View Full Version : FDA registration
Albert gravlin
01-05-2014, 05:45 PM
Does anyone know what is involved with registering your syrup operation with the FDA. Where to start??
01-05-2014, 06:24 PM
The actual registration process is not hard, but I advise you to keep track of every number, password, user name , etc. that you set up, and there will several. Be sure to write down exactly what each of those numbers are, and their EXACT name that they are called, because later when you want to go back in, they will ask you for one of these numbers by some other name that doesn't sound familiar. Seems something like: First you apply for an account (passwords and user name) then you apply for an application (more password,etc) for an application :cry: then set up your account (another new user name and password) , then FINALLY you can fill out the form. Some of these items are your choice, some are assigned by FDA.
OK, maybe not that bad, but almost.
01-05-2014, 07:05 PM
I did it all on line. Was fairly simple but yes there are quite a few passwords and such.
It has been over a year and have not heard a thing since. Anyone else?
01-05-2014, 07:11 PM
I understand that there will be no reply or acknowledgment from FDA, beyond assigning you that registration number. That is another reason why you may need to re-enter their site later-to print out the proof that you did register and have an FDA number.
Do I have this right?
Albert gravlin
01-05-2014, 07:52 PM
Where do I go to start this?
01-05-2014, 08:00 PM
I Googled fda registration. The first several hits were "intercepts" by some third party that wants to make you jump thru their hoop first.....this one was about the 5th one down.
I Googled fda registration. The first several hits were "intercepts" by some third party that wants to make you jump thru their hoop first.....this one was about the 5th one down.
Some of these third party sites want to make you pay. You do not need to pay for your registration.
01-05-2014, 08:31 PM
I didn't know that was their game. Good info!!
Albert gravlin
01-06-2014, 05:57 PM
Thank you all for the help. I was able to do the registration today online.
Sam Caruth
01-06-2014, 06:25 PM
Yeah guys. Ive been wondering too. Thanks you the advice!
01-06-2014, 06:51 PM
So did it seem to you also that there were many username/password things to remember, or was my brain just too easily overwhelmed?
maple flats
01-07-2014, 05:43 AM
Being a federal thing, you know they won't make it easy. I registered over a year ago and have heard nothing yet.
Albert gravlin
01-07-2014, 07:07 PM
It was an adventure but I was able to complete it in one sitting. I did get a registration number right away.
maple flats
01-08-2014, 05:59 AM
Some of these third party sites want to make you pay. You do not need to pay for your registration.
ALL of those intercept sites want you to PAY for their SERVICE!!!!
01-12-2014, 04:12 PM
And what happens if you DON'T register ???
01-12-2014, 07:02 PM
In order to keep your registration current you need to log-in and re-register bi-annually. You get to keep the same registration number and user name but must do a new password. There is some amount of disagreement on whether maple producers really need to do this or not. I try to keep mine up to date, but that's just me.
01-14-2014, 04:30 AM
Ok , let me ask this . Why are we registering ?
01-14-2014, 05:35 AM
So the Govt can track us and stick there sticky fingers in our pockets.
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-14-2014, 06:14 AM
I register because I produce a food product and I want to do my utmost to insure that my customers get a quality product. If I produce an inferior or defective product, I want to be able to be able to make sure that I can identify and recall that product if necessary. I also want to insure that if someone else produces an inferior product that the industry as a whole is held as blameless as possible. If you are really worried about big brother, big corporations and big govt, stop using your cell phone, gps, credit card, store purchase cards, public highways, fire departments, police agencies, schools, coop extension, direct tv, internet, and about everything else that is part and parcel of modern society!
01-14-2014, 07:28 AM
So , just because you register you produce a safe product? I'm a golf course supt. and am required by law to have a pesticide app. license. That doesn't mean mine or anyone else's are safe apps. Give me a break! If you packaged an unsafe product I believe you would know and the costs involved to recall would put you under. We are all eventually going to have to register but that doesn't mean people will change their ways.
01-14-2014, 07:51 AM
Thats just it if I wouldnt feed it to my family i surely wouldnt want to ruin my reputation by selling a bad product.
01-14-2014, 07:57 AM
Then they make it where only the elite can afford to make syrup with all the rules and regulations. How can any normal person afford some of this stuff a food safety building blah blah blah
01-14-2014, 11:43 AM
first of all, I don't do much retail at all. 90%of mine is bulk. I just received a full page of guidelines from my buyer. Maybe it should be up to the bulk buyers to police what they are buying. It's shocking to me to see probably 100 barrels sitting with orange "X's" on them because they are no longer acceptable. Having said that what are those individuals putting in their containers to sell to the general public. My point is if there is no one to stop them an FDA registration isn't gonna do squat. You can get a drivers license doesn't mean you are a good driver.
01-14-2014, 07:02 PM
My question was asked because of the few who commented that they registered then heard nothing , and expect to hear nothing . All they have is a number ?? I agree that standards need to be met . I do get a state inspection , for what that's worth ?? I wouldn't mind registering if something became of it . I think I will sit tight and see what happens . I'm not afraid of big brother . I'm the youngest of three and learned how to stick up for myself !
01-15-2014, 09:47 AM
As a feed mill own & operator, Registration is mandatory for us. Are there people in the industry that should be closed down? Yes. One was a few years back. That sent a message to all the others that they need to comply. Has it reduced the improper tagging of product, yes, but not totally eliminated. Is there still other things done wrong, Yes. There are too few inspectors to do visits and follow up visits in NYS, and fewer in the future is warned about.
The intent of the program is good; a safe product to keep the customers confidence in product safety intact.
As a beef farmer, our industry was shook to its core by made cow disease. This type of event would be detrimental to Maple Syrup industry and can not be allowed to happen. So we all, must do our best to produce the safest product possible and implement safety producers into our operations to protect our future revenue. Beef is an important part of many peoples diets; while Pure maple syrup can often be done without.
It is far easier to do upgrades slowly to make them more affordable for most producers; rather than to have a deadline to meet a standard for equipment, facilities, production, & products.
01-15-2014, 04:15 PM
I'd love to see a more rigorous inspection program . Our state one is a joke . Just looking at some of the pictures I see on here . Bare fiberglass insulation in RO rooms and the like . I don't care if the product is filtered later . All it takes is the wrong person to see such a thing ! As you say consumer confidence. But now this thread seems to be going astray because of me . I rest my case your honor.
01-15-2014, 06:34 PM
I think what concerns me is what will they mandate for sugarhouse standards. I can understand the packaging side of things,and I believe affording a "National Restaurant Association" facility will put a lot of producers out of business.
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