View Full Version : Mounting options for a releaser?
01-01-2014, 08:23 PM
Wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to mount a releaser to a 275 gallon caged water IBC tote?
Pictures would be ideal........
maple flats
01-02-2014, 05:55 AM
I almost think you might need to fabricate a catch pan with a large outlet to set the releaser on and have it drain into the tote. When a releaser dumps there is a huge surge of sap all at once, the sides might need to be 6 or even 8" high.
01-02-2014, 06:15 AM
I agree your not gona get the flow into that little opening. I would try the top of a poly 55 gal drum as a catch maybe leave 6 inch high sides and screw a nipple in the bung to direct it into the tank
01-02-2014, 06:41 AM
I have the same situation I'm setting up right now. I am planning on building a frame off of the wall of the shack and lagging the releaser to it. a heavy duty frame with rough cut 2x6's or 2x8's so it doesn't bounce around! the frame will stick out so the bottom of the releaser is set right over the hole for the tank. then I'll just run a tube straight down from the releaser dump hole to the tank. maybe run it 6" deep into the tank so nothing splashes back up! just make sure it is straight down and doesn't have a bend or the sap won't release as quickly! just my .02 !
01-02-2014, 07:12 AM
If you cut the top of a poly drum you can use the opening to connect the two. You could cut it so the front is a little higher and probably tilt it forward to steer the sap. Most releasers fan out pretty good so it has to be a bigger opening. Once you get the drum part set then its just a matter of positioning the releaser.
If it was me depending on your set up parameters of course I would cut hole in the top of the tank and mount the releaser to it. Then you could build a box around the releaser to keep it warm.
01-02-2014, 08:09 AM
Yea my two options are to cut a hole the size of the releaser in the top of the poly tank. My second option was to cut a half moon shape on the side of the tank with a shelf under it. I basically wanted to confirm that these were my only two options. If anyone thinks of something new please let me know. Thank you for your help.
Mike R.
01-02-2014, 09:55 AM
For mine I made a frame that rests on top of the tank that a kitchen sink sits in. The releaser then dumps into the sink and down the drain into the tank. I added a splash guard on the opposite side on the sink to the releaser to stop any splashing over. I will see if I can find a picture of it.
01-02-2014, 01:20 PM
I used a 15 gallon plastic barrel. Screw in some plumbing with a short piece of PVC into threaded opening of barrel.Turn it upside down that plumbing will sit in the cage tank opening. Cut a hole in barrel about 3/4 of way up large enough to insert your flapper valve of releaser. Mount releaser at the height of barrel hole, when releaser dumps it is contained in barrel and empties into tank. Keeps from splashing around and keeps debris out.
01-02-2014, 02:52 PM
Mike R and Maplewalnut I think I can picture what you are suggesting but a picture would be amazing. Great ideas fellas
I use a a pvc 45 degree street elbow. I think it is 3" might be 4. I built a hanger for it on the dump valve to direct it into a vertical 1100.
01-03-2014, 03:26 PM
Depending on how steady you are with a chainsaw. Make a support out of 2x12 that could lay across the top of the tote and use plumbers tape to screw into the wood and over the top of the releaser. Two blocks on the underside of the 2x12s will keep it from sliding...use 2x4 if it want to shift side to side. At Home depot there are rubber reducers that are used to attach pvc of different sizes together if you need to reduce the opening on the releaser to go into or direct the sap flow to reduce spillage.
Good Luck!
Found the pics83078308
Now that I see the pics I think it is 4"
01-03-2014, 04:11 PM
If you have the slope I would cut the whole top of the plastic tank off...makes cleaning much easier and the cage is plenty of support...then make a 2x12 that fits the cage for the releas to sit on...take a scrap piece of plywood to cover the rest of the tank and still leave a foot opening in front of the releaser to empty...
01-06-2014, 12:26 PM
Is that the way your flapper valve was manufactured Wiam? What is that piece of metal coming out of that elbow? Is that the "hanger" to hold it in place?
Amber Gold
01-06-2014, 02:14 PM
I agree w/ Morningstar.
Is that the way your flapper valve was manufactured Wiam? What is that piece of metal coming out of that elbow? Is that the "hanger" to hold it in place?
That is a small piece of stainless hat I added to hang the elbow on. The elbow has a slit made with a table saw
01-06-2014, 07:18 PM
Drod we used a 3 gal sap bucket cut the hole in the top of the tote to fit the bucket just below the rings at the top,leaves about 2in above he tote then seal around that with silicon. Then we put two 2/12 on top with blockes on each end so it dosnt move. Then we cut the bottom out of a second bucket set your releaser the platform over the hole . Take the second bucket and set it inside the first an mark around the discharge and cut out then you can put the lid back on the bucket . Helps keep the junk out hope this helps
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