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View Full Version : Can my sap wait?

01-02-2014, 11:53 AM
We collected sap last evening. The temps overnight went into the 30's. It is very windy now and 26, with a negative 3 wind chill. I am afraid to cook the sap now, since the wind is so strong, I worry the stack will blow off. We don't have a sugar shack. The temps are expected to drop steadily this afternoon and am I sure the sap will freeze. When we collected yesterday there was ice in the bags.....Will my sap be ok to cook tomorrow? I don't want to risk a flaming red hot stack blowing down on one of my children.

Thanks for helping!

01-02-2014, 11:58 AM
With being that cold it's not a problem. I have kept sap for a few days in the 50's, and for 9 days last year when we had a cold snap and it was almost frozen solid.

01-02-2014, 01:16 PM
you'll be fine! last year I only boiled on the weekends! I'd keep sap from sunday afternoon/Monday a.m and boil it on Friday or Saturday night! I piled up snow around the tanks towards the end of the year. I didn't have any spoil! I was still able to make some close to Fancy grade syrup with it! if the temps are below freezing or right around it, you're fine for a while! also, you may want to think about throwing away the ice that forms in the sap sacks/tanks! that is pretty much just water... barely any sap if any at all in it! Sugar takes much longer to freeze then water! some on here call it a poor man's R.O!

01-02-2014, 01:58 PM
With being that cold it's not a problem. I have kept sap for a few days in the 50's, and for 9 days last year when we had a cold snap and it was almost frozen solid.

We are trying to cook today, but it is difficult with the wind and snow. I may have to shut evaporator down, if it doesn't keep cooking and wait until Saturday. Tomorrow will be colder. Thanks for your help!

01-02-2014, 02:00 PM
you'll be fine! last year I only boiled on the weekends! I'd keep sap from sunday afternoon/Monday a.m and boil it on Friday or Saturday night! I piled up snow around the tanks towards the end of the year. I didn't have any spoil! I was still able to make some close to Fancy grade syrup with it! if the temps are below freezing or right around it, you're fine for a while! also, you may want to think about throwing away the ice that forms in the sap sacks/tanks! that is pretty much just water... barely any sap if any at all in it! Sugar takes much longer to freeze then water! some on here call it a poor man's R.O!

Still struggling to cook, but may have to stop until Saturday. I will definitely take the ice out. My sap is in 4 gallon buckets, so it all freezes quickly...Thing is today...My kids are freezing just as quickly. We worry the stack will blow off with the wind, but so far it is doing ok. We brought vehicles along side the evaporator to try and block some of the wind. Thanks!