View Full Version : Needing Idea for small scale shack.

Sam Caruth
01-09-2014, 07:37 PM
I just want to start by thanking all of you, for making me feel so welcome, and answering all of my questions so far. But I am needing a small shack for my (soon to be) barrel evaporator. I have a very picky and nosey zoning administrator, so I would like something without 4 walls so I don't have to deal with permits. I was thinking about just a small 4 post wood canopy with a roof. Id imagine thats what ill end with. But, just seeing if there are any options out there. Thanks in advance.

01-09-2014, 07:47 PM
A friend of mine uses a 4 post tent canopy and puts a tarp on two sides to block the wind. Then just takes it down when done. He's been doing it for a few years now and is going to do the same this coming season

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01-09-2014, 08:20 PM
Last year, I used a tarp strung between posts and a tree to keep rain off of me. It worked - wasn't pretty - Would definitely like to see what others do for temporary shelters....

01-10-2014, 05:43 AM
Although my previous shelter wasn't temporary, the same concepts could be used with a temporary shelter. I had a sloped roof on top of 4" by 6" posts (it was 8' wide and 10' long) and had rolled up tarps hung on all four sides. What I used to roll them up was inch and a half PVC pipes that I attached the tarps to with 1" screws with large heads. I then attached the one PVC to the upper area of each corner post and then rolled the second PVC up and tied it to the first PVC. I found I could let each side down as far as needed to keep the wind, snow, and/or rain off of me by tying the PVC to the corner post. I boiled on a 2' by 4' evaporator for the past 6 years.

01-12-2014, 08:55 AM
Go to TSC and get a shed in a box its a temp building no zoning needed

01-12-2014, 09:50 PM
Look into the building regs. in your area. Two years ago Mass. actually lightened the permit requirements for an outbuilding from 100sq. ft. to 200sq. ft.. Thats a 12'x16'+ building and no permit is required. Mass and many if not most other states adopt the national building code and make their own amendments so its possible that other states adopted this policy as well. Massachusetts is the last state that would make life easier for folks. If it changed in Michigan( Call a larger town or city inspectors office to find out) then you can tell your nosy administrator to take a hike.:)

Scribner's Mountain Maple
01-13-2014, 06:03 AM
In my town it is $35 for a building permit for a dwelling under 200 sq/ft and $100 or something for a structure larger than 200.

I can stand needing a permit to build on our own land. What bothers me even more is the annual increase in taxes that don't go away.

I may be wrong, but think that a 4 post and roof design still requires a permit in my town. I was told if it has a roof it needs a permit.

Since I am cheap, and didn't want to pay permit fees or increased taxes I started using trailers.

You could build a small shed on a 6*12 trailer and have all the room you need, build it a little more solid while still being able to take it apart. Don't bring the sap to your sugarhouse, bring your sugarhouse to the sap. (kidding) But really you could put up a temp to perm shack on a trailer and tell everyone to p*ss off. No permit required, no increase in taxes.

I built a storage shed on a hay trailer. It is 8*18 and needs no permit.


01-13-2014, 04:23 PM
Where you at Sam? Sure you can't fit a movable structure inside the regs? 12x16 on skids would work in our part of the state.

01-13-2014, 05:08 PM
Where you at Sam? Sure you can't fit a movable structure inside the regs? 12x16 on skids would work in our part of the state.

Thats probably the same as what I'm talking about. I forgot to mention that it couldn't have a foundation.

01-13-2014, 06:33 PM
In my town it is $35 for a building permit for a dwelling under 200 sq/ft and $100 or something for a structure larger than 200.

I can stand needing a permit to build on our own land. What bothers me even more is the annual increase in taxes that don't go away.

I may be wrong, but think that a 4 post and roof design still requires a permit in my town. I was told if it has a roof it needs a permit.

Since I am cheap, and didn't want to pay permit fees or increased taxes I started using trailers.

You could build a small shed on a 6*12 trailer and have all the room you need, build it a little more solid while still being able to take it apart. Don't bring the sap to your sugarhouse, bring your sugarhouse to the sap. (kidding) But really you could put up a temp to perm shack on a trailer and tell everyone to p*ss off. No permit required, no increase in taxes.

I built a storage shed on a hay trailer. It is 8*18 and needs no permit.


In Vt you do not need a permit for an ag building. I believe you have to gross $1000 from agriculture to qualify. You need a permit here in Barnet for one of the "tent" portable garages. (My mother is the zoning officer)

Michael Greer
01-13-2014, 08:16 PM
Build a picnic shelter. Stack wood between the poles. Put up tarps to keep the wind off during sugaring season. At the end of the season, take down the tarps and have a pancake and syrup picnic. Repeat.

Sam Caruth
01-14-2014, 05:28 PM
Well. I've decided. I found this thread, and think it fits me best. It was originally posted by Ohio Maple Blaster. heres the link
I plan to do that, just a bit bigger, and with tarp walls. Getting super excited for the season! Just about a month away. OMB, if your reading this, Thanks for the idea! It looks great, and GO BLUE! :D