing for cheaper directly from me down the road. I know as a consumer, that's what I'd think.

Then again to give him a 30% take, I'm losing 30% for something I always sell out of at retail. I don't know. Maybe I should encourage him to add a little to the price. I'm interested in more input from wholesalers on this.


shane hickey
01-15-2014, 07:16 PM
I sell everything whole sale whether bulk or other people that take it to the markets I give them 35% of the sale for whatever they can sell it for I just tell them see what others are selling there syrup for then under cut them by 10% I just Dont like dealing with the public I know that's funny to say in this business but some people want to talk for an hour to just buy a pint I have better things to do then be a phycologists lol.

01-15-2014, 09:31 PM
We stopped doing consignments years ago. Way to many issues to complicate things and the risk is all yours. We now keep 8-10 wholesale accounts and they order what they need as they need it. We do have minimum orders. If your wholesaling you need to know all of your costs ie: syrup, container, labels, boxes, delivery, overhead, insurance, etc.