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View Full Version : Bio bricks / blocks

12-17-2013, 09:53 PM
Has anyone tried burning any of these products in their evaporator? I have been thinking about trying some this spring but not sure how they will burn in an evaporator. Sizes seem like they should be ok but not sure if they would burn fast enough. Prices around here are about $275 ton which according to manufacturers should replace 1.5 cords mixed hardwood. Any thoughts?

12-18-2013, 06:37 PM
Looks like a giant version of a wood pellet. not sure how it would work, i would imagine that it would work, but is definetely more expensive. Personaly, I would stick with firewood but it really depends on your situation too. there is also the issue of storage; their website says they cannot get wet so that would definetly be an issue

Starting Small
12-18-2013, 08:16 PM
I have used some in the past just to try them. They definitely burn hot. We would throw one or two in with a green or wet load. I never tried only burning these though. With a blower the definitely got the boil up. They are pretty dense also so they last relatively long.

Michael Greer
01-26-2014, 07:36 AM
You can burn anything in the arch. I had a neighbor years ago who would throw his old tires in there....fortunately, he's dead. But the woods is full of fuel, and much of it is in the way, so why go elsewhere for something to burn? Normal woodlot and sugarbush management will produce more firewood than you can ever burn.

Dixie Bee Acres
01-26-2014, 08:05 AM
I hope to let you know next year how they work. We burn wood to heat the house, so I always need more firewood. This summer we are planning on making a lot of these bio bricks. Just have to buy or fabricate the mold, and get a small chopper/shedder. Then I can turn most of the yard waste that is too big for compost and too small for firewood, into usable firewood.

01-26-2014, 05:18 PM
I am going to try 3 tons of these this year. Will mix some in with the fire wood and plan to boil at least a few days with bricks only. My free fire wood supply went out of business the end of summer and I am short on wood. Next year I will have better access to use the wood from thinning the sugarbush. With the cold winter we have been having the supply of Bio Bricks and similar products is sold out and most suppliers are saying they are 4-6 weeks out getting new orders shipped.

03-18-2014, 07:48 AM
Thought I would post an update on using the Bio Blocks for fuel. Although I am not overly impressed with them in the wood stove they seem to work very well in the evaporator. In my 3x10 I add a package (12 bricks about 2 lbs each) at a time. I toss them in spread out through out the fire box. I have been mixing in some slab wood as well every other fire. So far I have been getting a very consistent fire They do produce a lot of heat and temp drops quite slowly as you get close to needing to refire. Definitely boiled faster with less wood in the arch. Kept a decent bed of coals to add to each firing. Did not turn on the blower and think that might not be a great idea unless it is an airtight arch. As blocks burn they turn to burning sawdust which is very light and blows around some even with natural draft. Do not put them too close to the arch doors as they expand when burning and did have one pile up against the door which then fell out on to the floor when I opened the door. Burning sawdust is not nearly as easy to cleanup as a few hot coals from wood are. Overall they work well and really go boiling rate with them. Cheaper than oil but not nearly as cheap as free wood.
The supply locally has been better than wood pellets and looks like there are several brands made slightly different for options.