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View Full Version : Float box rear pan

11-09-2006, 03:22 AM
Has anyone changed there rear float box over from sap coming into the bottom of the box to one that comes into the top?
I have a small brothers rear pan and I don't really like the setup. The sap intake line come into the bottom of the float box. I am doing some rearanging in the sugarhouse and want to put in a preheater someday. I would like to have the sap to come in at the top of the float box. I know it is possible I am just wondering if anyone else has do it, and what kind of mess I am going to get into, by changeing the guts in the float box.
Thanks for the help in advance.

11-09-2006, 04:01 PM
I presume your float box is permanently attached to the pan. It can be done but will take some parts and will need to cut a new hole, remove some of the old stuff and buy a new valve. If you are really interested I can get you the list of parts you might need. Probably what you will end up with is the feed coming in the rear of the float box. Perhaps someone has already done this and can help.

11-10-2006, 03:21 AM
Mapleguy, Thanks for the info I'll keep you posted.