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View Full Version : Bulk syrup buyers

12-17-2013, 11:22 AM
Hey all,

I'm wondering if anybody knows any bulk syrup buyers in NY. I have 10 gallons of grade A dark in bulk that I won't sell this year so I would like to try and get it sold before next years crop. I relize that I might have already missed the boat to sell it but I thought I would try. Also next year I want to fill some 15 gallon drums but most likely I will only have 5 gallons at a time. Is it best to hold the syrup and fill the barrel all at once (reheat each 5 gallon batch and fill) or can I pack 5 gallons hot one day and then hot pack the next 5 gallons? This was my first year packing anything in bulk, I hot packed 20 gallons in plastic jugs and then bottled for retail later. Thanks for any insight.

12-17-2013, 03:21 PM
If you find a buyer let me know, I have 3000 gallons of light to sell.

maple flats
12-17-2013, 06:34 PM
Bascom in NH buys all year. I'm not aware of any NY buyers that buy this time of year. Maybe someone on here needs it, or knows of a buyer.
Mark, if you have 3000 gal light, you might want to contact Bruce Bascom, he might even send a truck for that much. Or if you haul it to Bascom he will buy it.

12-17-2013, 06:44 PM
3000 gal is pretty much a full semi load of barrels so should be able to negotiate a good deal on purchase and trucking with Bruce or someone else I would imagine. That's around 100K bucks of syrup so trucking shouldn't cut into that too badly.

12-17-2013, 10:23 PM
I called Bruce Bascom and he will not buy from over here, he said maybe next year.

12-17-2013, 10:29 PM
wow thats unusual! Altho i suppose if they are well stocked up on syrup then no reason to go that far for more either.

12-17-2013, 10:46 PM
He would not have to pay for shipping so it would make no difference how far it comes from. He said he wanted to give the local producers first chance. I usually buy a lot of stuff from Bascoms but maybe it is too far for me to order any more. At the end of the conversation he told me about all the equipment they have for sale. He sure didn't remember me buying stuff there and talking to him for a couple hours last year. I was wanting to drop off syrup and load up with stainless barrels and other stuff but I decided not to beg and dropped the idea.

In the end this may work out for the better since we have been bottling a lot of syrup and building up a good market.

12-18-2013, 06:27 AM
How about R.M.G. in Runyon? Sounds like he is looking for syrup but maybe not that much!

12-18-2013, 09:27 AM
That's the hilarious thing about this syrup business... equipment dealers are happy to help you to make more syrup but when it comes to buying it it's another story.

12-18-2013, 09:29 AM
If a buyer tries to link equipment sales with syrup purchases I run. They always promise the new producer they will buy your syrup and then when your not buying more equipment they quit buying from you. Like I said it will work out for the best, I will probably bottle it all anyway. I have a feeling that the bulk prices will fall so it is best if you have your own market to sell the syrup.

During the season I get a lot of people that stop by and are talking about getting into maple. I tell them if an equipment buyer says "if you buy equipment from me I will buy your syrup" I tell them to run.

I had one equipment dealer that I was going to sell a couple thousand gallons of syrup to. He also gave me a price on a new arch. I had the semi loaded with barrels and ready to go. It took a couple days loading with a tractor bucket. In the mean time I checked around on the arch price. He was about $20,000 higher than the other dealers so I backed out. He then said he was not comfortable buying the syrup because the syrup prices were moving around. Another couple days unloading and moving the syrup back to the sugarhouse. If they guy was at least honest with me I would be still buying equipment from him but he lost out trying to make one big kill.

12-26-2013, 02:56 AM
HAve you called Cooks in Deryuter they would know.

maple flats
12-26-2013, 07:56 AM
DeRuyter Hardware (DeRuyter, NY) only buys for a few designated days shortly after the season ends, as do many other smaller buyers. I think this year it was the first Thurs., Fri., Sat. in May. They do not buy the rest of the year. At their sale, they pay on the spot and the syrup goes to Vermont (How did you think Vermont got to be well known for maple?)
Even Bruce Bascom likes to trade for equipment, but pays by check on the spot if you take no equipment or only a small portion in equipment

12-26-2013, 10:26 AM
Sometimes it is hard to compete with all those tractor trailers loaded with syrup drums with Canadian license plates that head to Acworth, NH

12-26-2013, 07:44 PM
nymapleguy607 Doug Wolcott buys bulk syrup in Dale NY.585-786-3893
Mark,Doug buys a lot of syrup at the end of spring,not sure if hied buy it at this time of the year.