View Full Version : To cold to start running lines????

Four D Acre Farms
12-12-2013, 04:24 PM
Hey its about in single digits here especially at night, guess i should have benn running lines before now!!! lol :mrgreen: Anyone else wishing they had started earlier? We will be in the woods helping a freind run high tensil and mains tomorrow, Not sure of why it always seems to work out that when we start the weather starts tring to set new records for low temps and high winds,lol. well i wont remember the cold in the sugarhouse after he brings sap over to boil.

12-12-2013, 04:28 PM
You have to do it when you can. I started running mainlines today it was a high of about 17' with the good ole feels like about 5'. I plan on running more tomorrow not that it is going to be much warmer oh well.

Mike R.
12-12-2013, 05:51 PM
I still got to add 50-75 more taps to my operation this year. I like it when the snows on the ground running lines as I can drive the ski doo right to the spot I'm working and if the line is on the ground I don't have to worry about it getting muddy.

It also doesn't feel right running lines when there is no snow on the ground and be about freezing. It was -20c out today and calling for a snowstorm tommorow.

12-12-2013, 06:19 PM
I agree I ran all my Lars a few winters ago. I always walk thru the bush in the dead of winter I love it

12-13-2013, 04:52 PM
We finished running about 20 new gravity lines about two weeks ago, just before all the lake effect and cold weather hit us in northern Michigan. It was snowing hard the day we finished putting in the drops.

red maples
12-14-2013, 04:06 AM
nah never too cold. just ahave good gloves. you get a little chilly doing the connections and stuff because your not moving as much but it still works out OK. I will be doing my addition of 130 taps in January again this year so no biggie!!!

Four D Acre Farms
12-16-2013, 11:40 AM
Did the layout with the buddy on sat near blizzrd conditions just after we finished!!! HUnted in that (no deer moving). Well i have about 300 more taps to add as well as cleaaring some cedar from around the maples. they say its suppossed to warm up to the 20s this week. Also gotta get firewood stacked, now that it is buried under a foot and half of snow. I may have to invest in a set of snowshoes! Walking around in the bush in several layers of clothes are defintly be a workout, not that i dont have a bunch of weight that i can stand to loss.

Sunday Rock Maple
12-16-2013, 04:36 PM
My experience with P30 laterals is that I can't pull them tight enough when it's below 10 degrees F. When it warms up -- they sag.