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01-13-2014, 12:11 PM
Hey guys I have a quick question about check valves. If you wash them with Clorox or just water can you use them again instead if buying new ones each year? That gets a little pricey and anyway to save a buck these days would be great.

01-13-2014, 12:59 PM
My advise is to use new one every year. the clorox may attack the plastic or whatever the check ball is made of.

01-13-2014, 01:23 PM
I buy new every year however there are larger producers with thousands of taps that do not. some leave them on the stubby all year. some take them off and soak in hot water and let try and reinstall the following year. All up to the user...

01-13-2014, 01:41 PM
Change ours every year

01-13-2014, 01:46 PM
If you don't change them every year you're losing money not saving.


Thad Blaisdell
01-13-2014, 01:47 PM
I buy new every year however there are larger producers with thousands of taps that do not. some leave them on the stubby all year. some take them off and soak in hot water and let try and reinstall the following year. All up to the user...

That is probably the craziest thing I have every heard. And by larger producer is that compared to what.

These spouts are made to be a one time use item, period. Throw away and buy new. If you are going to reuse something then you might as well buy a cheap spout to start with. I could go on and on, but I can tell you I know of no "larger" producer that reuses any spout. Some mediocre places might, but once they hit what I consider larger they are in it to make money and the new spout makes you money.

01-13-2014, 01:59 PM
That could be I am just stating what I have heard. No, I am not a larger producer and for me to purchase 250 CV's is not a big deal. I guess larger is a matter of opinion. Ok, so lets say 5-10,000 taps or around a $3,500 bill just for spouts. I agree that they are designed to be used one year. All of the information and data provided by PMRC also indicates best practices say change to a new spout every year. But, I dare say, particularly under vacuume, that the difference between using a non cv spout new every year and a used CV spout I bet the used CV spout still is more beneficial that the new non cv spout. Just my 2 cents and an opinion that is not based upon any scientific fact whatsoever (and no, I do not expect Dr Tim to comment).

Thad Blaisdell
01-13-2014, 03:54 PM
adk, I will take that bet.

maple flats
01-13-2014, 05:18 PM
Even at my size, I change every one. I'm just slightly above "small producer" but I'm sure not a large one, nor will I ever be large. I have changed spouts every year since I first heard about adapters to use in the tree then tap the old spout into the adapter. This was likely about 2004-05. The the CV 1, I used them, and this year I'm using all CV2.
I believe in the research and profit is my goal. Even at $.40 each plus labor to change it takes very little gain to pay for the new spout. Don't be penney wise and pound foolish

01-13-2014, 05:19 PM
We use new every year. The cost might seem high but the benefits are much greater. I have seen the presentations with the data on new vs used and used never yielded even close to a used spout. I have not seen any data proving that washing, boiling, alcohol or Chlorox does enough to get anywhere near the production of new spouts.

01-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Do any of you install your CV2's prior to the "season"?

First year for us. Started installing spouts this afternoon, not tapping just installing onto the drops. Luckily we noticed if you install them onto a 3 stage tee, when you pull them off the spout comes apart and the ball falls out!! Good thing this was observered on the first spout. Not wanting to have the drops blowing in the breeze, we opted to wait on the CV2's until tapping.

So instead of installing CV2's on existing lines we installed CDL Smartspouts on the new side.

01-13-2014, 06:28 PM
We buy new CV spouts each year, wouldn't even consider reusing the old CVs for the next season.

Scribner's Mountain Maple
01-13-2014, 06:42 PM
I started installing new taps each year and noticed an increase in production the first year. I will never use an old spout again. Now my woods are a mix of old and new tubing. What I plan is to use CV2 on all old tubing and the clear straight spouts on all new tubing. The benefits of the CV2, which is 40 cents vs the clear straight at 15 cents isn't gained in new tubing systems from the research I have seen. From what I understand, on new tubing, most all new spouts perform relatively the same. Especially if on continuous vacuum. Of course I will use all CV2 if there is evidence out there proving the benefit of a CV2 on new tubing systems.


01-13-2014, 07:44 PM
I , we are not large producers by any means but drop line changes and new cv seam to working for us . I will continue to change drops and spouts every year till I cant tap any more . We change our mainline on a 6 year rotation also which may help , dont know but cleanliness is next to godliness. Have you ever seen BLACK spots in tubing? I have, wouldnt want to eat it dont expect my customers to eat it either! Change them , your producing a food , the benefit out weighs the cost if only in peace of mind. My 2 cents . Mike