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04-14-2015, 02:10 PM
Sap still running at 425 GPH and the sugar is 1.5%. Now the weather man is saying it will not freeze tonight but tomorrow night only. I heard the Island pond outfit is doing poor. It is possible Quebec will have a very poor year. Time will tell.


04-14-2015, 03:31 PM
We are definitely behind since we only really started going last Friday but we normally boil into early May. Relatives in Quebec not having a good year, not much of a snow depth. Doubt a low crop production will impact prices since they have plenty of reserve.

Sap still running at 425 GPH and the sugar is 1.5%. Now the weather man is saying it will not freeze tonight but tomorrow night only. I heard the Island pond outfit is doing poor. It is possible Quebec will have a very poor year. Time will tell.


04-14-2015, 08:01 PM
Wow that was a tricky boil! The sap did not want to stay in the pans and I had one foam over that required shutting off the blower to get it back in control. Thank goodness for a floor drain. The sap that came in over night was somewhat fermented by the time I ran it thru the ro, so more defoamer than I would generally like to use was required. I thought I might make rope but fortunately no. I did make about 14 gal. of dark syrup. Right on the dark/very dark line though I will likely grade it as very dark due to the strong flavor. No sign of any bud flavor, but definitely strong. It went thru the press, but very hard going and will have to clean the press before more syrup. I have generally been getting 30-40 gal. thru between cleanings, but not with this stuff.

I'm hoping that with a cooler night the sap that comes in overnight will not start to ferment, but we'll see. It is still nice and clear and 1.5%. I'm thinking I am pretty close to pulling the plug but will keep going through the next freeze which looks like tomorrow night. The peepers are doing their thing tonight...

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-15-2015, 04:44 AM
well I received a very nice letter, it was from my liver. It was thanking me for the end of sugaring season and not having as many boiling sodas each night.:lol::lol::lol:

04-15-2015, 06:47 AM
well I received a very nice letter, it was from my liver. It was thanking me for the end of sugaring season and not having as many boiling sodas each night.:lol::lol::lol:


04-15-2015, 07:18 AM
No freeze again last night. Valleys were colder. Got one more shot at a good freeze tonite. If we don't get it, we'll likely be done by the end of the weekend or before.

04-15-2015, 07:40 AM
No freeze here either. Down to 35 over night so at least the sap quality has improved. I pulled in another 400gal. since 5:30 yesterday and will once again go over 1 gpt in 24 hours. Sugar is holding steady at 1.6% which I find impressive because last season we were down to 1 at the end.

Clearly good taphole sanitation and good vac. brings in the sap this late in the season. I have never gone this late before.

04-15-2015, 08:12 AM
It froze in Waterbury. 27 when I took the dogs out.

04-15-2015, 08:41 AM
It froze here on the VT. border. 27 degrees. Prediction was for 33. The valleys and pockets around here are always a few degrees colder. My Dad lives 8 miles downstream from me and is consistently 2 deg. cooler than myself. Predicting even colder temps. tonight then that should be it. Syrup is really dark but still tastes good. My buyer loves it that way so I'll press on to the end.

04-15-2015, 10:10 AM
Decent freeze in my lower woods again early this morning, had 30F at 5am and lines frozen solid, cleared the sap up considerably. This has been an interesting season for us; with no idea what to expect from these woods I can never completely tell what the next day is going to bring. Monday was our hardest run yet, I wouldn't have predicted that.
It seems that the way our valley holds the cold (which killed our early season) is exactly what is keeping us going now.
Hopefully we can stretch it out, I'd like to at least hit 5lbs/tap

Paul VT
04-15-2015, 12:21 PM
27 here in east Montpelier this am. Sap still 2.1%

04-15-2015, 03:58 PM
I got a little freeze last night and it looks like I will get about 7000 gallons for the day. Me. Weather man is now saying freeze for the next two nights. Sap testing 1.2% but would like to keep going through the weekend.


04-15-2015, 06:57 PM

Hard freeze this morning. Getting over a thousand gallons an hour, cold temps next few nights. Things are going well.

04-15-2015, 08:41 PM
Wow. It looks very wintry up there in the NEK. No winter here but I am still 100% a sugarmaker. The sap ran steady all day despite no freeze since saturday night. I actually think that if I left the vac. pump on I could make syrup until the leaves come out. That is how well the sap has been running here. It slows down overnight, and then picks back up in the morning and more than 1 gpt accumulates in the tanks in 24 hours. The sugar is at about 1.5% and despite the fact that the red maples have visually budded, I made over 10 gal. of dark robust with surprisingly good flavor. My wife said it tastes like smores. No bud flavor. We'll take it. It is challenging to boil however due to the foam and after closer inspection this morning I realized that last night I scorched one syrup pan due to foam while drawing off. It cleaned up fine and no harm done. I also realized that last night's syrup was ever so slightly ropey as when I took apart the filter press this afternoon the plates were "strung" together. The syrup I packed up seems fine though. Go figure.

Tonight's syrup was better, I think due to less yeast and fermentation in the sap. I assume the extreme foam is due to alcohols in the sap from the yeast. I have used fermented syrup to make sugar and it foams like heck when boiling. It can be hard to keep in the pan. I learned that I have to keep a very close eye on the flue pan, especially right after firing up the blower. Soon after, I have to shut the blower down, add a good dose of defoamer and then it will be ok assuming I continually add defoamer through the boil.

There was a certain aroma making its presence in the sugarhouse tonight, the one that suggests the end is near and I am pretty certain that a freeze tonight won't stop the inevitable. The peepers are quiet tonight so I will be a sugarmaker for at least one more day. One day at a time from here on in. I'm up to 275 gal. and it seems like at least 300 is likely. I'm feeling good about that.

04-16-2015, 05:03 AM
I got 6000 gallons yesterday and woke up today with 29 degrees. I hope things pick up today and tomorrow with the freeze.


04-16-2015, 05:45 AM
had 24 degrees here in Derby this morning! got 190 gallons yesterday outta my 210 taps... good day! should be more of the same today! sugar content has been right at 2%. should surpass last year's #'s this afternoon! didn't think that was possible a week ago!

Randy Brutkoski
04-16-2015, 06:32 AM
Last boil today.Couldnt filter yesterday. Only boiled on 5800 taps this year and i am at 2280 gallons before todays boil. not bad with all the problems i had.

04-16-2015, 07:44 AM
No freeze for us last night, although a few of the colder areas might have gotten a light touch of frost. Won't do anything for us production-wise. I suspect we'll get another few days out of it and that'll be the end. Syrup yesterday was dark, but very good tasting with no hint of any late-season off-flavor, so we'll keep boiling for a while yet.

04-16-2015, 07:47 AM
NEW Efficiency Vermont Program starts today for Vermont Maple Syrup Producers

Sugaring season is currently winding down, but it’s a great time to start thinking about next year!

Never had a maple reverse osmosis (RO) system before?
Did you know it could cut your boiling time by 50-75%, using less fuel/wood and freeing up your time?

If you had more than 250 taps or 60 gallons of syrup produced in 2014 a RO might be right for you.
Get a quote from a vendor and fill out our Maple RO Pre-Qualification Form.
The Form can also be found on our website here:

Rebate Levels for Maple RO
Gallon per Hour (GPH) Rating Rebate per System
50-149 $1,000
150-299 $1,500
300-599 $2,000
600-999 $2,500
1000+ $3,000

Please keep in mind:
• Must be a first-time RO purchase for an existing sugaring operation.
• RO system must be purchased between 1/1/15 and 11/30/15.
• Funds for this program are limited. Preapprovals are required and rebates will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. If necessary, a waiting list will be developed.
• Maximize your chances and submit a pre-qualification form for approval as soon as possible.
• This rebate can be used in conjunction with other grant/loan programs; for example the USDA Rural Energy for America Program.

We will be out-and-about the weekend of the VT Maple Festival spreading the word. Hope to see you there!

If you have any questions about this program or other Efficiency Vermont services do not hesitate to reach out.
Thanks, Jenn

Jennifer Osgood
Program Manager – Agriculture
Efficiency Vermont
128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 401
Burlington, VT 05401
Toll Free: 888-921-5990 x7814
Direct Dial: 802-540-7814
Fax: 802-658-1643

04-16-2015, 10:48 AM
Good freeze here, dry lines were hammering so I know the upper woods froze too. Sap went to 1.5 yesterday but tested 2.0 this morning, I have a feeling this increase is because a section heavy to soft maple either hasn't started to run today or is nearly done for the season, we'll see.
I have a CDL vertical releaser with a manifold and 1.5hp submersible pump. I had heard that these can be easily overwhelmed when lines thaw and have witnessed this a couple times, the worst was today when I actually had to almost close the valve on a 2000 tap wet line or I would have set off the moisture trap, it just couldn't pump fast enough.
This releaser is rated for 8000 taps but if it needs to be babysat on 3050 that seems unlikely. I've also had issues with the lines to the tanks freezing and backing up the releaser and closing the moisture trap...but that's more to do with my setup.
Anyone tried dropping a second pump in one of these? I guess CDL is telling people that is the solution, from what I've heard.

04-16-2015, 11:49 AM
I don't think the pumps CDL is using in those releasers are really adequate for the job. If it were me I would get in touch with Clayton at MES and look into one of his electric releasers. I am using one of similar design and it has been awesome. http://www.mapleexperts.com/

We had a marginal freeze here last night and it was enough to pick up the sap flow a bit but not enough to bring up the sugar content. Down to about 1.4 and sap quality is dropping off. Its getting too warm to store sap and I don't want to make ropey syrup. I'm going to keep the pump on through the afternoon so I can make some permeate for cleaning the RO, but tonight will be my last boil of the 2015 season. I'm going to chase the sugar out of the rig with water and let it soak for a couple days. I'll start pulling taps tomorrow. It's time to get ready for other projects including building a house this summer.

It has been a great season for me. Good luck to everyone still at it!

04-16-2015, 11:51 AM
I wish we had a similar rebate program up here in Ontario. People complain about subsidies for maple in Canada, but those are probably in Quebec, though I have yet to see any hard facts on those supposed subsidies. Here in Ontario the provincial gov't. Is way behind when it comes to supporting the maple industry. They are on pace to be the last in line to put the mew grading system into effect. I wonder if the advertised RO rebate program will be available for purchasing Ray Gingrich's ROs, since the info. Sheet states ROs must be commercially available and not homemade.

04-16-2015, 06:16 PM
We have a CDL 20 x 48 with two pumps in the bottom with 9000 taps. When things let loose we have to babysit the releaser for same issue. Its rated for 15000 taps, hate to see that rodeo when 15k let loose.

04-16-2015, 07:03 PM
After complaining for the past month about all the cold mornings, glad to see they are still coming. Down to 24 degrees this morning, took until almost 10am to thaw lines. Plenty of sap coming in, late night boiling. Next ten days look good, cloudy most days and most nights around 32 or colder. Just might be an ok season for us if things work out.

8400 gallon tank nearly full.


04-16-2015, 07:36 PM
[QUOTE=sjdoyon;281973]After complaining for the past month about all the cold mornings, glad to see they are still coming. Down to 24 degrees this morning, took until almost 10am to thaw lines. Plenty of sap coming in, late night boiling. Next ten days look good, cloudy most days and most nights around 32 or colder. Just might be an ok season for us if things work out.

8400 gallon tank nearly full.

Thats a nice tank you have. I am looking to due away with my 4250 and my 3250 tank and buy something in the 9000+ range. I am glad things are going well for you. My sap ran today and will run all night. I think tomorrow I will be done. Overall it was not a great year for me. Between the defected CV2 spouts and the poor weather I only had about a 60% season. I will be planting apple trees in a few weeks. The kids have next week off from school so they will pull all the spouts for me.


04-17-2015, 12:36 AM
We're still plugging along here... closing in on 2300 gallons made so far, the majority of it Golden Delicate. Started making some Dark Robust yesterday and the day before but both days it lightened up after awhile. The filter press is plugging up quicker thatn it has been we'll boil tomorrow then see where we go from there.

Quick question.. how in the hell do I change my signature? When I go to my profile there is no little pencil thing next to it to click on in order to edit it...

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-17-2015, 05:23 AM
Last boil today.Couldnt filter yesterday. Only boiled on 5800 taps this year and i am at 2280 gallons before todays boil. not bad with all the problems i had.
need a 20" press like thads.

04-17-2015, 08:46 AM
I did officially pull the plug yesterday as the syrup flavor really started to drop off. Not too bad but definitely a hint of bud and it is just not worth the time to me to make commercial. It was also very difficult to boil with all the foam and the varying draw off temp. Almost scorched a pan once again due to the foam. I had to raise the level in the syrup pans to 1.5" just to safely boil the stuff. I also was only able to get about 7 gal. thru the press before a paper burst. I pushed the sugar out of the pans with water and drew off a total of about 20 gal. Going to try to get the rest thru the press today.

Now it's time to start cleaning, pulling taps, and get ready for the market/retail season. I ended up at about 305 gallons for the season but still need to crunch the numbers. Looks like I will end up at about .4/tap which I am happy with considering the weather this season. Most of the syrup was Golden Delicate but I made some of every grade, even some Very Dark Strong which some customers will be happy about.

04-17-2015, 10:05 AM
Go to setting and edit signature down on the left side.

We're still plugging along here... closing in on 2300 gallons made so far, the majority of it Golden Delicate. Started making some Dark Robust yesterday and the day before but both days it lightened up after awhile. The filter press is plugging up quicker thatn it has been we'll boil tomorrow then see where we go from there.

Quick question.. how in the hell do I change my signature? When I go to my profile there is no little pencil thing next to it to click on in order to edit it...

04-17-2015, 10:49 AM
Made some really nice dark/robust syrup yesterday. Not a hint of off-flavor. Today will be our last boil, although we'll transfer the sweet in the evaporator over to the finishing pan tomorrow and boil that off. Should end up with about 1,900+ gal off our 3,674 gaps this year, or about 0.52 gal syrup per tap. That's a little off our long-term average (0.59 gal/tap) , but pretty close....especially considering the equipment issues we dealt with this season.

Now it's time to sit down and collate all the data, analyze the results, and figure out what to say at the Leader Evaporator Co. Open House next Friday/Saturday.

04-17-2015, 11:50 AM
Now it's time to sit down and collate all the data, analyze the results, and figure out what to say at the Leader Evaporator Co. Open House next Friday/Saturday.

Do you know if there will be any discussion about results comparing 3/16 on a combination of natural + mechanical vacuum vs 3/16 on gravity alone there?

I did 3/16 onto a mainline under 27.5" of vacuum this year and had what I consider to be very good results for this weather - 23 gallons of sap per tap on 107 taps - but I didn't do it in a scientific way (I didn't do any 3/16 only lines). Last year I got close to that in gallons of sap per tap using just 3/16 on gravity - but the season was much different last year.

I was achieving at least 27" on all the taps I measured throughout the season, and had vacuum readings at the top of my lines that were higher than 28" or 29" - the Leader catalog has a little chart that makes it sound like >27" should yield around 30 gallons of sap per tap - but I suspect that this year that would not be the case.

Since I trade/sell the sap, the gallons of syrup per tap is really just the upper limit assuming there was no processing waste - in that I hit 0.62 gallons per tap (calculating the syrup value using the "new jones rule of 88.2" in http://www.uvm.edu/~pmrc/jones.pdf ).

04-17-2015, 12:42 PM
I got a flyer from Bascom & Tim Wilmot is going to be at their open house discussing 3/16 tubing with & without Vac Pumps, first weekend of May.

04-18-2015, 08:56 AM
Approaching 2,500 gallons made. All our trees on the north facing slope and above 2,000ft are running hard. Still have over a foot of snow in this section.

04-18-2015, 02:37 PM
Well we're done here, sugared off this morning and ended up with a little over 2400 gallons for the season. Pulled a few spouts this afternoon and will be back at it tomorrow.

04-18-2015, 08:12 PM
Well we're done here, sugared off this morning and ended up with a little over 2400 gallons for the season. Pulled a few spouts this afternoon and will be back at it tomorrow.

I am glad you had a very good year. Is it safe to say you're changing your name to DodgePower? :)


04-18-2015, 08:38 PM
Do you know if there will be any discussion about results comparing 3/16 on a combination of natural + mechanical vacuum vs 3/16 on gravity alone there?

That is primarily the work of Tim Wilmot. He won't be speaking at Leader Evaporator this year. I may have some results to discuss on using 3/16" in a vacuum setting, but given that the analysis is just starting, I can't say for sure yet exactly what will be presented. If anything is presented, it'll be fairly minimal.

04-19-2015, 06:59 AM
yesterday and again today shortly

04-19-2015, 07:51 PM
Late night boiling, sap has been coming in hard all day. Temps going down to 25 tonight, should be a good day tomorrow.

04-19-2015, 08:35 PM
Late night boiling, sap has been coming in hard all day. Temps going down to 25 tonight, should be a good day tomorrow.

How many gallons are you up to.


04-20-2015, 06:47 AM
Spud, you are behind the times.... I traded the Ram in for a Chevy about a month and a half ago, I couldn't continue driving around feeling like a trader :lol:. Took me awhile to come to my senses but the grass isn't always greener on the other side :). Sorry you had the troubles you did this season, I thought you would have been able to go another couple days after we were done. Anyway, have fun with the kids this week and good luck to those still going.

04-20-2015, 03:52 PM
We're approaching 2,900, still behind on our goal but heading in right direction. Around 1,500 gph of sap this afternoon.
How many gallons are you up to.


04-22-2015, 03:28 AM
Anyone still going?

04-22-2015, 08:11 PM
Anyone still going?

I know a guy in Island Pond that I think is still going.

He got a really late start to his season though.

04-22-2015, 08:18 PM
Still plenty going in the NEK and northern NH. Still getting nice sap with temps in the 20s at night and 40s in the day.

04-23-2015, 05:43 AM
sjdoyon- Looks like your in for a very good season. I have been watching you're weather and it looks very good. Keep it going and keep us posted. I predict you're going to make 5042 gallons. Anyone care to join in? Good luck to you.


04-23-2015, 07:34 AM
4820 gallons!

04-24-2015, 05:48 AM
Woke up this morning to 4 inches of fresh snow. Weather man says more to come tonight. Yesterday the kids and I pulled 4000 spouts. I don't know if I should pull the spouts on my new woods or turn the vacuum back on. This has been a crazy season for sure.


04-24-2015, 05:55 AM
a couple producers by me have been filling their tanks every day since Monday! I had to stop for other reasons then maple, but I'm watching $ signs fly out the door every day... a little depressing! definitely an odd season!

04-24-2015, 06:17 AM
We are headed that way for Maple weekend. Maybe should leave my snow tires on?

04-24-2015, 08:08 AM
we are still going. We got some little freezes earlier this week that kept us alive, the last week and a half have been consistant flow. Hit 5.4lbs/tap yesterday.

04-24-2015, 08:45 AM
yeah... leave the snow tires on for the weekend. I had 3 inches of snow on my lawn this morning at 530! another 3 coming tonight!

04-24-2015, 05:22 PM
was 30 deg and snowing when i left Whitefield NH this afternoon...so folks still at it up north are in luck...

keep on keeping on...

04-24-2015, 07:30 PM
After fourteen days of nice runs, trees shut down last night. Temps down in the low 20s and four inches of snow this morning. Sugarbush was froze fairly hard this morning, temps hovered low 30s all day, no sap. We were able to drain the back pan of the evaporator and clean it out, full of niter after boiling for 15 days straight. Things should start running tomorrow and looks like cool nights all week. If we can make it to 05 May, will be a fairly good year for us.

04-24-2015, 08:13 PM
Stopped at Tommy and Ceciline Brannon and they were still boiling today. Only getting sap from their high altitude bush now.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-25-2015, 04:06 AM
heading to the open houses via Barre

04-27-2015, 07:49 AM
Shutdown yesterday around noon, sap was still coming in hard and clear but smelled bad.
We did 82,046 gal of sap. 26.9 gal/tap of sap. According to the Cornell sap sellers spreadsheet (which is awesome) this should have yielded:
1588.3 gal of syrup, putting us at 5.73 lbs/tap or .52gal/tap

04-27-2015, 07:30 PM
Got things going again Saturday, still getting nice sap. Making over 200 gallons of syrup each day. Looks like we should be able to keep things going into the weekend. High temps arriving middle of next week which should bring things to an end.

04-27-2015, 08:06 PM
That's great your still going in the NEK, I wonder if anyone is still going in the Pittsburg /Stewertstown area, I know there are a couple of newer operations up there.

04-27-2015, 08:24 PM
Hows your sugar content. We are still going in northern ny at 1700 ft. Sap still clear but only 1.2 sugar. Had our last freeze sat night hope we can make it to the weekend.

04-28-2015, 04:55 AM
Content was 2.2 yesterday morning. Our bush at 2,000 to 2,400' elevation is sending us the nice sap.

Two of the larger producers were all done last week, a couple of small producers with north facing slopes still going.
Good luck.

04-29-2015, 07:08 AM
Content was 2.2 yesterday morning. Our bush at 2,000 to 2,400' elevation is sending us the nice sap.

Two of the larger producers were all done last week, a couple of small producers with north facing slopes still going.
Good luck.

How many gallons are you up to now? We have some 70 degree days coming with full sun. Keep it going.


04-29-2015, 07:06 PM
Should be around 4,500 gallons tomorrow. Yes, temps are rising although if they say 60s, temps will probably be in the 50s on the mountain. Probably will be done this weekend, looking at Sunday hopefully. We were nervous with the start of the season but turning out to be a good year for us. The hard work prior and during the season paid off, thankfully the weather didn't ruin it for us.

How many gallons are you up to now? We have some 70 degree days coming with full sun. Keep it going.


05-03-2015, 05:28 AM
Did you finish up for the season? How many gallons did you make? Hope you have a great summer.


05-03-2015, 07:13 AM
Turn off the lights, the party is over.

All done with a final boil today, sap is getting ropey.

We should be around 4,780 gallons. Was hoping for a better year but all vonsidering, we did fairly good.

Best run of the season was a little over 35,000 gallons of sap in 24hrs. Almost over flowed our 8,400 gallon tank a few times. Won't be adding tas this year.

Have a good off season.

Did you finish up for the season? How many gallons did you make? Hope you have a great summer.


05-04-2015, 04:42 AM
Looks like you had a .39 GPT season. I would say thats real good for this season. Have a good summer everyone.


Flat Lander Sugaring
05-04-2015, 05:25 AM
Looks like you had a .39 GPT season. I would say thats real good for this season. Have a good summer everyone.

let me know when mary kay sign gets put back out GF needs some new stuff HEHE :lol: need to pick up what you good looking guys up north have so I can start getting more for my syrup.

05-04-2015, 06:46 AM
Hey I think I won the pot for closest to his total.....what did I win?????


12-23-2015, 02:37 PM
Well it's a little early for this thread to show up, but I have been kicking around reading other threads and seeing lots of people on lately.
So is everyone ready for this wild ride this season? I have a gut feeling and here's my prediction, lots of sap, once this warm weather spell we are in breaks watch out.

I'm think buy the end of January I will be tapped which will only be apprx 2 weeks earlier then average.
I'm in the process of adding 3-400 taps now, and that's all I can get out of this woods. Should be 100%
So what are your feelings and whatcha been up to.
Parker Maple

Paul VT
12-25-2015, 12:53 PM
Just wondering. Anyone doing any fall sugaring? If so wondering how the season is going?

01-01-2016, 07:11 PM
Anyone getting a itchy trigger finger yet, hope you got the battery's all charged up and ready😀

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-02-2016, 04:39 AM
not even close to being ready

01-11-2016, 07:24 AM
Been real busy this year building our house and it is looking like we will be moving in mid February. No major changes this year. At this point I'm thinking of tapping late Jan. or early Feb. if it looks like we are going to have some thaws in February. This seems likely if the pattern continues. I don't want to miss early sap like in 2012.

I was able to get around the woods and clear limbs and debris off tubing, which I will likely have to do once more before tapping. I have some repairs to do as always and will be shortening some laterals and adding more saddles in a few areas. I'm also replacing a few long runs of 5/16 on a steep slope with 3/16. I'm ready in the sugarhouse so this will be the first season in many that I am not rushing to get stuff done. That feels kind of nice. :)

01-11-2016, 10:45 AM
I sure am glad the weather pattern appears to have changed back to something more like "normal" I was starting to get a little twitchy.

01-11-2016, 02:51 PM
Put a second coat of paint on new arch my son helped me build last week. Ordered new pans from Thor. 3X12 they were welding sight glass ports on back pan last Monday so should be done soon. Old arch is still in place.....

01-11-2016, 06:01 PM
I have been working in the woods for what seams to me forever. New taps added. New mains run to shorten lengths of some lats. That's on one bush here closest to the house. Now I have to focus on the others. The one in Weston Im considering redoing in all 3/16. There's 600 there now but could easily triple that count. But I would want to redo all new mains and re configure the layout as well. Might happen this year or fore sure next year. Order front hood for the brand new leader oil fire rig. Can't wait to put the sap In The new max flue pan. And no more cutting splitting and lugging wood. Flip the switch and on she comes. Best yet when she runs out, call and get more delivered asap.
Also installing new membranes this year from Clayton at mes. Can't wait they should flow a lot more then the last ones did.
Glad to see this cold spell, but like we all no. The weather will do what it will do. So who knows. I herd that a few have been tapping south of me. I'm keeping my eyes on the weather now..
Good luck to all of you, hope your tanks run full of the sweet stuff

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-17-2016, 05:43 PM
getting refab ro back together12479124801248012481

01-17-2016, 06:03 PM
Hey Flat; what brand is your feed pump?0

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-18-2016, 04:17 AM
Hey Flat; what brand is your feed pump?0

home depot special with stainless pump housing, 169.00 about
wayne pls100 720gph same rating as my HP pump

01-20-2016, 08:00 PM
Just checked the accu weather for my area. Starting Sunday the 1/31 37deg then steadily climbing from there for as far as the forecast shows. This could be an early run or the start to the season. I will keep my eyes on it now more closely fore sure. If it looks good I will start taping next week.

01-22-2016, 06:22 PM
I'm likely going to tap next weekend to be ready for any Feb. thaws. Using mostly CV2s this season with smart spouts on new drops.

blissville maples
01-25-2016, 06:20 PM
yes, getting a bit nervous about these higher temps im seeing, wish it would give another week or two. no sap today flowing(full sun test tree 1-14'' 1-8''), was running last warm up a week or two ago now. i know im feeling a bit behind the gun at this point, with 600 taps left to change and two days of dubbing with tanks and lines etc.

blissville maples
01-26-2016, 06:41 PM
ahhh, nothing major here in champlain valley as of yet was a little concerned today, test tree had cup of sap today so was relieved. like an old timer said "when your gettin stuck your getting sap" if you have mud there WILL be sap!! its coming

01-26-2016, 07:11 PM
Well I got mud on my woods roads, and no snow around the base of the trees. Also broken maple branch was dripping like crazy around 1-2.. Charging the batteries for this weekend

blissville maples
01-26-2016, 07:28 PM
boy im really itching !!!! whats your elevation there in andover?? yes, youd better get the bit ready!!! hooray!! weird i would have assumed my "test" tree would have run but nothing, down here in champlain valley. good luck

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-27-2016, 05:22 PM
to cold taps wont run yet, need a couple days of warm weather to break the trees open,you might get something but not enough to freeze up pans and ro, been there done that. according to accu weather temps supposed to get back down into single digits in Feb. not to worried about tapping yet. Relax its coming,

Can you believe that Flat Lander telling some one else to relax :lol:

01-27-2016, 07:02 PM
to cold taps wont run yet, need a couple days of warm weather to break the trees open,you might get something but not enough to freeze up pans and ro, been there done that. according to accu weather temps supposed to get back down into single digits in Feb. not to worried about tapping yet. Relax its coming,

Can you believe that Flat Lander telling some one else to relax :lol:

Can't believe flatlander is chancing a good sap run. Your right the forecasted long range might fall back down or just maybe there wrong again. And it stays warm enough, you really never know. I no this though, if you don't put them in they will never run lol😀😀
I'm going for it. Only two weeks earlier hen last year, plus I have lots to fix I'm sure.

blissville maples
01-27-2016, 07:08 PM
for now, however just watched news and am not liking day of 30's 2 days of 40's s day of low 30's and then another 40's. that will likely trigger a small run maybe 1/2 gal per tap or so, these last couple days (until tonight) have started a small thaw, which may freeze back up tight if we see single digits before Saturday and sunday. looked at polar oscilation charts, it is looking like a cold snap in February will occur, of course anything can change. what i can say is first sign of 35+ for more than 3 days after February 14th with no single digits you can know ill be drilling, sun in February is very powerful. ive done the itchy early tapping, and it can make some syrup but typically nothing too major. however like last year when it froze up beginning of march its a major pain dealing with all the tanks freezing valves sometimes busting, etc. pans usually no prob, if. r.o freezes may wanna relocate that or think about heater!!!

01-28-2016, 11:50 AM
Just listened to forecast... if this isn't a late Jan thaw then it is likely going to run by Sunday up to 40 and mid 40's Monday, mid 30's Tues, and 40's agan next Wed... anyone in Central Vt tapping for this ?

I am soooo not ready...

01-28-2016, 12:01 PM
I'm likely going to start tapping tomorrow and see how many I can get in by Sunday evening. I suspect we will get a decent run next week, but I am mainly trying to get started due to my schedule this spring. It would be great to have all the bugs worked out by the time we really start getting sap, which seems like it could be early this year. This is also the first year I am really ready to go with no major additions so if I do get some sap next week it won't take me long to be ready to boil assuming no major issues.

blissville maples
01-28-2016, 06:24 PM
well unfortunantly, ive come to the determination, that whoever isn't ready to tap this weekend will be missing first early boil!!! including myself. been burning candle both ends, may try to go for it this weekend if can get ready, potentially taking Monday off!!! we'll see, and im not so sure that we'll see single digits like extended says!!! who can tell though, all i know is a lot of melt off today, ground softened up in sun, and that's making me wonder!!

01-28-2016, 07:43 PM
After floundering a few days on the decision, with the forecast staying, and becoming more favorable, I started getting ready. This could be a very good run for me here. All the forecasts call for Sunday and Monday 41-45, a reset of 28 Monday night, and Tuesday and Wednesday 45-50...
Cleaned out and organized my little sugarhouse yesterday, broke out my vacuum system, and tested good after replacing the vacuum gauge. All my mainlines hooked up. Ready for sap!
Tomorrow I tap, Saturday to Bellows Falls VMSMA conf, and more tapping Sunday.
Should be ready to test my Home built Pro RO!

130 taps put in today, with 30 drops added.
140 more tapped for 270 on vacuum. sap is running.

Justin Turco
01-31-2016, 08:38 AM
I repaired one sugarbush yesterday and will do my second one today. I'm thinking about going for it too. Have you guys started drilling holes? I'm just worried about the holes drying up too soon. I'm not on Vacuum so my holes probably don't stay quite as clean. Sap probably kind of sits there.

Though I put a bucket in one year in early January for a photo shoot and that seemed to run good when sugaring finally rolled around. (I think they might stay cleaner than a tap on tubing though.)

Who ended up tapping?

Justin Turco
01-31-2016, 08:59 AM
You know what? I just opened the dining room curtains and was struck by the lack of snow cover out there. I'm going to go for it. I need conditions that promote natural flow of tree sap. Unlike last year.....I fear those conditions might not last long this year.

01-31-2016, 09:37 AM
I decided to sit this thaw out. I generally prefer to tap frozen trees and I have a few other projects I would rather get done during the warmer weather this week. Going to get tanks cleaned, organize sugarhouse, and get some other equipment ready and will then start tapping next weekend. It looks like we will have about a two week stretch of winter at the least and my plan is to have all my taps in by mid February.

Justin - It is a bit risky tapping this early with gravity tubing and buckets. If you are using new spouts then you may be alright. If we do end up going until April, two months may be pushing it with old spouts.

Steven W.
01-31-2016, 03:23 PM
I'm waiting another two weeks before I hope too start tapping. I'm strickly on buckets.


02-01-2016, 04:38 AM
I repaired one sugarbush yesterday and will do my second one today. I'm thinking about going for it too. Have you guys started drilling holes? I'm just worried about the holes drying up too soon. I'm not on Vacuum so my holes probably don't stay quite as clean. Sap probably kind of sits there.

Though I put a bucket in one year in early January for a photo shoot and that seemed to run good when sugaring finally rolled around. (I think they might stay cleaner than a tap on tubing though.)

Who ended up tapping?

I started taping yesterday, I was only able to install 250 or so. Every hole I drilled sap ran out very well. I'm going back in woods today to continue. I'm hoping to have our first boil sometime this week.

02-01-2016, 04:22 PM
Just finished up taping for today, I'm just shy of 800. Every tap is running well and I'm getting lines all good and tight. No leaks. This weather is kinda of great. I don't really ever get a chance to tap and check leaks before a good run. This year seams the weather is helping me. I will keep the pump on all day and night starting tomorrow. Hoping to get the new membranes in the ro tomorrow as well.

02-01-2016, 09:24 PM
I got 330 tapped and wound up with 240 gal of 1.5 and the sap tastes OK, so I may boil it after putting it through my test run of my newly built RO. I can boil with my anticipated Wednesday run. It is freezing up here for a day.
I usually get 1.7 here, so this isn't all that bad for me.
Like Parker Maple said, the weather was good for tapping, and it was nice not going out this year on 3 feet of snow.

02-02-2016, 05:59 AM
You folks are inspiring, but looks like I'm going to miss this early start. Just wasn't in the cards to be able to drop everything at the end of January to jump into sugaring.

I am going to start working on tubing repairs and setting tanks today. Also hope to have the sugarhouse ready to go by the end of the week.

Good luck all!

02-02-2016, 06:41 AM
This weather is definitely getting me worked up! However I'm committed to finishing my last expansion for this woods we're putting in drops now, Hope to have 1200 or so new taps. The weather has been awesome for working in the woods this year!
I'm planning to start punching holes this weekend. looks like a couple of weeks of colder weather starting after this week hopefully that's the case so can be all tapped and ready when it warms up again!

02-02-2016, 06:59 AM
I have 6000 tapped with 3000 to go. I did get 4000 gallons of sap the other day. May get sap tomorrow and Wednesday but then freezing up for weeks. All leaks are fixed and running 27 inches of vacuum. Good luck everyone.


02-03-2016, 07:41 PM
Sap has been running 500 GPH for the last 4 hours or so. I expect it to continue all night and tomorrow. I still have 2500 trees to tap. I have been tapping 500-600 a day and I'm sick of it already. Haha


02-04-2016, 04:57 AM
Sap has been running 500 GPH for the last 4 hours or so. I expect it to continue all night and tomorrow. I still have 2500 trees to tap. I have been tapping 500-600 a day and I'm sick of it already. Haha


Hey spud, glad to see your hanging with it. Sorry to hear about your father.
Did you tap yesterday? I did in a monsoon rain storm, everything was soaked. I put in apprx 300 and fixed one of my sap ladders (again, I hate ladders). Sap was running very well yesterday and at 8pm last night. I suspect it ran all night and I will have my first boil of the season today. I think the sap will continue today, probably not as hard as yesterday. Then slowly shut down toward evening for this little cold spell we have coming.

02-04-2016, 09:54 AM
Sap well ran all night, but slowed to a trickle this AM when temps dropped from near 50 down into the 30's, even with 24" vacuum. It is not going to warm up much, so I think the trees are tired. I will concentrate and boil the 500 gal on hand and call it a wrap for some weeks I guess. Nice to be so ready when it does open up.

02-04-2016, 02:55 PM
Things went well today and I worked on fixing a few leaks. Running 27 inches everywhere in the woods. I got 11,000 gallons of sap in the last few days. I hope to be done tapping all my trees by next week. Looks like no more sap for a few weeks.


02-04-2016, 06:20 PM
We started tapping our big bush January 12th and would've finished today if hadn't broke 2 bits in a crappy red maple. Anyway, roughly 9,000 in and got everything pretty tight, pulling 27 inches yesterday and today just like Spud. Its a brand new setup and even with a few valves and fusion saddles that are leaking right now, our Atlas Copco pump is pulling real good vacuum. Really happy with it so far. The guy buying our sap has come at least 5 or 6 times to fill up, I think we've collected close to 20,000 gallons so far. He's boiling our sap tonight, may go check it out. Didn't think much of this warm up, but once sap started flowing I went crazy! Working as hard as possible to get taps in and vacuum up. Been really fun. Gonna finish tapping our big bush tomorrow night or Saturday morning and then start on our smaller sugarbush next week, which is where our sugarhouse is. Might actually get a bit of downtime in the next few weeks. Was worried about getting everything tapped but a lot of family and friends came out to help, which i'm grateful for. If anyone is curious to see the sap flow out of our 2 inch wet line last night, see the most recent video on our Facebook page. The link is below.

02-05-2016, 05:05 AM
Good luck Spud. I think you guys will have a good season if ready early. If its like here not much frost in ground. Even if it warms up early if your ready for early stuff you wont have to wait for frost to come out of ground and it should go right to running. At my house last two years it was hard because waited for ever for ground to loosen up. Theron

02-05-2016, 05:48 AM
Good luck Spud. I think you guys will have a good season if ready early. If its like here not much frost in ground. Even if it warms up early if your ready for early stuff you wont have to wait for frost to come out of ground and it should go right to running. At my house last two years it was hard because waited for ever for ground to loosen up. Theron

Thanks PATheron. I can tell my trees really want to run. All it took was a bit of sun to shine and even the monster maples were running. I think it's setting up to be a great year. I should be all tapped in very soon. The 10 day forecast does not look good but I still want to be ready because It could start late in the month instead of mid March.

Westford Sugar Works- I am glad to see your system is tight and you are pulling 27 inches. Lets hope a wind storm does not wreck our high vac the day before a big sap run. I plan to check out your video today. It's always exciting to see money pour into the tank. Good luck to all.


02-07-2016, 08:35 PM
It turned on the vacuum today and was encouraged with little run of 2.2%, after only 1.5% previous. I got 50 gallons and boiled behind my 4.5 RO sweet still in the pan, and pushed out 2.5 gallons of amber. My pan should keep good a while I hope till the next run.

02-09-2016, 07:29 AM
Started tapping on Sunday and the trees were dripping a little bit. Just enough to start rinsing the lines ... Going to keep chipping away at it the next couple weeks while it is frozen up. I'm replacing some long 5/16" laterals with 3/16" in a few areas and am interested to see how that works out. Also adding some saddles to reduce the # of taps on some laterals in some flatter areas.

My goal is to be all ready in the woods by the time the next thaw comes which looks like end of next week.

02-09-2016, 03:13 PM
I hope you have a great season General. I have 7500 tapped as of now and plan to tap the last 1500 next week sometime. I need a break from tapping. I have been doing 600 taps a day and I am starting to feel it (getting old).:cry: All my CV2 spouts are in and half the Max Flow spouts are in. Looks like we are in for some real cold weather for the next week or better. I will be ready when the sap starts flowing.


02-09-2016, 08:02 PM

When you tap, do you use a holster for your drill or do you fix it to a rope that you hang around your neck? Also, do you use a tapping mallet or hammer? Just curious on how you do things when tapping, because doing 600 taps a day is pretty good in terms of efficiency. Last year I had the drill tied on a rope around my neck but this year I used a holster and like it better because the bit doesn't rip up my clothes. Haven't done quite as many taps as you this season, maybe closer to 6K so far with maybe another 1k to do before I'm finished. We got lucky and had a lot of help tapping from family and friends. I know that my wrist was killing me after the first couple days of tapping, and can only imagine how you must feel doing that all yourself day after day. Hope you feel better. Looks like you can take a few days off, only warm day in the next week is Tuesday according to the site I use, but it will only warm up to 40 as of their current forecast for Richford and maybe that won't do much after the hard cold we will have experienced.

02-10-2016, 08:46 AM

When you tap, do you use a holster for your drill or do you fix it to a rope that you hang around your neck? Also, do you use a tapping mallet or hammer? Just curious on how you do things when tapping, because doing 600 taps a day is pretty good in terms of efficiency. Last year I had the drill tied on a rope around my neck but this year I used a holster and like it better because the bit doesn't rip up my clothes. Haven't done quite as many taps as you this season, maybe closer to 6K so far with maybe another 1k to do before I'm finished. We got lucky and had a lot of help tapping from family and friends. I know that my wrist was killing me after the first couple days of tapping, and can only imagine how you must feel doing that all yourself day after day. Hope you feel better. Looks like you can take a few days off, only warm day in the next week is Tuesday according to the site I use, but it will only warm up to 40 as of their current forecast for Richford and maybe that won't do much after the hard cold we will have experienced.

I do have a holster for my drill. I use a framing hammer to knock the spouts in. This is the same hammer I used to frame many homes with in Alaska. I did break about 20 spouts this year so far and it's all my fault. If I bought one of those little white CDL mallets my wife would call me a sissy. I tapped 700 one day and now my wife is wondering why I cannot keep the pace. I think she is trying to wear me out so I will not be a nuisance to her later in the day.:lol:


02-10-2016, 09:57 AM
Picked up hoods from Thor on Sunday. Look really nice. Local weldor finished my stainless preheater yesterday. I think I have all the pieces for my new evaporator. Just have o put them all together.

02-14-2016, 05:22 PM
Thanks Spud. I wish the same for you and all other sugarmakers. I have been working at tapping this week and am about half done. An hour here and a couple hours there adds up. This week's snow has made the footing a little tricky on our steep terrain but I got all the hard stuff done. Repairs haven't been too bad, but will see when the pump goes on. Hand warmers were key today, but the sun was nice.

I have to put the releaser back together but the plan is to turn the pump on Tuesday. If the forecast holds true we are in for some warm weather this next week and I'll be ready to make some syrup.

02-14-2016, 06:36 PM
Repairs repairs and more repairs. So I haven't been on here lately do to you guessed it repairs. So two weeks ago I generated apprx 1000 gal of sap and was going to process if. Well first transfer pump from sap tank to truck busted. Finally fixed that and went to run through ro, you guessed it something happened there, then to top it off the vac pump came apart. I'm hoping that I have got all the glitches out of the way now and this week everything starts to run smooth.
Bring on the gradual warm weather now.

02-14-2016, 07:27 PM
Can anyone give me an idea as too how accurate the "Accu weather" is here....I'm strictly on gravity and certainly don't want to tap too early...any input would be appreciated

02-15-2016, 04:04 AM
Can anyone give me an idea as too how accurate the "Accu weather" is here....I'm strictly on gravity and certainly don't want to tap too early...any input would be appreciated

Accu is what I go by. They have been close for me this year

02-16-2016, 06:14 AM
I am wondering about how well the trees will wake up after -22 just 48 hours ago, and only 15 degrees last night. It is 41 here, and just 33 just four miles down the road... Forecast is for 50+ and won't hit freezing until near midnight. Turned vacuum on at 7am, and going out to tap some.
10:30.. 41.. no flow.., and now 45 down the road!
I always say I live in an ice box up here.

02-16-2016, 07:29 AM
I guess we'll see. I have about 400 taps in and will likely turn on the vac. later today. We are still at just under 32F with a pretty good ice glaze on everything. I'm not expecting much but you never know. We are predicting to see a high of almost 50F. What a weird winter...

02-16-2016, 07:40 PM
As of about an hour ago my sap is running 500 GPH. It started running later in the afternoon and is testing 1.5%


02-16-2016, 08:08 PM
As of about an hour ago my sap is running 500 GPH. It started running later in the afternoon and is testing 1.5%

SpudFunny Spud, I average 1.7 the last 3 years, and this is my second run at 2.1. I just shut my little operation down and got 110 gallons off 320 taps today. What a difference as you know. 40/1 vs. 50/1... I will run it right up into my head tank off my home built RO tomorrow and boil it off in my sweetened pan.

02-16-2016, 09:38 PM
I have used accuweather for the last three years when using a sap puller for the the first 2 years and the full vacuum last year. I find if it does not forecast a drop below 28 for more than 2-3 hours overnight I leave the pumps on. I found it to be very accurate.


02-17-2016, 06:09 AM
Finished tapping the first bush yesterday in the rain. Moving down the road to the other lots today. Hope to have all tubing tapped by the weekend!

02-17-2016, 12:11 PM
Turned pump on yesterday at noon and sap started coming in pretty soon after. In went from 32F to almost 50F in less than 30 minutes. Let some sap run on the ground and then pulled in about 100 gal. after closing the tank valve. Froze up pretty quick yesterday evening. Pump is still on and I'm not expecting much today, but you never know. Looks like we could get a decent run this weekend.

02-17-2016, 05:33 PM
I was able to get 3000 gallons before it froze last night. The wind kills everything for me. Weekend might be warm but it is going to be windy again. We need 45 and sun with no wind. Still real early so this is bonus sap as far as I'm concerned. Lets hope its a great season. It's looking good.


Flat Lander Sugaring
02-20-2016, 06:25 AM
tapping out today, putting arch back together tonight and pans on tomorrow. Finish RO monday night drop in membranes and rinse them.

02-20-2016, 07:44 AM
Sap is starting to come in. Going to head to the woods and put some more taps in then wash the ro this afternoon.

02-20-2016, 09:55 AM
Warming up fast here, and sunny with no clouds to the west and s/west... Another "bonus" run into late tonight and maybe through tomorrow daytime. Forecast is changing for next week. What was gunna be a cold Wednesday/Thurs now shows 40ish We will see. It just gets warmer every time.
Glad I tapped early for my RO test.
Guess I'll head out and run more gravity lines.

**UPDATE** 7pm
Sap is running good, and still 45 after a high of 50 at 3:06. IT should run all night and some tomorrow.

Boy... did I struggle finding a vacuum leak. I heard it at the saddle, and tried fixing that for some time. Finally after going up and down the lateral, I could see air bubbles at the tee. I could hear nothing. Tried changing the spout, no help. There was no sap, only air from the spout! I capped the drop. Vacuum went back up to 24.5 from 22.5

**UPDATE 10pm**
Temperature keeps rising! It is 48! Sap is running at 15 gph avg.

Cooling down.. But, sap flowing at 25 gph since 10pm. It has turned out to be a great run for me here! It'll be interesting to see what the 55 on gravity yield tomorrow.

Good Nite..

02-20-2016, 06:09 PM
Sap started running here as soon as I turn vac pump on. I headed to the woods to finish tapping, then started fixing a few minor leaks. We are now apprx 23.5-24" so very happy. I finished tapping in Andover just shy of 1200 taps (1187 if my math is right). So now off to Weston next weekend, that's my cold bush, seams to never start running until late every year and keeps on given good clean clear (3%)sap until very late. I have 600 taps there and usually a ton of repairs every year.
Hopefully have a boil tomorrow afternoon. 2nd of the season can't wait to burn the oil lol..
Good luck everyone, I think this will be a good sap run for a few days.

02-21-2016, 08:47 AM
Up to about 550 taps and sap has been running well since yesterday afternoon. It took a while to thaw but once the sun came out, things really got going. Collected over 600 gal. by 7 am this morning.

RO is rinsed and washed and ready to process sap so that is the plan this afternoon and then a boil this evening. Hopefully all goes smooth. So far this has been my easiest re-entry into sugaring. Knocking on wood. :)

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-21-2016, 05:11 PM
all hi vac tapped run all day let it go on ground, 24" have some vac leaks to fix buying one of those vac leak testers from CDL. Arch almost back together hopefully tomorrow night. if get enough sap might boil thursday night of friday.

02-21-2016, 05:47 PM
I never turned my pumps on yesterday till 7:00 pm. I got busy doing other things and really did not think the sap would run. Yesterday it was only 38-39 and cruddy out. At 7:00 last night i needed a tool out of the sugar house and when I was getting it I heard sap dripping into the tank. I turned both pumps on and woke up to 1500 gallons. I probably lost 2-3000 gallons during the day. Still have 1000 trees to tap and my back is killing me. Hope to be all tapped by Tuesday. Might get some big sap Thursday and Friday.


02-21-2016, 07:12 PM
i read often but don't post much. Tapped this past week(300). We have sandy soil and are exposed to the south. No snow cover and I dont think theres alot of frost, coming out fast. Got 600 gallons in the last 2 days, running like the end of march. Testing 2%. Hoping for a long season all!

02-21-2016, 09:18 PM
Just shut down the vacuum at 10pm when sap finally stopped after 36 continuous hours. Two day total was 450 gallons, and I even averaged 1/2 gallon each from my 50 gravity taps. RO and boil tomorrow. Sap is 1.6%. Nice to have the RO this year!
Can you imagine, I would have to boil for 15 hours to get 8 gallons!

02-21-2016, 09:20 PM
Spud, if I had known you weren't all tapped in yet I would have come up to help for a day! Sap flow was mediocre yesterday but last evening it picked up and we are rinsing the RO and whatnot and maybe sweetening pans Tuesday or holding off altogether until Thursday.

02-22-2016, 06:16 AM
Pulled in 700+ gallons of sap yesterday off the 500 or so tap in so far. First boil, first syrup of the season, and the first time we've ever made syrup on the first boil. Hoping to finish tapping the tubing lines today and get the buckets up by Wednesday.

Vacuum was running at 20" below the big sap ladder and at 15" above. About the best I think I'll see with the guzzler.

02-22-2016, 05:14 PM
All systems working well. Concentrated over 800 gal. yesterday afternoon from about 2% to about 12%. Got the evap. put back together and boiled for a couple hours and sweetened the pans and made about 6-7 gal. of nice tasting syrup. Probably on the edge of GD and AR.

Going to try to finish tapping the next couple days and get my new water-jacketed canner installed. Looking forward to moving on from the propane canner.

02-22-2016, 07:41 PM
Spud, if I had known you weren't all tapped in yet I would have come up to help for a day! Sap flow was mediocre yesterday but last evening it picked up and we are rinsing the RO and whatnot and maybe sweetening pans Tuesday or holding off altogether until Thursday.

Thanks but it looks like I will be all tapped tomorrow. It looks like the sap will run Thursday and then maybe all night into Friday. I would love to get a couple gallons per tap before it freezes up again. Good luck.


02-23-2016, 01:57 PM
Weather sure is crazy. Near zero this morning. Looks like near 50 and raining on Thursday.

02-25-2016, 06:01 AM
woke up this a.m and had 47 degrees on the thermometer... and no sap in the tank! it just started dripping at 6:20 this a.m after being above freezing all day yesterday and last night! In the past it seems I've gotten decent runs when it rained... not last night. the 30-40 mph winds from the south probably killed that! pressure is falling quickly, so hopefully it'll be a good day in northern VT!

02-25-2016, 08:21 AM
Sap ran OK up here overnight -- not terrific, but better than nothing. Tanks all about half full. With the sap that came in on Fri/Sat (again, modest run), we'll be boiling later this morning. Hopefully the sap will pick up a little better later on.

02-25-2016, 08:27 AM
Last night and this morning was the second time we have had thunder and lightning here this winter. I awoke to one tank over flowing and sap running hard. That tank only had about 100 gal. from the weekend and marginal runs this week, so over 300 came in overnight but it was not running when I went to bed.

I know I have a couple leaks and now that everything is thawed I am hoping to get those fixed this am before adding more taps. Looks like I will be boiling again this evening.

02-25-2016, 05:03 PM
I got a little over 6000 gallons today and the sugar is up to 1.8%. Kids and I checked all lines and fixed some leaks. Running 27 inches everywhere. Sap is still running 200 GPH at 6:00 PM. Slowing down fast though.


02-25-2016, 06:48 PM
Ok so when do you no your ro isn't big enough any more?. The last two runs have averaged apprx 90-100gph. I think my 300gph ro isn't going to keep up if I get more sap then what I have been. I'm considering and upgrade next year to a 600 expandable. But is there some formula that tells you your to is going to be yo small?

02-25-2016, 07:50 PM
Running 27 inches everywhere.

That really sucks Spud. :lol:

Seriously...that is great vacuum. Nice job.

02-26-2016, 08:57 AM
Repaired several leaks yesterday and got the vac. back up to 27". Sap ran well until it started to cool off in the early afternoon. Pulled in over 800 gal. from about 600 taps at over 2%. Not bad for late Feb. If the season goes through March I am going to need some more barrels.

The systems in the sugarhouse are working very well. I got my new canner installed and is making life alot easier. Keep syrup at 200F off the evaporator, check density, add de and run it thru the filter press. No more propane and no more worrying about burning syrup.

Up to 20 gallons of GD. Great flavor.

Flat Rock Farmers
02-26-2016, 09:47 AM
Hey Guys, We're up here in Northern Vermont (Irasburg) and are contemplating tapping soon. We use only buckets so,
with this crazy weather, do you think it's too early for us to tap or are we missing out?

02-26-2016, 05:24 PM
That really sucks Spud. :lol:

Seriously...that is great vacuum. Nice job.

The kids were able to scan the whole woods in about 4 hours. It would have taking me two days. Sure glad the little saplings are on school vacation this week. Looks like Monday we might get some more.

General- Sounds like you're season is starting off well. I hope you do great.


02-26-2016, 06:02 PM
The kids were able to scan the whole woods in about 4 hours.

Maybe you could rent them out.

02-26-2016, 06:52 PM
That's funny, my buddy's 18 year old helped us last week while on vacation putting on new taps, drops, etc. I swear he flew from tree to tree, great to have his help. He is heading to Umaine in the fall for forestry so he loved the work. I told him to never get old, hope he follows through with it!

02-26-2016, 07:25 PM
All tapped here in Thetford and looking to add a few more taps in the current bush. We put three in today and will tap a few small trees to death until we have a chance to cull them. We will leave the nicer trees alone until they are ready. We ended up with about 300 gallons of sap yesterday collected. We dumped about 50 gallons total from cleaning the lines out. Next week looks great for temps.

Good Luck,


02-26-2016, 09:05 PM
First boil tomorrow at noon. Been tapped in at our small bush for 10 days and are finally boiling down everything we've collected tomorrow. Tried to boil Tuesday night but small hole in our back pans flue drain. Got Leader on the phone within 5 minutes of this realization. 12 hours later two guys from leader came down with their truck and we got some of our friends to help lift the back pan out and loaded it up. Then this morning they brought it back all repaired and ready to go. Couldn't ask for more in that situation. Very grateful.

MJPJ Sugars
02-27-2016, 01:18 PM
@ Flat Rock -- we're backyard sugarers in Georgia, VT - Franklin County. We hung our 25 buckets Monday, collected 19-20 gallons on Thursday which is now 50oz of the good stuff as of yesterday. Trees were apparently ending a run on Monday as the drill bit was soaked - like drilling into an apple :)

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Flat Lander Sugaring
02-28-2016, 07:14 AM
Sap sat go 4 days, started getting a tinge of yellow, to and arch wasnt together into Thursday night. Got ro running rinsed and tinned side of arch Friday afternoon insulated it set pans, plumbed and started boiling Friday night at 7:30. We made about ten gallons Friday and ten last night. Just a hair under fancy.
Sap coming in at 2.6/2.8
Upgraded ro doing ok taking 2.6 to 9.3 one pass still playing with vfd and hz . Tapping all gravity today.

Put heater on high Wednesday in little house with releaser warped all the PVC fittings can we say vac leaks, Leader Rutland saved my @%$#. Thank you Tom and staff!

02-28-2016, 09:22 AM
The temp is supposed to climb all day long and into the night. By midnight we are going to be in the mid 40s. With all this wet sugar snow we got last night we could get a good size run tomorrow. Pumps are on and me and Sarah Lee are waiting.:)


02-28-2016, 04:45 PM
Turned on the vacuum at 10am, finished all my taps today, including the 75 buckets. At 5pm 100 gal of 2% from the vacuum, gravity and buckets going good. Overnight and tomorrow should yield plenty to keep me busy late. Tues and Wed look slow.
**10pm update** 41.5, sap coming in at 20 gph, forecast for 40ish until evening tomorrow. After nightfall it will slowly drop after that. Should be a good run!
**UPDATE** Two day run yielded me 650 gallons.

02-28-2016, 06:16 PM
Just froze up here. So pump is off for the night.

02-29-2016, 08:00 PM
Sap started running at about 6:00am this morning. It was slow going all day long but I was able to get 4000 gallons. Wednesday might bring more sap but next week is looking good.


02-29-2016, 09:15 PM
I tapped two weekends ago and checked leaks in the rain Thursday. We turned pump the vacuum on this morning at 0600. We collected about a gallon per tap but, man was my sugar low!! Looks like we will be quiet again until next week. This is my first good sap run in February and it took a leap year! ;)

03-01-2016, 06:09 AM
Not a bad start to the season. 1/3 of the way to our production goals and here it is just March 1. I've been lax in testing sugar content, but last night we were pulling off a gallon of syrup for every 38 gallons of sap. Opened the draw off 10 min after startup and it remained open till shutdown 5 hours later. Wow!

03-01-2016, 08:02 AM
A slow and steady run yesterday. Vacuum at about 26.5" Hg. Our new electric releaser sure struggles to handle that. No big sap gusher, but we made about 100 gal of syrup by 7:30pm -- total about 10% of a crop so far. Sugar content has been about 2.0-2.2%. Looks like everything is shut down here for about a week, so time to catch up on a few other things.

03-01-2016, 08:21 AM
Exciting couple of days here. Sunday the sap was running well and pulled in about 300 gal. before it froze up. I don't think I have ever seen the sap go from running hard to completely stopped so quickly. Temp. dropped very quickly and bottomed out at about 22. Forecast only called for a low of 38 so I figured I had enough space in tanks to get through until after work Monday. That was wrong. I awoke Monday at 6 to find one tank overflowing and sap running hard. We had very strong south winds when the warm from came through and I awoke several times to metal roofing blowing off wood piles, and tarps on building materials flapping. Temp. went from 22 to 51 in less than 1 hour. Crazy.

Anyway I switched tanks and went off to work to return home at 3 and find my third bulk tank overflowing. Quickly turned on the ro and spent 4 hours processing at least 1200 gals. Sugar content has been good and was up to 2.4 yesterday. I have no idea how much sap I lost but could have been a good bit based on how hard it was running. I have been a bit surprised by how well the sap has run when the trees thaw. We have lots of water moving down off the mountain, and very little frost in ground so I guess I had better be more prepared for BIG SAP.

A friend came over and we boiled together with him running the arch and me keeping an eye on ro, pans, canner and press. We ended up boiling about 200 gal. of concentrate (never had a chance to check %) and made 32 gal. of GD. Once again, great flavor. Everything has been working well so far. I still have about 30 taps to put in to be up to a little over 750 for the season and am hoping to finish that today.

I am a little concerned about what the long range weather models are spitting out right now with the possibility of some very warm weather next week. Not much agreement on how warm so I guess we will wait and see, but I can't help but have flashbacks to Summer in March in 2012. It does look like we will be froze up for several days until it runs again, so back to work on the house.

03-01-2016, 07:34 PM
A slow and steady run yesterday. Vacuum at about 26.5" Hg. Our new electric releaser sure struggles to handle that. No big sap gusher, but we made about 100 gal of syrup by 7:30pm -- total about 10% of a crop so far. Sugar content has been about 2.0-2.2%. Looks like everything is shut down here for about a week, so time to catch up on a few other things.

Hey Dr.Tim whats the issue with the electric releaser you have? Do they not operate well under high vacuum? I was thinking of buying a few for next season. What are the Pro's and Con's? Thanks


03-01-2016, 07:50 PM
Vacuum pump at our small bush is an old Deleval 777 and had been sounding funny for a little while. I think we tried to run it too hard. We had it pulling 24.5" and that was all it needed to seize up on us Sunday at 2pm. So dad checked craigslist, found a used 777 at a good price near Watertown, New York, and headed out to get it. He returned at 1Am Monday and we did all we could to get it hooked up but didn't have the right material so we called it quits at 3:30 Am. He worked all day Monday to get it hooked up and finally did get it going at 3pm. Bad part- spent $500 and lots of labor to replace a pump that would have worked fine if we hadn't abused it. Probably missed out on 1,000 gallons of sap. Good part- learned new things about how pumps work and now we have an oil reclaimer attached to our pump. Hopefully we can pull higher vacuum with it.

We found a hole in our back pan and broke our vacuum pump within one week. But hopefully now we are going to smooth out. Made 2 barrels so far and I think 40,000 gallons of sap or so have been trucked from our big bush.

Also a little nervous about the temps for next week. I guess no sense in worrying about it. Won't be able to do anything about it.

Good luck all.

03-01-2016, 07:54 PM
Hey Dr.Tim whats the issue with the electric releaser you have? Do they not operate well under high vacuum? I was thinking of buying a few for next season. What are the Pro's and Con's?

I'll start by saying that my opinion is that releasers are the weak link in the system regardless of what brand or style. We used mechanical releasers for years, and they work, but aren't really designed to handle high vacuum. So they essentially slammed around when operating above about 24" Hg, and to be sure they worked we would have them all serviced each year.

Last year we tried a different style of mechanical releaser and were not real happy with it. So this year we went with an electric releaser. Supposedly electric releasers have less pulses of backflow -- so we though that we'd give it a try. In some of our surveys, use of an electric releaser was associated (correlated) with higher yields (~10%), but that is a correlation only (which doesn't mean that is what necessary causes the higher yields...it might just be that people using electric releasers are doing other things right too). In any case, two major styles of electric releaser....those with the pump on the inside and those with the pump on the outside. ANY air leak in the line going to the pump will cause the pump to fail, so given our high vacuum (26"+ Hg), we figured we'd go with a submersible pump on the inside of the tank. What appears to be happening is that as the lines flush out on the first hard runs, or after a hard freeze when ice scours the mainline, the debris from the lines causes the screen protecting the pump to clog. It takes very little to clog it due to the low margin we have with our high vacuum and elevation, which means we're stuck breaking down the releaser and cleaning it each time. Otherwise the pump fails to keep up with the flow and the sap goes up the vacuum line and shuts off the moisture trap, stopping the vacuum and stopping the flow. Definitely a real PITA, and the real problem is what happens if this occurs at night when we're gone? Still working on a solution to that one....not sure there is a real good answer.

Anybody know how much debris a submersible well pump can handle? We're tempted to take off the screen and see what happens....maybe get a spare pump to have just in case Most of the stuff we see is the skin of very fine floaters....maybe dime to quarter size, but very thin. Plugs up the screen pretty fast, but I'm betting the impeller will make short work of it and chop it to tiny bits very fast.

03-01-2016, 08:40 PM
All going well here in Shaftsbury. We are at just under 40 Gallons which is about 45% of LY. New filter press is key. Second membrane on they Deer Run RO is saving our tail. Just left the vacuum pump and it was dunking ping every 3 min. Boiling again tomorrow before a couple day break.

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J. hutchins
03-01-2016, 09:26 PM
Dr. Tim, is it the sump style or the deep well? I was worried about debris in my deep well style, and spoke to a well driller about it and she said it could take 1/4 inch gravel. So needless to say I took the screens off. The main problem I have with ice is it tripping the sensors when there is no liquid to pump. The pumps do have a hard time in high vacuum some days both pumps run 6-8 hours non stop, I have introduced small air leaks in the releaser just so the pumps could keep up. They do need baby sitting for the morning surge, hand on the knife valve, ready to stop it from leaving the chamber.

03-02-2016, 05:09 AM
I made 6 gallons of golden on Monday. Was cleaning up yesterday and realized it was Leap Year Golden. Is this a new marketing strategy?13465

03-02-2016, 05:51 AM
Spud and DR. Tim,

I replaced a mechanical double releaser on my 2,100 taps in Jericho last year. My CDL vertical has the exact issue as Dr. Tim describes. The submersible pump screen will clog up with some bio-slime and slow down the pump out, and if the slime is bad enough at the start of the season, shut off the vacuum by tripping the electric moisture trap. I don't like taking the screen off the pump, so I am in the process of making a stainless steel cone pre fitler for the base of the pump. ( a lot of small hole drilling is the SS) 7" in diameter and 12" high. large enough to allow sap to remain around the pump screen if the pre-filter fails, but keep any junk off the pump screen. From what I can see in the releaser, the debris pretty much floats around the base of the pump and not up too far.

Otherwise, the releaser works extremely well. Sunday afternoon, the woods were at 27.75" at the last 1" main line, 2,500' away from the sap shed. The pump out is very smooth and does not disrupt the vacuum at all.

The only draw back of the 18" x 48" vertical that I have is cleaning. It is a little difficult to wash and scrub the releaser. Knowing what I know about the cleaning now, I might have looked at a horizontal,
with cleaning being the only reason.


Super Sapper
03-02-2016, 05:58 AM
There should never be anything in your lines that would hurt the pump. I have been in wastewater for 29 years and you would be amazed at what a pump will pass unless it is a positive displacement pump. You would be more amazed at what actually goes down the sewer!

03-02-2016, 06:03 AM
I'll start by saying that my opinion is that releasers are the weak link in the system regardless of what brand or style. We used mechanical releasers for years, and they work, but aren't really designed to handle high vacuum. So they essentially slammed around when operating above about 24" Hg, and to be sure they worked we would have them all serviced each year.

Last year we tried a different style of mechanical releaser and were not real happy with it. So this year we went with an electric releaser. Supposedly electric releasers have less pulses of backflow -- so we though that we'd give it a try. In some of our surveys, use of an electric releaser was associated (correlated) with higher yields (~10%), but that is a correlation only (which doesn't mean that is what necessary causes the higher yields...it might just be that people using electric releasers are doing other things right too). In any case, two major styles of electric releaser....those with the pump on the inside and those with the pump on the outside. ANY air leak in the line going to the pump will cause the pump to fail, so given our high vacuum (26"+ Hg), we figured we'd go with a submersible pump on the inside of the tank. What appears to be happening is that as the lines flush out on the first hard runs, or after a hard freeze when ice scours the mainline, the debris from the lines causes the screen protecting the pump to clog. It takes very little to clog it due to the low margin we have with our high vacuum and elevation, which means we're stuck breaking down the releaser and cleaning it each time. Otherwise the pump fails to keep up with the flow and the sap goes up the vacuum line and shuts off the moisture trap, stopping the vacuum and stopping the flow. Definitely a real PITA, and the real problem is what happens if this occurs at night when we're gone? Still working on a solution to that one....not sure there is a real good answer.

Anybody know how much debris a submersible well pump can handle? We're tempted to take off the screen and see what happens....maybe get a spare pump to have just in case Most of the stuff we see is the skin of very fine floaters....maybe dime to quarter size, but very thin. Plugs up the screen pretty fast, but I'm betting the impeller will make short work of it and chop it to tiny bits very fast.

Thanks Dr. Tim and J. Hutchins for the information. It sounds like I should keep using my mechanical releasers for now. Ever since I put my releasers in a heated room I have never had a problem with them. I spray my releasers everyday when they are working. I use the food grade silicone spray that CDL sells. I run 28 inches at both releasers and never had an issue yet. So is this not common?


03-02-2016, 08:56 AM
I run 28 inches at both releasers and never had an issue yet. So is this not common?

Given our experience with releasers over the past few years, I'd say, ....if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

03-02-2016, 09:10 AM
Another exciting night here with heavy winds blowing roofing, stainless barrels, and anything else not tied down all over the place. I'm sick of this weather... I don't think the forecasters have a good handle on what the models are saying.

I did pull in a little sap this morning when it went above freezing for a few hours but it looks like it's freezing up now. I need to can a bunch of syrup for orders so going to work on that today.

The Goulds deep well submersible I am using in my electric releaser does not really have a screen. It does a have a plate with many larger holes (3/16") punched in it at the inlet of the pump. I have not had an issue with it. I have seen ice come down the lines and fill the releaser and keep the float up despite no liquid for the pump to move. I know some use a coarse ss screen in the releaser manifold to catch ice and keep it from filling the releaser.

03-02-2016, 09:11 AM
YIKES! Is this for real?? I should know better than to give too much credence to the "10 day outlook" no matter which source it comes from......but.....HOLY CRAP!!!!! Next week looks to be a HUGE warm up with insufficient cold at night. :o

03-02-2016, 11:26 AM
Next week looks kinda iffy... Accuweather is showing temps "might" get below freezing at night, weather.com is much warmer. I am hoping it stays a bit colder ... either way it will run next week for sure. I am ready for some boiling !

03-02-2016, 11:31 AM
I know some use a coarse ss screen in the releaser manifold to catch ice and keep it from filling the releaser.


This is what my releaser looked like the other morning. There is a 1.25" wet line and a 1.5 " air line to the left above the screen. The screen does keep a lot of junk away from the pump. The pump I am using is the StaRite dominator and it has the fine screen that will plug up . Usually not a big problem after the lines clean up after the first run.
This has 1700 taps and a single pump which can get flooded with sap when lines are thawing and huge surges come quick. Two pumps with separate level control will be a future upgrade.

03-02-2016, 06:39 PM
Why not box in your releaser and have some heat? Are you far from power?


blissville maples
03-02-2016, 06:41 PM
ditch the screen, the slush will go right through, if it doesn't its too cold to have pumps on anyways and will likely be a very marginal day

03-02-2016, 07:08 PM
Anybody know how much debris a submersible well pump can handle? We're tempted to take off the screen and see what happens....maybe get a spare pump to have just in case Most of the stuff we see is the skin of very fine floaters....maybe dime to quarter size, but very thin. Plugs up the screen pretty fast, but I'm betting the impeller will make short work of it and chop it to tiny bits very fast.

I've got 27 years of working on submersibles, and they can take quite a bit. At least a Goulds is pretty tough. The stuff we see floating down the lines reminds me a lot of iron bacteria, or properly termed "iron polysacharide". We pulled lots of screens off because of this stuff. Although it was usually still quite permeable. On newer Goulds, I think the screens are built in, but one could cut them away I think.

What brand pumps are they using in these releasers?

03-03-2016, 07:25 AM
Some are using Sta Rite submersibles, or Goulds submersibles, but the really good units (like MES) use Goulds deep-well pumps. Mine is a 3ph and I use a VFD to control the pump motor.

I can say with nearly 100% certainty that the photo WMF posted is of a releaser in a heated space. The ice comes down the lines when they first start to thaw. If you leave your vac. pump on 24/7 you likely see this. If you let your lines thaw before turning on vac., you probably don't. Either way it can be a problem with an electric releaser with an internal pump, hence the screen in the manifold.

The screen is doing it's job (keeping the ice out of the releaser chamber where it can keep the float switch up) and the ice will melt quickly and things will resume as normal. I typically don't get enough ice to be an issue so I haven't been using a screen personally.

MJPJ Sugars
03-03-2016, 07:25 AM
Question about the weather next week -- is "too warm" the same result as "too cold?" If we actually do get 3-5 days of 40-degree plus without freezing temps at night, what is the impact on the sap run? Thanks!!

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03-03-2016, 07:30 AM
Question about the weather next week -- is "too warm" the same result as "too cold?" If we actually do get 3-5 days of 40-degree plus without freezing temps at night, what is the impact on the sap run? Thanks!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

With buckets the sap will slowly stop running without a freeze, but it could keep going for a couple days. I have been pretty surprised on a few occasions with buckets.

The bigger challenge with warm weather is keeping the sap from fermenting so the best bet is to process as quickly as possible.

MJPJ Sugars
03-03-2016, 08:02 AM
With buckets the sap will slowly stop running without a freeze, but it could keep going for a couple days. I have been pretty surprised on a few occasions with buckets.

The bigger challenge with warm weather is keeping the sap from fermenting so the best bet is to process as quickly as possible.

Thanks!!!! -- JQ

03-03-2016, 08:37 AM
Looks like a good solid freeze through Sunday night. That might be what saves us since we have little to no snow for insulation. If the roots stay good and cold maybe they'll resist the urge to bud next week.

03-03-2016, 10:36 AM
If the roots stay good and cold maybe they'll resist the urge to bud next week.

Unless the forecast is seriously wrong (if they are predicting temperatures far lower than we actually get), I can pretty well assure you that the trees (maples at least) will NOT break bud next week. Although the forecast is for air temps in the 50s (at least here in North-central VT), it is supposed to be cloudy and rain...which will help to keep things cooler. Maple trees will resist the urge to bud next week because they've been around a good long time and are far better adapted to the climate than we give them credit for.

03-03-2016, 10:42 AM
We've got a new MES releaser that we are pretty happy with. Stainless screen with small holes in the top barrel traps ice and most plastic and wood shavings. Some gets down to the bottom barrel but the pumps don't seem to pump them through. We are mostly happy with the releaser but there are a couple of small leaks in it right now, not sure if its our doing or MES's. Hard to tell if the leak is coming from the plumbing job or the releaser itself.

03-03-2016, 10:51 AM
I'm not investing too much in the forecasts at this point. They have been having a hard time with the models due to several factors and anything beyond a few days is low probability. I do think warmer than average is likely as has been the pattern this winter.

I do predict a pretty serious sap run early next week as that has been the case here so far this season. The trees are ready with plenty of water in the ground.

While I too doubt the trees will bud very quickly, I do plan to be able to process sap quickly next week.

03-03-2016, 10:57 AM
We've got a new MES releaser that we are pretty happy with. Stainless screen with small holes in the top barrel traps ice and most plastic and wood shavings. Some gets down to the bottom barrel but the pumps don't seem to pump them through. We are mostly happy with the releaser but there are a couple of small leaks in it right now, not sure if its our doing or MES's. Hard to tell if the leak is coming from the plumbing job or the releaser itself.

I have had some issues with the fitting the wires for the pump go through into the releaser. It leaked last season so I took it all apart this winter and got it back together tight. I do have a leaky check valve on the pump out line and that will cause some weird symptoms especially if it is not consistent. If you can, get it up to vac. and then turn everything off so you can really listen for leaks. If it is at the releaser you will hear it, if it is check valve, you will see bubbles coming back pump out line.

03-03-2016, 12:13 PM
Unless the forecast is seriously wrong (if they are predicting temperatures far lower than we actually get), I can pretty well assure you that the trees (maples at least) will NOT break bud next week. Although the forecast is for air temps in the 50s (at least here in North-central VT), it is supposed to be cloudy and rain...which will help to keep things cooler. Maple trees will resist the urge to bud next week because they've been around a good long time and are far better adapted to the climate than we give them credit for.
Good to hear the positive aspects, as my PWS average February temperature of 24.7 degrees was very close to my 2012 February average of 27.2. Compare that with the record February last year of 11 degrees... I do expect an early end this year with the above normal temps, but we also had an early start. I had my first run late January, and boiled Feb 1st, so I have had a good start, half my sap volume of last year already.
There is indication we will have a cooling trend after this coming run, and lowering nighttime temps the following weekend or therafter.

03-03-2016, 01:17 PM
Unless the forecast is seriously wrong (if they are predicting temperatures far lower than we actually get), I can pretty well assure you that the trees (maples at least) will NOT break bud next week. Although the forecast is for air temps in the 50s (at least here in North-central VT), it is supposed to be cloudy and rain...which will help to keep things cooler. Maple trees will resist the urge to bud next week because they've been around a good long time and are far better adapted to the climate than we give them credit for.
This is the best thing I have heard all day..

03-04-2016, 05:26 PM
I have had some issues with the fitting the wires for the pump go through into the releaser. It leaked last season so I took it all apart this winter and got it back together tight. I do have a leaky check valve on the pump out line and that will cause some weird symptoms especially if it is not consistent. If you can, get it up to vac. and then turn everything off so you can really listen for leaks. If it is at the releaser you will hear it, if it is check valve, you will see bubbles coming back pump out line.

Hm I haven't checked out to see if those are leaking also. I hope not. thanks for the tips. We had leaky check valves on the pump line but we got that all fixed. We detected this leak using the method you described. I believe our leak is at the gasket where the vacuum pump line enters the top barrel. I'll attack it with silicone tomorrow morning and hopefully we can get good and tight for these runs.

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-04-2016, 06:09 PM
Hm I haven't checked out to see if those are leaking also. I hope not. thanks for the tips. We had leaky check valves on the pump line but we got that all fixed. We detected this leak using the method you described. I believe our leak is at the gasket where the vacuum pump line enters the top barrel. I'll attack it with silicone tomorrow morning and hopefully we can get good and tight for these runs.
You mean at the uni-seal? Mine was leaking on a uni-seal at the pump out line. I took it out and found the hole cut-out was rough and uneven. I sanded it with 100 grit sandpaper, reheated the uniseal in hot water, and put a small bead of silicone around the lip where it meets the outside of the releaser. I've had no problems since.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-05-2016, 06:57 AM
i was told last week that trees were budding in argyl NY area, i laughed out loud and was like no way!!!!

after this warm week people better have their %@%# ready its going to start running every day, long range puts it into April.

03-05-2016, 07:06 AM
Finally got tank valve thawed yesterday. Boiled with new rig. Not enough to draw. Still playing with nozzles.

03-06-2016, 09:28 AM
Been working on new house mostly. We're into the final details at this point. I made a few minor modifications in the sugarhouse to some plumbing, all my taps are in, I'm well rested and am ready for the BIGSAP coming this week. Time to fill some barrels!

03-06-2016, 03:07 PM
I did a complete walk threw of both big bushes this morning. Then returned at 1 and turned on the vac pump. Sap is running in at a pretty good clip and pulling 22.5" I have a leak somewhere. Last weeks wind storm took down a few lines and I'm sure pulled somethings apart. Tomorrow starts the big run I believe, full speed ahead everyone. The majority of our syrup I think will be made in the next two weeks.
Good luck

03-06-2016, 05:43 PM
I have been dealing with some kind of death flu. My whole family has been sick for days. I lost my taste for Sarah Lee Pound cake. My pumps are on and I can only hope my vacuum will be at 27 when the lines thaw. I don't see big sap coming to me tomorrow but Tuesday it should start running real good. I hope by then I will feel good enough to reunite with Sarah Lee and get the job done. This is not the end but only the beginning. I plan to keep pumps on till April 20. You gotta believe. Good luck everyone.


03-06-2016, 08:31 PM
Feel better Spud.

Looks like its gonna be a busy week. We are replacing all lighting in the sugarhouse, RO room, tank room, with shatterproof lighting in order to get certified Organic.

Check out this http://www.mapleguild.com/ It's Sweet Tree's website. Look at number 4 'Steam Crafting' under the 'Our Process' Tab.. it says

"Most people boil their sap at high heat, which makes syrup with a burnt caramel flavor. Not us. Our unique steam-based processing makes it lighter and more elegant to the taste buds."


03-06-2016, 08:33 PM
Went out and tapped 25 more for good measure today. Sap will start running a little tomorrow, and Tuesday-Wednesday should be huge.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-07-2016, 05:06 AM
put out another 400 taps yeasterday all gravity, still more to do but have a lot of trees to cut off lines.

I redid my AOF tubes. when i first did them i must have had a hold of the dumb end of the tape measure the nozzles ended up around 8 to 10 inches below pan and still only did 30/35 gph. well this year they are where they are supposed to be. I had concentrate gauge set around .5/.7gpm and we ran out of sap in head tank. dialed in concentrate to 1gpm and was keeping up with it. So according to that Im boiling of 60 GPH.

03-07-2016, 09:32 AM
I finished tapping last weekend, 550ish plus 36 aluminum buckets. Ran the pump, fixed a couple of leaks and pulled in 60 gallons to clean the lines. After dumping the first 60 gallons we have not gathered anything to speak of in the last week. Like everyone else I'm optimistic about the forecast this week, should run good starting tomorrow.

03-07-2016, 10:05 AM
sounds like Joe is still out to lunch trouble is people will believe this hoky just like the BS going around the political world

03-08-2016, 04:04 AM
Oh boy, awoke to 35* here this morning. I'm hoping the trees finally let go a little last night. Yesterday it didn't really do much just a trickle all day.
1204 replys on this thread and still going strong. I really enjoy reading what everyone in VT is up to. Thanks a lot fellow sugar makers. Hope it's a great week for everyone.


03-08-2016, 06:26 AM
Pulled in about 400 gal. since Sunday afternoon so nothing too stellar but I'll take it. Sugar at about 2.2%. No real freeze here last night and it looks like we may not get one until Friday night. If it gets as warm as predicted today I suspect the tanks will be filling more quickly than the last couple days.

03-08-2016, 07:31 AM
Oh boy, awoke to 35* here this morning. I'm hoping the trees finally let go a little last night. Yesterday it didn't really do much just a trickle all day.
1204 replys on this thread and still going strong. I really enjoy reading what everyone in VT is up to. Thanks a lot fellow sugar makers. Hope it's a great week for everyone.

PMMe too... I turned the vacuum on about noon, but not much all day and night. You and I have similar weather.. Should be big today! A slight freeze maybe coming again on Friday night.

03-08-2016, 12:39 PM
I am just dripping at 50 in shade. I looked at my red maples and buds are swelling with a couple lower lobes spreading.
I am at 1400 facing south.

03-08-2016, 04:18 PM
Air temperature was plenty warm enough to run today, but I think the soil is frozen several inches deep. Not getting much sap flow yet....we'll see if it opens up overnight. Might take a little while yet to thaw, and may not get a stellar run until it freezes again to recharge the trees, but we'll see soon enough.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-08-2016, 05:11 PM
2.8 to 10.8 one pass

03-08-2016, 08:19 PM
Slow here as well. Very slow yesterday and overnight, improved through the day, but nothing to feel good about. Vacuum good at 24.5. On the bright side, my sugar this year remains above my 1.7 average. This run is at 2%...

03-08-2016, 08:19 PM
Made another 20 gal. of GD. Ran pretty well today but not a gusher. We'll see what happens overnight...

03-08-2016, 09:14 PM
Did not start running till late afternoon. Got about 200 gallons from 900 of my own.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-08-2016, 09:47 PM
18 gallons tonight shutting down

03-08-2016, 10:09 PM
Got the releaser reading about 28.4" on our big bush in Jericho this afternoon! We are pretty pleased with this Atlas Copco- if anyone is looking into new pumps I would definitely recommend it. I think all our boosters are reading around 28" or better. And that's with a bunch of saddles leaking too, not much but enough that you can hear them if you put your ear right to them.

Walked lines all day and made half a barrel tonight. Hope things are going smooth for everyone.

03-09-2016, 06:22 AM
Started running late yesterday afternoon, but a real slow gradual start. Ran some overnight, still no gusher, but OK. I think the ground is still frozen in the woods....real hard when you walk across it. That probably limited uptake during the last freeze cycle. Still running well on 25+" vacuum and I expect it'll keep up for a while like this. Sap running about 2.3%, which is a bit higher than usual, but we'll take it. It's probably going to take a nice freeze to really get us going.

03-09-2016, 07:44 AM
Seems like a pretty similar situation here. It ran all night and I pulled in about 500 gal. since about 6pm yesterday. Sugar still at 2.2%. Vac at 27".

I have not had too much niter as of yet but still going to clean the syrup pans this am...

Hoping for a good freeze Friday night but it is looking pretty marginal at this point. Otherwise it may not be until 3/21 or so that we get another freeze here, unless the forecast dramatically changes.

03-09-2016, 08:48 AM
I checked the collection tank at 8 last night, had 150 gallons. The temp was still at 37 and the weather report showed a warm up overnight so I left the pump running. I checked at 6 this morning when I let the dog out, had 220 gallons. 70 gallons over 10 hours on 500 taps running at 18" of vacuum. Nothing to write home about that's for sure.

03-09-2016, 08:50 AM
I think I will clean my pans as well after today's boil. I have been adding taps trying to offset what I think will be an early/short season. I have been hoping for Friday night also, but it is, like said "marginal". It will be a couple weeks of above normal temps, and I don't want the sweet to sit so long.
I just pulled up the NWS Climate Prediction Center 8-14 day probability graphic (not a forecast), and things have gotten worse. I am, and central and southern Vermont are the very heart of the "above normal" temperature outlook.
**UPDATE 14:30 **
High temperature 70 (well... 69.9), and dropping now!! Sap flowing quite good, but sugar down to 1.4% from 2.0% yesterday. I am saving my 300 gal from yesterday to process after my current flow and buckets. That tank is 45 degrees, and today's vacuum run tank and the buckets are all 60 degrees plus. I am RO processing right now, will collect remote 55 gal tanks (3) and buckets soon and boil tonight, followed by the 300 gal cold sap tonight or tomorrow AM. I have done this before and it works out well to save the cold sap til last.
Friday night my forecast is for a low 28 degrees.
Forecast improving with below freezing for 6-7 hours...

03-09-2016, 11:19 PM
11 gallons tonight. We got lighter and even made some Fancy. 10 last night as well. Up to 76 total. Today was a nice, and unexpected, gusher. Hoping for Friday. I don't want to make commercial.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-10-2016, 06:03 AM
temp yesterday got up to 56... never froze the night before. last night got down to 46. got about 275-300 gallons from my 200 taps between yesterday a.m and this a.m! not running as good as I've seen, but i'll take whatever I can get with this funky weather! testing a hair over 2%! made about 5-6 gallons of some delicious amber.

03-10-2016, 06:27 AM
Temps topped out at 70 yesterday and by evening the buckets and gravity tubing had slowed considerably. Boiled mid-morning and again in the evening trying to get the sap processed as fresh as possible. Sugar levels still at 2% +. We are at 2/3 crop, but the forecast for the next 10 days is not favorable. Hoping we might get a little push Friday night, but other than that temps look to be in the upper 30's at night for the duration.

We'll be cleaning the tanks and pans this afternoon and then settling in to see what happens.

03-10-2016, 07:30 AM
I was able to get 9500 gallons yesterday. My woods has not let go yet and I know the ground is good and froze still. My weather is showing some freezing temps this week so things are looking real good here. Saps only running 175 GPH right now but thats fine. If we can get through all this warmth in March (which I think were going to) not only will we get a good amount of sap for the month of March but we still have about 20 days in April. Using the CV2 spouts will really pay off this season if we go well into April.


03-10-2016, 08:34 AM
We had a high of 66 here yesterday. Sap has slowed but still coming in. Pulled in another 400 since 5pm yesterday. Sugar at 2%. I processed about 8-900 gal. yesterday and made about 18 gal. Grade dropped slightly into AR, but just on the edge. Great flavor.

I was thinking about taking today off from boiling but the sap is looking a little cloudier than it has been so I may still boil later today to keep the grade up. It looks like tomorrow will be better for storing sap with a high in the mid 40's and now a freeze tomorrow night seems more likely. Hopefully that will be the case.

I have been pretty impressed with this 10+ year old springtech ro with original membrane I have been using. Even with cold sap I am getting sap thru it at just below its rated flow. The thing just chugs along. Granted I am not needing to push it hard at all to process from 750 taps. Great machine though.

03-10-2016, 09:11 AM
We added about 30 new taps with 25 on a 6' ladder. It worked great. A few more new taps to go. We processed about 500 gallons a sap yesterday and made a little over 10 gallons of syrup for a total of 18 gallons. My Father is draining the pans today, filling with permeate and bringing it to a boil to clean. We'll add the sap back in this afternoon and do a general clean up to get ready for the next round. Our syrup this year has been the lightest since using a R/O and has great taste.


03-10-2016, 09:13 AM
Surprisingly to me, I had 120 gallons of 1.5% in my tank at 9:30 this AM from my 320 vacuum and vacuum had dropped to 23" last night. So, after getting 8 gallons of GD last night I will have another 500 gallons to process and boil today.
Friday night looks good for two reasons. All the forecasts show 28-30 for a low, but even more importantly, it will be a slow and prolonged freeze that the NWS and WU show to be 6-8 hours below freezing, which should give good penetration. I still have some ice on the ground, and the ground is solid frozen still, so I am being optimistic that we can get through the week after that and get more freeze cycles. Temps should be 30's to 50's between that time. Dr Tim assured me the trees will not be fooled by these moderately warm temps.
It will be good to get a week off.

03-10-2016, 10:32 AM
I too have been keeping an eye on the Friday night forecast. Looks like a nice busy weekend ahead.

03-10-2016, 03:11 PM
Made about 125 gal yesterday. Another 105 gal today. That puts us at a total of 465 gallons, which is about 25% of a minimum (0.5 gal/tap) crop for us. Niter seems to be fairly minimal so far, and the sap quality is quite good.

Vacuum still good at around 25.5" Hg (in the mainline....even better in the 3/16" laterals). Sugar content still around 2.2-2.3%. Check out our new "releaser cam" http://users.gmavt.net/perkins/view.jpg (note that the vacuum gauges aren't hooked up quite yet....its on the list for tomorrow). This cam is just a backup for the vacuum sensors on our Smartrek system, and so we can keep an eye on the new electric releaser to make sure the sap filters aren't clogged.

NWS has dropped the temp forecast for here some. Looks like maybe a little snow and light freeze overnight, and hopefully a good one (27 deg F) on Friday night. Could be a great weekend.

03-10-2016, 07:50 PM
Sap running slow all day but should have 4000 by morning. Testing at 2.3% which is very good for my woods. I too am at about 25% of hitting a .5 GPT. I have a good feeling about this season.


Sugarmaker's dad
03-10-2016, 08:05 PM
The warm weather treated us well here in Montgomery Center. 18,000 gallons of sap since Tuesday morning. Sap has been running non stop now for over 60 hours. Vacuum has held steady at 26+ ". Made 4 barrels yesterday and 4 more today.

03-10-2016, 10:47 PM
It turned into a good 3 days down here, with 800 gallons of sap, and 18 gallons of syrup. Bracing for what may come Saturday.
I ordered a vane kit for my Gast vacuum pump, Saturday delivery. I am hoping it will come in the morning some time. I had unplugged my sap pump (don't ask...) and forgot, and my sap trap shutoff switch did not cut the power for some reason. I was nearby, and shut it off, but it was to late. I opened it up, cleaned it, and ran it, but it did not last long. Vanes broke from stress I guess.

03-11-2016, 07:11 AM
I awoke this morning to 32 on the thermometer and the sap lifter frozen up. I doubt it was enough to recharge the trees but at least it feels more seasonable, and it will be easier to store sap. I am taking a day off from boiling. Made another 10 gallons last night after pulling in 500-600 gal. from wed. at 5 pm til yesterday at 5pm. Sap flow dropped off below 1 gpt in 24 hrs.

A solid freeze seems pretty likely tonight and over night temps. are a bit lower in the forecast for next week. We'll see what happens!

03-11-2016, 07:18 AM
We had a light freeze here. Not enough for a good recharge, but certainly some. A bit of snow still coming down right now, but the sap is starting to trickle in a bit. Might not get a lot today, and hoping for a nice freeze tonite. Good day to check lines and fix the small leaks.

03-11-2016, 09:29 PM
Down to 31.8 at 10:20 pm...
Reality is setting in that we all should have a good freeze tonight.
I have my Gast vacuum pump vane kit coming in overnight to pick up at the UPS store in the morning to get up and running. The store manger that we have given syrup to at Christmas will call me when it arrives. I could not consider not having it until Monday regardless of cost. I would have agonized about it all weekend.

03-12-2016, 05:25 AM
I had 28 all night and things froze up nice. Sun is just getting ready to come up over Jay Peak and shine right on my woods. I hope we all get a bunch of sap this week. I was able to replace a saddle and a couple valves yesterday. I walked the woods looking for problem but everything for the most part looks good. Running 27 inches in all the woods. I am dealing with back spasms but hope they go away so I can enjoy the day and watch the money pour into the tank. I hope everyone has a great day.


03-12-2016, 05:43 AM
Had a low of 24 at 1:24 am still 27 now sun is on the solar panels and my maple tress Life is good! Have a great weekend everyone!!

03-12-2016, 06:00 AM
Dropped down to below freezing(to my suprise) at 8 pm Friday night. 22 now a 7 am. Sap will happen today here in west Fairlee.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-12-2016, 07:28 AM
let the sap gods run wild.
27 here in P town. cleaning tanks and pans made 20 gal last nite dark robust sugar was 1.2. home made ro last nite 210gph

03-12-2016, 08:27 AM
Enjoy the sun and lots of sap everyone.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-12-2016, 09:48 AM
Gravity running decent and hi vac doing good also.

03-12-2016, 09:56 AM
Sap is running 1000 GPH as of 10:00am.


Flat Lander Sugaring
03-12-2016, 12:35 PM
I am sp glad the ticks have awoken from their winter nap

03-12-2016, 01:28 PM
Sap is running 1600 GPH at 2:00pm. Keep it coming.


MJPJ Sugars
03-12-2016, 07:05 PM
Collected 28 gallons from my 25 buckets at 5:00PM today, and taps still at a steady drip... Best collection day so far :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-12-2016, 10:01 PM
I got my Gast repaired and installed by 2:00 this afternoon. What a job! I had to clean up the vane rotor and the eccentric housing for it with emery paper to remove some damage. I lost an inch of vacuum I think as a result, but at least it has been running all day OK. Repaired the ground wire for my sap trap cutoff switch so it will prevent another catastrophe.
I have 300 gallons in the tank from my 320 taps! Still at 1.5%

Sugarmaker's dad
03-12-2016, 10:52 PM
Averaged 1,200 gallons per hour from 10:30 am to 10:30 pm. Peak flow was just under 2,000 gph. What a gusher!
Sap still coming in at 600 gph at 11:30. About 5,000 gal. in the tanks to run through the RO during the night so we can start boiling early tomorrow.

03-13-2016, 08:54 AM
Excellent flow from yesterday mid-morning until sometime after 2am. Slowed down a bit, and had a light freeze here, but running again now and picking up steam again. All the tanks were full this morning. RO is going, evaporator will be soon. Going to be a great week to be making syrup.

03-13-2016, 09:56 AM
We did end up with a marginal freeze Thursday into Friday and the sap flow picked up a good bit. Probably pulled in about 400 or so before it froze Friday night. Then it really got going yesterday morning. Lines thawed pretty quickly once the sun came over the mountain, and for a while the dry line was running like a garden hose. Had 700 in the tanks by 11 am so I started the RO and processed until about 3 by which point tanks were empty. I was also processing incoming sap so not sure how much came in during that time, but I suspect it was about 2-300 gal. I boiled and made about 22 gal. of AR. Great flavor!

It ran over night and since 3 pm yesterday, about 500 gal. came in. Sugar has dropped a bit to about 1.8. We did not get a freeze last night and sap flow has dropped off. I suspect I will have another 700 to process by early afternoon or so. I'll boil late afternoon to make space in tanks as I have to go to my other job tomorrow.

A good freeze is likely for tonight so it looks like the next couple days could be good. I'm up to about 122 gal. for the season so far. 200 is my bottom line and it looks like that will be possible. I would like to make at least 300 and am hoping that it does not get too warm this week. Lots of signs of spring around....

03-13-2016, 06:01 PM
I got 14,500 gallons yesterday and then 5000 today so far. Sap still running in at 6:00 pm but slowing down. Should get a good freeze tonight and back at it tomorrow. The 10 day forecast says sap everyday. In order to have big numbers for the season I need a big March and it looks like that is going to happen. Sap tested at 2.0% today. My back is feeling better today. The kids checked for leaks today and everything is tight at 27 inches. Back to school tomorrow so I'm on my own. Good luck everyone.


Flat Lander Sugaring
03-13-2016, 08:25 PM
made 15 gal friday and 20 saturday and today. gravity lines running 2.4 hi vac 1.6. collected 600 gal each day. up towards 100 gal.

03-13-2016, 08:32 PM
I couldn't be more Jealous of the Sap Runs you guys are getting up and over in Vermont, but I know you guys all do your homework & follow best practices. So Kudos to you guys and if you get tired of hogging the sap, send a little this way:lol: