View Full Version : Newbie from Maine

12-08-2013, 09:44 AM
Just wanted to say what a great site this is. Lots of good info. This coming season is going to be my first on my own with my father helping out. We built a 12'x16' sugarshack, purchased a new D&G 18"x48" evaporator with preheater along with many other sugaring supplies this past summer. We plan on having 65 taps for this year just to see how things go, with the potential of up to about 200 taps for the future. (I don't even have one season under my belt and I already have plans on expanding!) The majority of our maples are reds with a few sugars all going to be on buckets. Great to see how helpful everyone is on here especially for newbie's like me who want to continue to expand their knowledge on this hobby that is turning into an addiction!

Thomas Maxwell Hume
12-08-2013, 10:21 AM
Welcome, sounds like you have the maple bug real good. Happy sugaring!

12-08-2013, 02:34 PM
Welcome to the addiction!