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01-01-2014, 05:40 PM
Running close to tappin time but the end is in sight. My building funds evaporated after we got back from New York And Vermont ( great trip )because of my wife's medical needs but was able to drop back and punt. Decided to frame up a tank with plywood, line it with hardboard then plastic. Should be nearly 500 gallons. 8' long 40" wide and 32" deep. If it don't hold, I guess the floor will get a good cleaning.

01-01-2014, 08:26 PM
Are you planing to test that with water before you commit sap to it? I know that's a BUNCH of water to use for a "test" but I know I would cry if I lost 500 gallons. Just curious. I do think your tank idea is rather cool and innovative.


01-01-2014, 08:27 PM
You had better get with it. We tapped today and the sap was running good. Last year I waited to long and missed most of the season though being as warm as it was last year there wasn't much of a season.


01-01-2014, 10:18 PM
I like your tank idea but what do you line it with? when I had considered this before I was unable to find a plastic that was food or potable water safe.

01-02-2014, 11:28 AM
Hey Andrew, I'm just gonna trust some good ol Kentucky windage...and bracing.
Dave, gosh I know I could have tapped before Christmas but I can only do so much. I'm hoping the season window will last till late march like it did 4 years ago.
Hey mark, I'll use the 6 mil polyethelene sheeting from lowes. I won't be storing sap and it won't be heated. It shouldn't leach anything and is only temporary. The syrup is gonna have to start paying its own way cause I'm tapped out $$ wise. Ill consider vacuum forming an acrillic sheet but more than likely get a stainless tank later

01-02-2014, 06:31 PM
I would rethink that 6 mil poly for a sap tank. We use same poly on construction sites and I don't know what chemicals it would leach into the sap but I know there is no way I would make syrup from anything stored in poly sheeting. Others may have a different opinion.

01-03-2014, 12:25 PM
What about using one of the 275gallon totes? I bought two last week from a guy down next to Bowling Green (Cemetary Rd) that were food safe (Honey) for $85 each. They cleaned up real good, I'm using them to run my main lines into.


01-03-2014, 10:08 PM
Well fellas, thanks for having me check on the plastic. I found out that berry plastics ( we have one in bowling green ky ) makes an agricultural film which is LLDPE 4mil for greenhouses and such. I should be done with the siding, roof and setting the stacks ! The big job of moving my 40"x12" evaporator down the hill and into the shack is ominous but doable. I'll build a sled and may find someone to help me cuss :-)

01-03-2014, 10:17 PM
Thanks David, let me know where to get a couple of totes in case I can hustle up a lease. I met a farmer when I was getting my farm# at the FSA office and I hope he has maples. He only uses the cleared land for crops and dosn't know what kind of trees he has. My 10 acre bush I was going to lease...well, they changed their mind. I would have got the lease before I bought the evaporator but the man worked out of town all spring and summer, then changed his mind.

01-04-2014, 08:16 AM
Chad Wilson has started a new business "Modern Farm Concepts" Aquaponic, Hydroponic supplies etc.. 270-202-5525, 163 Castle Heights Rd, Bowling Green, they are food grade and he is reselling them.

Looks like it's going to get up to 44 today, there will be so much sap flowing today I'll have to get me some cut-off valves to put on the trees. Once I get cooking there will be so much syrup, do you know where I can get a pallet of Aunt Jemima pan cake mix. It will probably take that much just to soak up what syrup drips on the floor.


01-04-2014, 12:23 PM
David, the Mennonites at the jam house in Scottsville have 55gallon drums that they buy grape juice in for $5 ea. don't waste a drop of thet preciousness :-)

01-04-2014, 04:38 PM
I buy my honey and sorghum jars from them. What kind of drums are they, plastic or metal? I'd call them but they only have pencil and paper, no phones or no current.

01-04-2014, 07:12 PM
Steel drums, epoxy lined with ring. The cork gasket is shot but I used a 24" inner tube

01-05-2014, 09:12 PM
83288329Got the roof on and roof jack and stainless smoke stack started before the weather turned bad. 17' of 15" stainless, roof jack and cap also 2 aluminum steam stacks, jacks and caps for $500 from the Mennonites ! I still have to cut in the steam stacks, finish the siding, add a roof to cover the firewood,run another 1500' of tubing, call in dead at work to have enough time to finish so I can tap by the 15th.

01-13-2014, 09:56 PM
I decided to go with steel roof panels to line my tank. I didn't think that the hard board would hold up to any moisture. Now to line with plastic, tighten up some lines and get the evaporator down the hill. I'll build a sled with a whole sheet of plywood under the firebox and bowed up under the arch. I'll replace the legs with another sheet bowed completely in a u shape to support the arch. As much rain as we've had it should move easily and I'll have it tied off so i won't end up like Wile e. coyote.