View Full Version : 2014 off to a good start

01-14-2014, 07:00 PM
After the last two years of only getting ~4 gallons of _sap_ for the entire season, I was almost too discouraged to try again this year. However, a friend wanted to see how it's done so we headed down to my sugarbush and put in 3 taps (all I could find right off). Well those 3 were running like crazy and it encouraged me enough to dig up my remaining spouts and clean them up and put in those 10 taps. That was yesterday afternoon. Today I collected twice and have ended up with over 6-1/2 gallons. Hopefully I'm on the beginning side of the runs and not catching the last bits. My #1 tree gave over 2 gallons (it has 2 spouts), another gave 1.5, and a third almost a gallon. My excitement is renewed.

Casey in Louisa

Scribner's Mountain Maple
01-15-2014, 06:23 AM
Way to stick with it. I would guess you are on the beginning end of your season. So get ready for a lot more sap!!


shane hickey
01-15-2014, 07:16 AM
There will always be bad years just have ride it out and hope for a good one

Will in Va
02-13-2014, 02:17 PM
Like everyone has said just keep on kicking!

Our season started about 10 days ago right after the last real cold snap, so you are probably right in the middle of yours.

Good luck!