View Full Version : Maple syrup medical break thru

12-09-2013, 08:17 AM
I discovered that when taking Papa's medicine there is a significant health benefit to adding a touch of pure maple syrup to the medicine instead of ginger ale, which is made from the evil corn syrup! If your medicine is Crown Royal like mine , you'll thank me for my research. Tom

12-09-2013, 04:20 PM
Just saw an advertisement for a maple whiskey. You should have worked quicker on that patent!

Northville for the winter??

12-09-2013, 08:55 PM
Tried that, can't hold a candle to real maple syrup that you make yourself.

We always laugh about going south for the winter, it's the Grandkids that bring us down south.

12-10-2013, 06:12 AM
Crown Royal makes a Maple Whiskey that is delicious!! made with real maple syrup I do believe! we went through quite a few at deer camp this year !

12-10-2013, 06:25 AM
I think that Crown royal maple uses fake maple flavor. Spent the money for a bottle to try and man was I pissed when I tasted it. It tastes like other "maple" products made with extract from ferungeek seed. The crown bottle says "natural maple flavor" which may or may not be from maple syrup. It would be nice to know for sure.

12-10-2013, 08:24 AM
wow... I didn't know it was fake maple flavor. perhaps it pays to read the ingredients?! I just lost some respect for it... however not enough to not drink it! taste good to me!

12-10-2013, 08:43 AM
As far as I know (and perhaps I am mistaken), Crown Royal is made with real maple syrup, however not in the way you might think. Rather than adding syrup to the liquid, they coat the inside of the oak barrels with maple syrup before charring them. This carbonizes the syrup into the wood, then the alcohol is aged in the oak barrel as usual (which is why it is termed "maple finished").

I can definitely see why some people might like it and others not. It is not a typical "maple" flavor, but is reminiscent of maple. The process seems to accentuate some of the maple flavor notes, but not others, which makes the flavor somewhat unusual. Some people like it, others feel it doesn't adequately taste like maple (and thus think it is fake syrup).

Lots of new "maple" alcohol products have been introduced in the past few years. It's a real tough part of this job, but I feel like I need to try them all in order to understand them. :D

12-10-2013, 11:42 AM
Thanks for taking one for the team, Dr. Tim :)

12-10-2013, 05:16 PM
Let's not forget about beer in this medicinal thread. I made a lager batch and experimented fermentation with maple syrup instead of cane sugar. It was a remarkable success with good fermentation and just a hint of maple flavor. Good reviews from my other brewing friends so it is an unbiased evaluation :D Looking to try this with an Octoberfest next.

Greenwich Maple Man
12-10-2013, 06:56 PM
I love the Crown Royal Maple ! Want more maple flavor than dump a little syrup in ! I feel your pain Dr. Tim !!!

Drew Pond Maple
12-10-2013, 07:22 PM
I love the Crown Royal Maple ! Want more maple flavor than dump a little syrup in!That's what I was thinking. Tried the Crown Royal Maple and thought it had a decent maple after taste. Why not just add some of our own syrup?

I've heard Crown Royal is down right delicious with hot syrup right from the draw off...Might have to try that out this year

04-18-2015, 04:37 PM
Here's another article on possible health benefit of maple syrup.
