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View Full Version : Surge pump with reclaimer and moisture trap

01-05-2014, 12:17 PM
So I bought this old surge from a person that bought an old dairy farm. The pump was still hard wired in the milking parlor. It was covered in grease, which took about an hour of scraping to reveal its tag. The pump was free enough to still make suction, so I had hope for her. I took it all part and cleaned it inside and out. Here's what the finished product looks like now...
I added the 1 1/4 pipe from the exhaust to act as a reclaimer of some sort. The oil will then drip back down to the steel tubing, feeding back in the pump.

Since getting the pump, I've got permission to tap my adjoining property, which has about 150 taps or so. I'm excited.

01-05-2014, 07:24 PM
8325it looks like your exhaust is going back into the crank case, you need a device like this to catch the oil and allow the exhaust to escape

01-05-2014, 08:32 PM
The way that I did it, the exhaust travels up the long 1.5" pipe, through steel wool and escapes through the vents on the top. The "cyclone" air cleaner that I have on the top is really just a fancy rain cap. It doesn't seem to be restricting it at all. Is this correct?

01-06-2014, 07:27 AM
You don't need the steel wool. These piston pumps don't put out much oil at all. A little will end up running back down the pipe, but all you'll get out the end will be a little blue haze when its pulling hard.

01-06-2014, 08:05 AM
The way that I did it, the exhaust travels up the long 1.5" pipe, through steel wool and escapes through the vents on the top. The "cyclone" air cleaner that I have on the top is really just a fancy rain cap. It doesn't seem to be restricting it at all. Is this correct?
ok i went back and looked at your 1st pic again, you are right its vented