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12-17-2013, 05:32 PM
can you run two releasers with one vacuume pump?? I picked up a new lease and it,s 66 acres and I think I,ll need two mainlines/releasers to cover it.it,s basely two big valleys and run downhill to the local town road.the valleys end about 1000 feet apart with a knoll between them with no maples on it.i,ll have to use gas powdered vacuume pumps and I hate to run more then one pump.i was thinking that I,de set a tank and pump/releaser in one location and run a vac line along the road over to the other spot/valley.i can,t really tie the lines into one tank because of that knoll..wish,I could tho.

farmall h
12-17-2013, 05:47 PM
With that amount of potential acreage maybe you should buy 1 generator and 2 releasers and 2 vacuum pumps...that way you only have to gas up or diesel up one rig.

12-17-2013, 06:20 PM
Air travels well, a thousand ft is nothing to transfer vac in a dry line, I have 4 different collection points laid out with about 4000 ft of dry line connecting them all to one pump and works great, much cheaper than running power and a pump at each one weather gas or electric

maple flats
12-17-2013, 06:51 PM
Just be sure to use the right size tubing to transfer the vac. Look up Steve Childs, Cornel Maple Specialist, he has a chart to show vac transfer thru various sizes and distances.

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-18-2013, 04:29 AM
I do it in several places. Some as far as 2500 ft. As Flats said, make sure you use big enough pipe. I think inch and a half would suffice at that distance.

12-19-2013, 08:42 PM
thanks guys..with the price of fuel I really hate to run more then one vac pump and I wasn,t sure if one vac pump could be hooked to two or more releasers. I,am tapping maples and white birch on this site so I might end up with four releasers..two at each storage tank location.
I have walked some of the 66 acres and I was over there today with the laser rangefinder.if the weather is ok tomorrow I might go back over and figure out more mainlines.I,am not sure when,i can start putting up mains but I wanta get things figured out now while I have some free time then if I have a good season in the spring I can hit the spring sale and get the tubing,ect I,ll need for it all.

maple flats
12-20-2013, 05:53 PM
I hope you have better luck getting the tubing on the May sale than I have. Thru Leader, I ordered over 14 thousand feet in May, did not get to my dealer until October, I wanted to run it in Aug. The year before I ordered even more, It arrived late Aug, I lose my summer help about Aug 20-24, as they return to college. I had to hire new untrained help and train them to install the wet/dry conductors and mains, as well as the laterals. The product does come in, but their delivery is far too untimely.

12-21-2013, 11:04 AM
I hear ya maple flats...my dad ordered tubing in the spring sale and didn't get it until late fall after getting after the distributor he ordered it from that guy is great but leader itself not so much.
if you ever need help in the offseason get intouch with me..if I,am not really busy maybe we can work out a deal.