View Full Version : Otsego County 2014

Brian Ryther
01-08-2014, 04:59 PM
Saw the forecast this morning and decided that today is the day. Changed out spouts and taped in about 600 today.

01-08-2014, 05:15 PM
Congrats....jealous!...so much still needs done

01-08-2014, 05:50 PM
Really?? I would imagine u will get sap but is it a little early for you or no?

Brian Ryther
01-09-2014, 04:46 PM
Really?? I would imagine u will get sap but is it a little early for you or no?
Last season I tapped in 1500 for January. First boil was Jan14. Those taps ran the distance and I wished I had tapped everything in. So this season I will not make that same mistake. Well over a thousand taps in as of today. High Vacuum and Check Valves. This is the new norm.

Thad Blaisdell
01-09-2014, 04:57 PM
Get right after it...... I will be tapping in 22 days.

Good luck with your season

01-09-2014, 05:05 PM
Brian- Just got out of the woods and couldn't quite finish the big woods across the road. Getting up early about 300 left in there, going to do them then finally I can spend all day tomorrow hooking up odds and ends. Looks like sap this weekend. Should be 8000 in the morning. Try to get them on pretty good vac this warm up then tap the rest on the next freeze and finetune until the bigsap comes. Theron

01-09-2014, 05:53 PM
Last season I tapped in 1500 for January. First boil was Jan14. Those taps ran the distance and I wished I had tapped everything in. So this season I will not make that same mistake. Well over a thousand taps in as of today. High Vacuum and Check Valves. This is the new norm.yeah I can see where u would say that especially being a little farther south and having vac. Good luck hope you post some updates?

Brian Ryther
01-10-2014, 06:44 PM
O man, it is all coming back to me. I got one bush taped in ,1300+-, turned vacuum on, no vacuum. Walked the bush, mile to the top, and back. Found 12 missed drops and a 1" dry line apart. Only 10" at the releaser at 6pm. It will be hard to sleep knowing there are leaks out there. Going to hit the ground running tomorrow. With a 30cfm LR pump I know that there are still 3, 5/16 leaks between me and 25". Then on the next bush.

Randy Brutkoski
01-10-2014, 07:45 PM
Holes will start appearing in my trees on Monday.

01-10-2014, 09:20 PM
Just starting the actual build of my arch tomorrow. The plan for the expansion is all in my head, and the steel is all laying in the shop. Been stocking up on supplies for a few weeks, and know I'm under the gun time wise. Second year of sugaring for me, and am taking on a HUGE expansion. It's do or die time!!! Hopin to start tapping by the beginning of February. Best of luck to you guys!!

01-11-2014, 08:29 AM
Im jealous! I ordered my new set up last May and still have not received it. Just got done setting up my vacuum system, and have nothing to boil with.

01-11-2014, 08:36 AM
Treehugger what did u order and from who

01-11-2014, 08:50 AM
2x8 raised flue, air tight arch, hoods and preheater by Patrick Phaneuf. I ordered through Homestead Maple. They have been helpful, but they are at the mercy of Patrick. I have a tentative date of 1/26 "ish". Im sure it will be worth the wait, but talk about cutting it close!

Brian Ryther
01-11-2014, 08:29 PM
6am leak check provided fruitful. Sap ran all night and cleaned the lines out. 10am I washed the tanks and releaser. Closed the valves on the tanks and began collecting sap. 10 hours later I had almost a gallon of sap per tap. 2nd bush is under way. A few hundred holes got drilled today, in the rain. They should clean there lines out overnight and I should be able to get there tank on line tomorrow morning.

01-11-2014, 09:33 PM
Nice job Brian...stay at it!

Walling's Maple Syrup
01-12-2014, 08:55 AM
Have you checked the sugar? We are sitting on 5000 gallons of 1 percent. Trees are still frozen solid and only releasing sap on the very outside of the tree.

01-12-2014, 09:11 PM
6am leak check provided fruitful. Sap ran all night and cleaned the lines out. 10am I washed the tanks and releaser. Closed the valves on the tanks and began collecting sap. 10 hours later I had almost a gallon of sap per tap. 2nd bush is under way. A few hundred holes got drilled today, in the rain. They should clean there lines out overnight and I should be able to get there tank on line tomorrow morning.so do u let the sap run on the ground for awhile to clean your lines out? Also did u have allot of squirrel damage?

Brian Ryther
01-13-2014, 06:36 AM
so do u let the sap run on the ground for awhile to clean your lines out? Also did u have allot of squirrel damage?
Sap runs to the ground until it is clear and chunk free. Not too bad on the squirrel damage. Mostly large limbs and down tree damage. Biggest problem has been pvc wet dry manifolds. I have replaced 7 broken ones so far. Going to the whip from now on.
I haven't checked the sugar yet Neil. The refractometer is still at the old sugar house. I have heard that sap will foam / bubble when you pump it if it has high sugar. This sap is as flat as water.
Forecast is now looking good through the week. Tapping during the day. Finishing the Sugar House at night.

Walling's Maple Syrup
01-13-2014, 06:49 AM
Yeah. I wish it would turn cold for a week or so. I don't like tapping when the sap is running.
I am gonna make it over there one of these days! It has been a pretty hectic couple months to say the least. Good luck this season Brian. Your sugarhouse looks nice and functional.

Brian Ryther
01-14-2014, 09:26 PM
Syrup! 4500 gallons of sap into 15 gallons of syrup. You do the math. Figure the evaporator holds 20+ gallons of syrup also. low sugar. Minor glitch in the ro but other wise startup in the new sugar house went well.

01-14-2014, 10:02 PM
wanted to make it back up for your first boil, didn't get out of meetings till 9:30 so I didn't bother, because I figured you were all done, see you tomorrow night for the meeting. Matt

Brian Ryther
01-16-2014, 07:58 PM
Had a fun time last night. The Otsego County Maple Producers Assn. held there January meeting at my sugar house while I boiled. It is not often that we can all get together during production season. I was able to make another 20 gallons. I hope that Tomorrow will provide me with some sap to process. The long term forecast looks cold. I will try to push all of the sweet out of the evap. tomorrow or Saturday.

01-17-2014, 09:22 PM
Had a fun time last night. The Otsego County Maple Producers Assn. held there January meeting at my sugar house while I boiled. It is not often that we can all get together during production season. I was able to make another 20 gallons. I hope that Tomorrow will provide me with some sap to process. The long term forecast looks cold. I will try to push all of the sweet out of the evap. tomorrow or Saturday.

How can I become a member?

Brian Ryther
01-18-2014, 10:40 AM
How can I become a member?
treehugger, I will let you know the next time we get together. Dues are 1 gallon of syrup at the county fair, and volunteer some time at the pancake house during the fair. County membership includes state and regional (Catskill) association memberships and paid entry into Verona.
Boiled yesterdays sap and pushed the sweet out of the evaporator this morning. 30 gallons of dark - B syrup. up to 70 total. Now I clean and wait for the cold snap to leave.

01-20-2014, 09:25 AM
That sounds good, thanks. Hopefully ill get that evaporator soon so I can pay dues.

01-23-2014, 11:41 AM
It's been anywhere between 20 and 45 below zero here.....

I subscribe to the the reasoning that I've been taught all my adult life..........If it ain't hay don't bale it.

Sugar season will come......but it ain't NOW....!!!!!!!!

Brian Ryther
01-23-2014, 03:18 PM
It's been anywhere between 20 and 45 below zero here.....

I subscribe to the the reasoning that I've been taught all my adult life..........If it ain't hay don't bale it.

Sugar season will come......but it ain't NOW....!!!!!!!!
I believe the term is Luddite. You can stick to your conventional methods. I will adapt and learn from research and new technologies.

Greenwich Maple Man
01-23-2014, 04:49 PM
I believe the term is Luddite. You can stick to your conventional methods. I will adapt and learn from research and new technologies.

Sugaring is whenever you can make syrup!!!!!

01-23-2014, 07:51 PM
I believe the term is Luddite. You can stick to your conventional methods. I will adapt and learn from research and new technologies.

I'm a novice at this, but I'm noticing that wheelguy54 is about 130 miles north of you, north of Watertown -- I can imagine that his tapping season might start later than yours.

01-23-2014, 08:18 PM
I think there is something to be said for using the January thaw to your advantage to get tapped, clean out the lines and make some syrup. Using seasonal spouts and vacuum will allow for this trend to become more popular. I'm nowhere near ready to try it this season, but perhaps next. Even for a small retail operation like mine, this methodology may prove itself.

01-24-2014, 04:34 AM
Ive always fretted about when to tap and read all of proctors studies and tapped sometime in January every year and had pretty good results. Of course itll only work if your playing by the rules. New spout, have the pump on whenever its running, etc. What really sold me on early tapping was one year we went to visit Scott Wheeler in northern Maine. He and his wife were tapping in December for sap that would come in April to May timeframe. I said to him because we had just had a bad season with it going warm I think the year before, I said you might be a genius to tap early this year and he said, you might be a genius to tap early every year. That kind of sold me with him being a very high average per tap guy and hearing him say that. Theron

01-24-2014, 10:58 AM
QUOTE=Brian Ryther;236158]I believe the term is Luddite. You can stick to your conventional methods. I will adapt and learn from research and new technologies.[/QUOTE]Well now that you've got all your research..........how much sap flows at 27[last nite] below zero...????????
Spring only comes once a year and that wasn't it.!!!!!!!!

Walling's Maple Syrup
01-24-2014, 06:13 PM
It's been anywhere between 20 and 45 below zero here.....

I subscribe to the the reasoning that I've been taught all my adult life..........If it ain't hay don't bale it.

Sugar season will come......but it ain't NOW....!!!!!!!!To each his/her own about when they want to start tapping. I guess what I don't understand is why do you want to hijack someone elses thread just for the sake of starting an argument?

01-24-2014, 06:43 PM
I agree, too many !!!!!! and ???? Start your own thread.

01-24-2014, 07:08 PM
I think hes right. You have to be carefull with that early tapping, everybody knows your holes will dry up. Same thing with taking a cruise on a cruiseline, better not get far off shore you,ll fall off the end of the world, everyone knows the earth is flat, dumb bastards. Theron

Randy Brutkoski
01-24-2014, 09:13 PM
If brian is a dummy, well I guess I am too. I have 1000 taps in so far. If you were under high vac. you would know why some of us tap early. I was the first guy to tap anywhere around me last year and I was also the last one going any where around me. I think it is time for you to stop bashing brian.

Randy Brutkoski
01-24-2014, 09:14 PM
The earth is flat, I have seen the edge.

Walling's Maple Syrup
01-24-2014, 09:25 PM
The earth is flat, I have seen the edge.Was that after Flatlander gave you too many beers during an all night boil?

Thad Blaisdell
01-24-2014, 09:38 PM
The earth is flat, I have seen the edge.

Hell I have been living on the edge for years.

01-25-2014, 06:48 AM
The big thing is why does anyone care how another guy wants to make syrup anyway. You know someone has a ton of money invested and he crosses his fingers and goes for it and taps early why not wish him luck instead of ill will. It comes down to if you have gravity tube or buckets you really need to wait till right before regular season and tap like its always been done but all you have to do is look at proctors studies to see that you can tap early with vac and new plastic. You just have to follow all the rules. If theres a drop of sap in the releaser the pump has to be running. Make sure new plastic in the trees. Ive tapped in January every year for the past six years and Im always still running even after the gravity guys are done that tapped in March. I do think the guys that tap later that are on vac have better running holes near the end but I already made a bunch of good syrup and am still making it. Ive got 8000 in now and will be drilling as soon as I get done with breakfast. Its so cold that these days don't count on the holes. They don't go on the meter. On vac it takes two months of RUN weather to kill my holes, that's what it seems like anyway. Theron

Brian Ryther
01-25-2014, 06:50 AM
The weather is finally looking warm enough to get back out and finish tapping. Only 1k left to do. Then I am going to try to set up another 20 acres during February. I doubt I will be able to get it all in for this season but every little bit counts.

01-25-2014, 06:57 AM
Go for it Brian, Im thinking the same thing kind of. I want to get all tapped and operable then I think Im going to just keep walking around and finetuning or I may hook up a few more trees. Either way were all ready to go. Everything after that is bonus. Theron

Walling's Maple Syrup
01-25-2014, 07:26 AM
I haven't drilled any since its been real cold either. We started drilling jan.5 and between me and dad we have about 4000 in now. Gonna start drilling again this coming week. Been working on a few odds and ends that I keep putting off. Yesterday built a insulated box around one of my releasers to heat with a light bulb(after having the big releaser in the sugarhouse last year I realized how nice it was to have them not freeze). Gonna do that with the rest of them in the next few days. Good luck with your new woods Brian. What are you going to run for a vac. on it?

Greenwich Maple Man
01-25-2014, 07:27 AM
I started Monday and will be drilling again today. Everyday the temp is decent I will be drilling !

01-27-2014, 01:59 PM
Getting the new evaporator Thursday. Thankfully with this arctic weather I haven't missed much. Cant wait to fire it up.

Brian Ryther
01-27-2014, 04:23 PM
Mother Nature played a mean trick on me today. 28 degrees when I got up. So I got my gear on and went to the woods. Immediately it began dumping snow. I got soaked. Then it turned bitter cold and super windy. I froze my but off today. Off to NH tomorrow. Trade some syrup for a vacuum pump. I am going to try one of the Atlantic pumps with a self contained oil cooling system. I already run two of the Atlantic pumps with water. I know that they are not the most forgiving with leaks but I don't have leaks so I should be good. Ha

Greenwich Maple Man
01-27-2014, 07:37 PM
Mother Nature played a mean trick on me today. 28 degrees when I got up. So I got my gear on and went to the woods. Immediately it began dumping snow. I got soaked. Then it turned bitter cold and super windy. I froze my but off today. Off to NH tomorrow. Trade some syrup for a vacuum pump. I am going to try one of the Atlantic pumps with a self contained oil cooling system. I already run two of the Atlantic pumps with water. I know that they are not the most forgiving with leaks but I don't have leaks so I should be good. Ha

You don't have leaks ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

01-27-2014, 07:58 PM
Famous last words....

01-28-2014, 04:27 PM
We use two of the Atlantic pumps with oil and so far have held up pretty good. I overheated one (pump is almost black) changed the oil and runs great. We do alot of leak patrol as soon as I see the gauge drop any.


Brian Ryther
01-28-2014, 04:52 PM
We use two of the Atlantic pumps with oil and so far have held up pretty good. I overheated one (pump is almost black) changed the oil and runs great. We do alot of leak patrol as soon as I see the gauge drop any.

I am on the same program with the Atlantic pumps. It does not take much of a leak to cause a drop on vacuum. I hope I will be able to keep up with three now. The pump I picked up today was on the Bascom used list. It had been used for a few hours and the producer had problems with it. Bascoms said they sent it to an electrician in town and had it fixed. So for 1k off retail I took the chance and brought it home. As soon as I got home I put power to it. It stuttered but finally turned over. But no vacuum. After a short investigation I found that the high voltage wire configuration had the motor spinning backwards. Quick wire swap and I have vacuum. I am pretty pleased with my purchase. This might make up for the times I had syrup down graded from what I thought it was.

Greenwich Maple Man
01-28-2014, 05:15 PM
I am on the same program with the Atlantic pumps. It does not take much of a leak to cause a drop on vacuum. I hope I will be able to keep up with three now. The pump I picked up today was on the Bascom used list. It had been used for a few hours and the producer had problems with it. Bascoms said they sent it to an electrician in town and had it fixed. So for 1k off retail I took the chance and brought it home. As soon as I got home I put power to it. It stuttered but finally turned over. But no vacuum. After a short investigation I found that the high voltage wire configuration had the motor spinning backwards. Quick wire swap and I have vacuum. I am pretty pleased with my purchase. This might make up for the times I had syrup down graded from what I thought it was.

Great last sentence! I think there kit has one grade!

Randy Brutkoski
01-28-2014, 07:51 PM
I 2nd that

01-28-2014, 08:32 PM
Yeah, the first thing I would have done when they told me they sent it to an electrician would have been..ok which one cause I want to call him....

01-29-2014, 02:34 PM
I have yet to buy an AF pump that wasn't wired that way

Randy Brutkoski
01-29-2014, 06:09 PM
Now that I think about it, my 7.5 atlantic fluid liquid ring was wired the wrong way as well. easy fix though.

Brian Ryther
01-29-2014, 07:20 PM
This is my third AF pump, but first wired the wrong way. Super easy fix. Wires are numbered and wiring diagram is on the side of motor.
New sugar bush land owner called tonight. Wanted to know if it would be ok if we could apply all money from leasing to a future purchase price. I am not making this up. I think it would be ok.
Forecast calls for great working weather. I should have all of my existing woods taped by Sunday. New sugar bush installation begins Monday. How many taps should I be able to get in before the end of the season? I do need to spend a few days setting tanks and wiring new vac pump. Time to call in reinforcements. Anyone out there free to help?

01-29-2014, 08:56 PM
How far away from i88 are u

Brian Ryther
01-30-2014, 05:07 PM
How far away from i88 are u
About 15 miles from exit 13.
Fair weather today got me back into the woods this afternoon. Back to tapping. Hope to be finished in a day or two.

01-31-2014, 07:17 AM
I think you worded it wrong Brian...You should have asked-Any free help out there?!!!

Dan Bolton
02-11-2014, 12:03 PM
Went to the woods yesterday. Just started pulling things tight and adjusting line. Second tree in I was replacing a drop due to squirrel damage and bam my line tool falls apart and all of the hardware falls into over a foot of snow.:o. Pretty simple, turned around and walked out. Lol. Tomorrow we will both be up in there. Gotta get things fixed and up to snuff so when the forecast looks right we will tap them. Gonna add a few as well. Put us around 1,100. We can do all of them in a 8 hr day. May be a little slower with all the snow. Good luck to all.

02-11-2014, 07:51 PM
I have been making suyrup for around 7-8 years and have not had a winter quite like this. Those of you that have been in the game longer than I and have seen a winter like this, how does the season typically go with these type of conditions? I don't see a break in the cold temps for a while. By the time it thaws out half of the season may be over.

02-11-2014, 07:57 PM
Hard sayin. Could do anything. Like the 2012 season went from 20 degree weather to 70 degree weather

Brian Ryther
02-11-2014, 09:25 PM
I am staying positive. This cold snap will make the sap super sweet. It will kill the deer ticks. It will also give me time to finish installing a new sugar bush. I do not have time to be bothered with boiling and collecting. Two more weeks of cold will be just fine with me.

02-11-2014, 09:28 PM
Allot of guys saying short season. I guess because it will start running later bit then warm up quick?

Greenwich Maple Man
02-11-2014, 09:35 PM
I am staying positive. This cold snap will make the sap super sweet. It will kill the deer ticks. It will also give me time to finish installing a new sugar bush. I do not have time to be bothered with boiling and collecting. Two more weeks of cold will be just fine with me.

Right on Brian !

Greenwich Maple Man
02-11-2014, 09:37 PM
If its this cold a month from now I would maybe sort of be thinking a little negative . Now I'm happy to see it and am planning for a good season ahead !

Randy Brutkoski
02-11-2014, 09:46 PM
I hope your right about the ticks dying. They are getting worse every year.

02-12-2014, 06:58 AM
I am staying positive. This cold snap will make the sap super sweet. It will kill the deer ticks. It will also give me time to finish installing a new sugar bush. I do not have time to be bothered with boiling and collecting. Two more weeks of cold will be just fine with me.
I agree a hundred percent. I just got into my bush Sunday, and as of yesterday i'm 1/3 done with it. hope to plow through some more tubing friday and saturday, evap. gets delivered next week. thank goodness its still cold!

02-12-2014, 08:47 AM
I don't like the exstreem cold ,but when it comes to having to time to get things ready for the season,i'll take it....as for them ticks...I hope they die(I got lyme disease this year and thought my season was over)

02-12-2014, 04:50 PM
Allot of guys saying short season. I guess because it will start running later bit then warm up quick?

By the way ADK1, i got my evaporator. Wow! The entire thing is stainless. Door, rails, sides, fittings, ect... I guess this was an ok year to late.

02-12-2014, 05:06 PM
After 45 yrs of making syrup,we got spoiled the last 6-7 yrs.Ican remember many,many years ,the weather being like this,many,many years I would be making syrup the12th-16th April,remember it's mother nature and you don't mess with HER!!!!!,The weather will warm and the sap will flow,Hoping for another banner year and keeping a positive attitude

Brian Ryther
02-13-2014, 06:06 AM
This is no longer a big sap alert. This is a BIG SAP WARNING!! Forecast changed. Game on. By Thursday night we will be elbows deep in sap.

02-13-2014, 06:32 AM
After 45 yrs of making syrup,we got spoiled the last 6-7 yrs.Ican remember many,many years ,the weather being like this,many,many years I would be making syrup the12th-16th April,remember it's mother nature and you don't mess with HER!!!!!,The weather will warm and the sap will flow,Hoping for another banner year and keeping a positive attitude 45 years? Wow Vern! Get me tapped up mr!

Greenwich Maple Man
02-13-2014, 07:38 AM
After 45 yrs of making syrup,we got spoiled the last 6-7 yrs.Ican remember many,many years ,the weather being like this,many,many years I would be making syrup the12th-16th April,remember it's mother nature and you don't mess with HER!!!!!,The weather will warm and the sap will flow,Hoping for another banner year and keeping a positive attitude

Very well said Sugarman3 ! I am 100% in agreement !

Dan Bolton
02-13-2014, 05:02 PM
This is no longer a big sap alert. This is a BIG SAP WARNING!! Forecast changed. Game on. By Thursday night we will be elbows deep in sap.

Your right on that Brian!!!! Next Wed through Sunday gonna be a big warm up. You guys better get after it. I put 16hrs in the sugarbush yesterday and today trudging through more then a foot of snow And fighting the -17 temp yesterday morning. 80% is ready for tapping. We got one more section to do. Re routing two mainlines and setting it up for 6 to 9 taps. I am pretty sure we can get this done in 2 days easy. We want to have everything ready by next Wednesday. Probably tap all 1,100 on wed. Tuesday night I have to make a mad dash for buffalo for our cabinets. Looks like I may be installing cabinets and a sink and countertop as I am boiling. Lol

02-13-2014, 07:04 PM
Brian- Hows the new woods going? getting pretty well ready here finally. All tapped. Got vac on the last releaser tonight, red maple stand, finally down to the small stuff. Will have plenty of vac work to do in the woods once it thaws out Im sure. Hope it runs good for you guys. Three big projects left. Adding a high pressure post. Finish putting together the high pressure pump on my cdl ro, and running 4000'of pipe up over the hill to hopefully put the 3000 some taps across the road directly into the sugarhouse. Then will be 100% kind of. Kind of figuring it will take a little time to get the frost out of the ground but it does look like a good warmup. Theron

Brian Ryther
02-13-2014, 07:27 PM
The new woods is a up hill battle. Starting from scratch. Super steep. Snow shoes required at this point. I have two guys helping. I think they are getting bored with tying the main lines to the wire. There is 7000' of mainline to tie up and they are only 2500' into it. I have a feeling that if I do well with this woods I will be looking to add 2 new posts and hp pump mid season to the ro. Or purchase tons of tanks to store sap until July before I get caught up.

02-13-2014, 07:34 PM
How many taps do you think youll have working on it this year?

02-13-2014, 07:35 PM
That's allot of twisting

Brian Ryther
02-13-2014, 07:54 PM
How many taps do you think youll have working on it this year?
any where from 0 - 1000.

02-19-2014, 04:54 PM
Tapping half done. Its not running yet.

02-20-2014, 04:15 PM
Finished tapping and changed over to check valves. It started running a little a couple of hours ago. Very weak though. With vacuum better flow but not what I was hoping/expecting to see. What about the rest of you?

02-20-2014, 05:16 PM
Same here,it barely drizzled,tree's are still cold yet even though sun is getting stronger,look out for the cold weather next week,after that things should when it warms,good luck this season

Brian Ryther
02-20-2014, 05:57 PM
3600 taped in and on vacuum. Should be a 4k by tomorrow. It has been a struggle for the past week. Super deep snow. every leak is at the furthest reaches of the sugar bushes. Never have the right things to fix leaks the first time. As much as I want sap I am glad the trees are slow to thaw. No real sap to speak of yet. Maybe by morning. Every season is different. This one is no exception.

02-20-2014, 07:22 PM
3600 taped in and on vacuum. Should be a 4k by tomorrow. It has been a struggle for the past week. Super deep snow. every leak is at the furthest reaches of the sugar bushes. Never have the right things to fix leaks the first time. As much as I want sap I am glad the trees are slow to thaw. No real sap to speak of yet. Maybe by morning. Every season is different. This one is no exception.

Climbing these hills in 18" of snow is no fun. I don't want to go back but got to check for leaks.

Brian Ryther
02-23-2014, 09:23 AM
The sap finally let lose yesterday. The big surprise was this morning. The sap must have ran all night. tanks were full and every releaser was operating. No ice problems.

Brian Ryther
02-24-2014, 06:49 PM
Processed over 10,000 gallons of sap Saturday and Sunday. Low sugar was the theme of the weekend. Time to get back into the woods and put more taps out!

Brian Ryther
02-25-2014, 06:05 PM
pushed water through the evap today. drew another 13 gallons. flue pan tested less than 4% so I dumped it and washed and drained the flue pan in preparation for the next 2 week deep freeze. Time to get back out in the woods and keep putting taps out.

02-28-2014, 09:17 PM
I had 1.3% sap from last weekend's run . Not so good.

02-28-2014, 09:25 PM
No sap right now that is for sure

03-15-2014, 10:24 AM
Has anyone had a good run yet? I know I'm in a cold spot, but i thought to have some good run by now. I'm running 23" of vac and had only one day of Ok running sap. Just curious.

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-15-2014, 11:45 AM
Has anyone had a good run yet? I know I'm in a cold spot, but i thought to have some good run by now. I'm running 23" of vac and had only one day of Ok running sap. Just curious.I don't believe the sap is running real well for anybody in this neck of the woods right now. Simply put, there is just too much frost in the ground and the base of the trees right now. These 40 degree temps for just a couple days, then back down to zero again just isn't going to cut it. If we had a few sunny days in the fifties that would start to break it loose.

03-15-2014, 08:31 PM
It was really nice most of the day here in the 40s and sunny off and on. Finally around 6pm during a snow squall it started to break loose just in time to freeze up again. It tough work coaxing the sap out this year so far and really strange weather.

Brian Ryther
03-15-2014, 10:41 PM
Not much sap today, but what was bought in tested between 2.0 and 2.2 %, So an unexpected barrel of syrup tonight. At this point expectations are low. I hope the trees and ground thaw out soon. Trying to keep a positive attitude about the "up coming" season. Lets hope the jet stream does not change course for the next six weeks. Putting more taps out until the next run. Might as well throw more $ at the maple gods. maybe they will see my devotion to them and reward me with a bounty of syrup.

Mountain Winds Farm
03-16-2014, 06:30 AM
managed to light the fire for the first time yesterday, only had about 1200 gallons to play with,pulled off a little syrup just as the sap ran out . Here is to hoping the weather changes for the maple weekends

Brian Ryther
03-18-2014, 07:29 PM
Since the "season" hasn't hit full force yet I managed to drill in another 70 taps today. New sugar bush is up to 640. If Sunday - Tuesday doesn't thaw out I might try to shoot for 700. Gotta do something to keep from going crazy.

Brian Ryther
03-20-2014, 08:43 PM
I hit 650 in the new sugar bush yesterday. I would keep going but someone hacked my online banking and stole all of my money, no joke. One more layer of stress I don't need. On a up note 2k of sap today, actually 3 days or run time, and the sugar came in at 2.1%. Sap is in 32 degree basement over night. I would normally process same day but too tired and waiting for a serious run before I get serious about processing.

03-21-2014, 06:47 AM
Good luck with the hacker Brian, I wish they would bring back drawing and quartering for those people. Not much sap over the past few days, I boiled about 60 gallons on Wednesday, and saved the sap from yesterday for tonight. Hopefully the sun will come out and break some trees loose for a couple days.

Brian Ryther
03-23-2014, 11:01 AM
Late afternoon run yesterday yielded 2k do 2.2% sap. The 8 buckets at the sugar house tested 3.6%! Processed this morning. Now we wait for the next warm spell.

03-30-2014, 01:24 PM
Had a medium intensity run yesterday for about 5 hours. But if it weren't vacumm would have been a bust. Hoping tomorrow things turn on hard!

Brian Ryther
03-30-2014, 03:26 PM
Still struggling with low volume runs. Mud is getting deeper. Sugar content is still above 2%. Next few days look perfect but who can tell anymore? Depression getting worse by the day.

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-30-2014, 03:47 PM
I hope you used this slow time we have had so far and got rested mentally and physically. The 2014 season "starts tomorrow". We are going to get flooded in sap starting about 10 in the morning! I think the trees are thawed enough now to get some great runs after these couple nights down in the 20's that are coming, especially if we get some sun. The next few cold nights will kick them in. After tonights boil, I am going to drain the evaporator and boil with permeate for a half hour, then leave the air injectors on the rest of the night. Sugar sand is starting to build up in flue pan. I want to be ready when things kick in overdrive tomorrow. Hang in there. IT'S COMING!

03-30-2014, 05:27 PM
I have actually been watching your weather compared to mine and you look to be great for the next week. After that? We may have a week left, who knows. We are just south of Binghamton.

Brian Ryther
03-30-2014, 06:52 PM
I have actually been watching your weather compared to mine and you look to be great for the next week. After that? We may have a week left, who knows. We are just south of Binghamton.
It is hard to look at the forecast. We have had perfect weather onand off for the past month with out a decent run. nothing is going to change until the frost is out of the ground.

03-30-2014, 07:43 PM
Still struggling with low volume runs. Mud is getting deeper. Sugar content is still above 2%. Next few days look perfect but who can tell anymore? Depression getting worse by the day.

Are you referring to the mud in the syrup? My last two boils have had muddy garbage in the the filters. Haven't seen so much silt/sand , ever!

Randy Brutkoski
03-30-2014, 07:44 PM
Thats what i have been telling everyone too, Brian. Even with this rain it still didnt really let loose.

03-30-2014, 08:08 PM
Hey Brian,

We have been adding taps as well to try to hold onto our sanity. We were able to get 500 taps in across the road on the cold side. So much spare time I had to do something. Now I'm just waiting for them to cut loose and give up some sap. We are only at about 1/4 of what we had last year at this time. We really need a sap flood to even come close. Good Luck!

Brian Sickler

03-30-2014, 08:55 PM
I am glad we are not alone. Every time I think it is going to run we get nothing. The first run we got 900 gallons and had no sugar about 1.1% Second run we got about 2000 gallons of 1.65. I thought we would get between 3000-4000 a day the last couple of days when looked at the forecast. We got 4000 between the 2 days and the sugar dropped to 1.4% We are sitting in mud up to the hubs and still it hasn't let loose. We are pulling 25 inches on 2200 taps and it just doesn't let loose. Hopefully this week but we have been getting pretty depressed too! Here is to a week of the sapping equivalent to a big dose of Prozac for our depression.

Brian Ryther
03-30-2014, 10:05 PM
Are you referring to the mud in the syrup? My last two boils have had muddy garbage in the the filters. Haven't seen so much silt/sand , ever!
Must be a location thing. Syrup has been easy filtering so far. No sugar sand or foam issues yet. I doubt I have used a tablespoon of defamer to make 500 gallons so far. Neil Walling has sand starting to show up also. I had mud in the flue pan in January and February but nothing to speak of in march.

03-31-2014, 06:12 AM
Same thing with sugar sand with us. Last year I had to reverse every 20-25 gallons and clean every 50. We are around 125 gallons for the season and the pans have no build up. I wonder biologically/chemistry wise what makes the difference year to year.

Randy Brutkoski
03-31-2014, 06:23 AM
Your getting the sap from the tree and not the roots. Once the ground opens up more than likely the sand will show its face.

Brian Ryther
03-31-2014, 03:58 PM
Finally. First flush run of the season.

04-01-2014, 12:13 PM
How's your sap flowing, Brian? Gusher run in Oswego/Cayuga Cty. right now. Finally! Sure am glad for my Smarttrek Monitoring system!!

Brian Ryther
04-02-2014, 06:43 AM
Gallon of sap per tap yesterday. 2% sugar. Ice in the driveway this morning.

04-02-2014, 08:12 AM
We had a gusher between Monday and Tuesday. 13,900 gallons from 3,800 vacuum and 250 gravity.

04-02-2014, 03:32 PM
That is an awesome run Lew! I was getting 200~/hr for several hours Tuesday on 2200 high vac, and thought that was great, though I have seen better. But then overnight back to measly 60. Sugar was good, around 2%, which is higher than in years for that bush.

Brian Ryther
04-03-2014, 07:11 AM
130 gallons last night. 7 " press had everything it could do to push the last bit through.

Brian Ryther
04-04-2014, 09:00 AM
Gettin a gallon of sap per tap @2%. 105 gallons of syrup last night Should break the 1k syrup mark tonight.

Brian Ryther
04-04-2014, 08:32 PM
No temp swing today so the sap was slow to come. 3k of 1.9%

Brian Ryther
04-05-2014, 08:50 PM
Another day of 3k 2%. Pressure washed the flue pan today. Took a ton of crap out of the flue pan. Didn't help grade.

04-05-2014, 10:04 PM

Did you run the flue pan liquid through your press before dumping it back in? Lightens it up a lot and helps me get grade back up some if I run the entire evaporator through the press when I clean it.

Brian Ryther
04-07-2014, 10:18 PM

Did you run the flue pan liquid through your press before dumping it back in? Lightens it up a lot and helps me get grade back up some if I run the entire evaporator through the press when I clean it.
Yes. I alternate days flue pan and syrup pan filter pressed.

Brian Ryther
04-07-2014, 10:23 PM
Past few days have been great. Typical sugaring. Releasers screwing up. Micro leaks adding up. Sugar sand catching up. Barrels stacking up. Turning out to be a pretty good season.

04-08-2014, 10:27 AM
Brian- sounds like a good problem to have with the barrels. we haven't had any freeze except Saturday night, had an excellent day sunday, nothing since. its been a somewhat poorer year here. we are in a warm spot too though between the tug hill and the hills down south of here, so its always a little different. made about 20 gallons, but I've had all sorts of equipment issues, with the vac pump especially, and time constraints, but hoping to make some more soon. I want to make at least 100 gallons (hopefully more), I figure I got about 35 when I flush the evap. no peepers here yet, the frost is too deep, I think we still got another week just on frost time before it gets done, we'll see I guess. good luck!

04-08-2014, 11:14 PM
Pretty good season for me, too. Almost matched last season now, and still no buds (soft maples). Budded on 3/28 last year. Hope for a few more boils. Not sure if I can make it til next week around here or not.

I went on micro leak patrol Sunday. Paid off. 28+" and pump still idles down.

Brian Ryther
04-09-2014, 06:31 AM
Gallon of sap per tap yesterday. Sugar must be dropping. 60 - 1 sap - syrup. 32 this morning. 18 boils and just getting the hang of evap. First time I didn't have to chuck wood out at the end of the boil. The ice is thick in the peeper swamp.

Brian Ryther
04-11-2014, 02:55 PM
Past three days have been great. over a gallon of sap per tap every day. I heard the peepers last nigh at 3am while I was collecting. Hot spell coming then back to sapping weather.

04-11-2014, 06:01 PM
Good to see someone has the right attitude! A little break then back till May!

04-12-2014, 07:34 AM
I ended up opening the valves on my tanks. Sap was too slimy to go through the RO prefilters. Sap running great though. 1.5 to 2 gallons per tap through Wednesday when I pulled the plug. I feared damaging the membranes. Ended up with .3 gallons syrup per tap.

Brian Ryther
04-12-2014, 07:43 AM
[QUOTE=lew;254444]I ended up opening the valves on my tanks. Sap was too slimy to go through the RO prefilters. Sap running great though. 1.5 to 2 gallons per tap through Wednesday when I pulled the plug. I feared damaging the membranes. Ended up with .3 gallons syrup per tap.
Membranes are cheap. You might make more $ in syrup than the membranes are worth. But .3 is not too bad considering the season. Are you going to try to make sap next week?
2 barrels last night. The syrup is darker than B with a very robust flavor. Two more days until season part 6 starts.

04-12-2014, 03:54 PM
Nope. The boys are pulling Spiles now. Pans are soaking in acid. Ro is washing. We're done.

Brian Ryther
04-12-2014, 09:26 PM
sap ran pretty good today. 3500 gallons on 3700 taps. My tap count is down a few 100 due to the wind a few days ago. Made 65 gallons of robust syrup tonight. hanging on for every last drop. 1/2 gallon is possible if we make it to next week.

04-12-2014, 11:11 PM
Just passed 800 tonight. New record for me. All tonights was dark amber, previous still med-dark. Over half gal/tap today. But I realize that the hill (sugar maples) are probably contributing 75%+ of the sap now, so I'm sure they've been over gal/tap lately. Turned off the soft maples tonight as an experiment. See how it accumulates. Would love to make it through the next couple days, but supposed to be almost 80 here. We'll see.

Brian Ryther
04-13-2014, 09:26 PM
65 gallons tonight. peeper syrup. no other way to describe it.

04-13-2014, 10:48 PM
17 tonight. 1.25 gpt today on sugar maples. Grade came back up to medium by color, but certainly not flavor.

Brian Ryther
04-14-2014, 06:49 PM
75 gallons today. pushed water for an hour in the evap. Going to drain and clean everything! starting over Wednesday.

Brian Ryther
04-17-2014, 08:13 PM
Sap finally kicked into gear around 2pm today. Running strong and clear now. I was a little nervous this morning but it has finally happened. Game on.

04-17-2014, 11:00 PM
Got going here around 10 am, going strong by 1. Collected at 4:30 and it was running as good as any time all season. 1.2%. Extreme foam, and getting hard to filter. Not sure if I'll continue after tomorrow. Med. color, dirty socks odor/flavor.

Mountain Winds Farm
04-18-2014, 06:50 AM
sap running as hard as I have seen all year yesterday, flushed all the off color sap on to the ground, started running the clear sap into the tanks. 27 degrees here this am and we are going to see what happens.

Brian Ryther
04-19-2014, 08:09 PM
I think I am finished. Yesterday was the best sap day of the season. But there wasn't any sugar. It took 3k to sweeten the pans. Today was much better. Sap was between 1.2 and 1.5. Sap is crystal clear and syrup jumped 3 grades lighter. Buds popped on the hard maples today. I don't know why but there is a leak in my 2 year old welded syrup pan. I am conflicted. Reasons to quit vs. reasons to continue debate is weighing heavily on my mind tonight. How bad do I want it. The stink in the sugar house haunts my nose. Empty barrels haunt my bank account. I have made as much syrup as last year at this point. Time for a drink and some rest.

04-19-2014, 10:48 PM
I understand, Brian. My little woods ran hardest of the season yesterday. And today sugar was back up to 1.5 (without a freeze). But filter press plugged after only 10 gal. tonight, and foam is so bad the syrup compartment seems to turn to all foam and overheats causing burner shutdown. Plus the stench. Think it's a sign for me to quit. Bumper crop for me, for sure. Oh, and I filled my last stainless barrel.