View Full Version : Roof jack
super sappy
10-31-2006, 05:49 PM
I am installing a new roof jack straight thru the peak of the sap house roof. I built a jack but I need to seal the "storm collar " .the local fireplace store has Hi-temp silicone that is good for a constant temp of 450degrees.Does any one have a name brand of a clear silicone that will withstand higher temps? ThANKS sAPPY
10-31-2006, 06:01 PM
I assume this is on the hot smoke stack? I used the red silicone and it did not last very long.
super sappy
10-31-2006, 06:27 PM
I am running the stack straight up .No insulated collar etc. I figured that If I ran it up thru the peak I will not have to deal with runoff etc. And I t will be a straight shot without elbows and hopfully increasing the evaporation rate.( not to mention showcasing the flip cover that massey jack built)That cover is so nice looking that people may think that I am running a professional opperation. :D
Fred Henderson
10-31-2006, 07:13 PM
there is a stuff called furance cement but its not silcone. ya got to put it on with a putty knife. you can always grind a notch where the pipe seam is and that will allow a nice tight fit.
11-01-2006, 06:11 PM
I tried making my own steel plate with a hole cut in it for my stack and then seal it with high temp silicone. The silicone did not burn up or anything like that but it did start to leak around the pipe allowing water to seep down the stack when it rained.
Maybe use some type of jb weld or solder it.
maple flats
11-01-2006, 07:51 PM
Try putting on a couple of storm collars, over sized coolie hat shaped sheet metal or ss rings. Make them so they can be tightened around the smoke stack, slide the first down close to the roof but not quite touching when the stack is cool, then install another about 2 or 3 " above the first. Doing this will let almost zero water in. Any sheet metal shop can cut these very accurately on an outomatic cutter (not sure of exact name)
super sappy
11-02-2006, 05:12 AM
Mr flatts. That,s pretty much what I did. I made a mock up of my 7 -12 roof peak then bent a piece of steel with the hole in it to saddle the ridge.I had some left over Fabral end wall flashing that I slid under this so that the lower edge of the jack followed the contours of the metal roof.(This I will silicone) At the ridge where the pipe goes up I scribed one round cone storm collar to the roof line and secured it with rivits.I got a nice fit. I then backed that up with another flared collar about 2 inches up. These collars are adjustable and fit real tight. I f this was on my house I probabally would walkaway and it might be fine. I just want to be sure that no leaks occur. I think that I will give the cenent a try, I have some kicking around. Maybe I should Mix the cement and the red silicone. :lol: Has anyone ever used a brick chimney on an arch?I thought about building a shelf chimney thru the peak ,using step flashing and building a stone cap? It was just a thought.
Fred Henderson
11-02-2006, 10:59 AM
I have seen old pictures in the maple producers book that the arch is conccrete block and fire brick. Probably the stack was also.
super sappy
11-10-2006, 05:13 PM
I installed my jack last friday. I sealed the joint with furnace cement. On this past wednsday it rained like crazy all day and not a drop of rain came in. I hope that the heat will not change this once I get boiling.Thanks for the Idea. I really like the new flip top on my new stack I bet that I have opened and closed it 25 times in the last week. Whenever I go to the sugar house people stop to look around, back over my burn barrel and sometimes buy syrup. I love it there.SS
Russell Lampron
11-10-2006, 06:07 PM
The last time I tried to close my stack cover the stack broke off and fell off of the roof. I have a new one ordered thru The Maple Guys. Hope it gets here before sugaring season.
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