View Full Version : Need 7 inch filter pattern please!
12-11-2013, 12:34 AM
My latest obsession is to design and fabricate my own filter press. I was up at Leader today looking at theirs after researching operation, and looking at pictures.
I am order 100 from The Maple Guys.
In the meantime.
Can someone scan a 7 inch filter for me and email it to me for a pattern. I need to get the holes right.
Im not sure about scanning one but I could mail you one
12-11-2013, 08:37 PM
Really... I can wait. I started the thread after Leader and Bascom had only 400 minimum. I looked further, and found that The Maple Guys have 100 for $15. I threw in an order of filter aid to help absorb the shipping.
Thanks anyway...
Disregard the request.
12-12-2013, 07:30 PM
Just dont goof up and make it a 7.5 inch filter press like Leaders new clear one!
12-12-2013, 10:58 PM
Yup the new leader clear polycarbonate filter press takes 7.5 inch papers, at our maple assoc meeting the rep from leader was explaining why this happened, supposedly the plastic molding company had been sent 10 inch alum frames as an example to design and make molds to do them out of plastic, but the injection molding machine they had wasn't large enough so leader told them then to make it a 7 inch press, yet apparently the proportions are different so simply subtracting 3 inches on the dimensions of the 10 inch frames made them a little bit bigger and regular 7 inch papers wont fit right and line up the holes. So at that point they had the option of scrapping 300K bucks of tooling or simply making special papers, they decided to make special papers. I already own a filter press but I must say if I were shopping for one I don't think I would want to buy one that takes special papers that may not be easily and cheaply available down the road so I think this may hurt leaders sales of an otherwise great design
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