View Full Version : Theft at Sugarhouse
12-07-2013, 12:04 PM
We were hit last night by some thieves. They didn't get into the sugarhouse but did steal the winch off the tractor and all the choker chains used for logging. Winch was modified so easy to identify. Appreciate any info if you hear something (NEK/Northern NH area).
12-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. NOTHING worse than a thief. Contact the local scrap yards and keep an eye on craigslist.
maple flats
12-07-2013, 03:09 PM
Exactly why I should get better security. I have too much vulnerability to thieves.
I hope you catch them. Nothing worse than a thief.
K.I. Joe
12-07-2013, 06:20 PM
That is exactly why I am building my sugarhouse next to my house and pumping sap up the hill.
12-07-2013, 09:03 PM
Can you put a pic up of the winch or a description? Lets all keep an eye out.
that is a bummer I hope you find out who did it and get your winch back
12-08-2013, 08:55 AM
sjd. I would strongly suggest you invest in a trail cam. The chance that they will be back is very very high if you do not put up more posted signs, or do any major changes in the outward appearance of the place that will deter a future visit. Though inside motion lights that will turn on an outside light also is a major plus. These are very simple to setup for the cost of one or two good chains from the winch. Our feed mill has a spot light that shines into our bedroom if movement in the mill occurs. Sucks when a stack of feed falls over in the early am and you go out with a SG and find that was all it was.
The price of scrap is up so we all need to be updating our security systems.
Remember; Locks only keep out the honest, but a row of Shot Gun Shell Christmas Lights keeps most unwanted people out. LOL
Good Luck and Sorry for your lose!
12-09-2013, 09:07 AM
We were hit last night by some thieves. They didn't get into the sugarhouse but did steal the winch off the tractor and all the choker chains used for logging. Winch was modified so easy to identify. Appreciate any info if you hear something (NEK/Northern NH area).
I to was hit tuesday night. They stole all my cordless tools and three cases of med amber in glass liters. Along with going into my shop and stealing all of our shop tools. Iam not in the kingdom but in chittenden county. You can bet I have camera up trying to catch them. MC
12-09-2013, 09:14 AM
I would start watching ebay. Do a search on a few of your tools that you could id and save the search. When a newly listed item like that is posted you get an email. Check clist also. You could even post a wanted listing an list a few of your tools on there and see if you get any hits.
Thieves are not just have to dangle some bait and they will come a runnin. Tools wanted cash paid. If nothing else you may get some deals as the holidays are coming fast.
I've order two more camaras for our farm.
Good Luck and be vigilant guys!
12-09-2013, 09:54 AM
There is nothing good at all about a thief. Unfortunately most people will buy tools and such for a deal no questions asked especially during the holiday season thinking they are helping the seller out. Trail cameras are awesome for lots of applications. You don't even need the high dollar ones either I have 10 of the WildGame Innovation ones and they work great for $59.99 most of mine I got cheaper than that Bass Pro or Amazon. I did invest in rechargeable batteries and 2 SD cards for each camera. Easy to set up and check.
12-09-2013, 03:36 PM
I have a question here. Do you advertise the fact that you have a camera, hoping to deter the potential thief, or do you keep that info quiet, in hopes of getting an identifiable picture of someone stealing from you. What if you have a great pic, but you or the cops can't ID the thief from the photo? Several cameras, maybe? One focused on a spot that might get a vehicle or license plate, plus more on the door or windows?
Ba$tards broke the bottom half of my door off, just under the padlocked cross-bar and stole my 2inch pump.
If I find out who did this, you can write to me in care of the Clark County Jail, where I'll probably be sitting for several years, serving out a murder charge....
12-09-2013, 08:20 PM
So you are saying your freedom is only worth the price of a 2" pump. I think that it is worth far more than that.
I suggest an edit. Intent is costly.
I don't advertise. I hide them the best I can. Strategic locations for faces and plates.
In my area the news stations will post pics for the cops of suspects they cant id. Most are IDed quickly.
There is the option of posting that the facility is videoed in an attempt to get people to look for an easier target. The issue is that if you spend the $$$ for a security system then you must have items worth protecting. Locks only keep out them honest.
Motion sensors on lights are useful to deter some of the dark seekers. You just cant have them to sensitive. People get use to them being on.
I knew a guy that had two snowmobiles chained onto a trailer and the trailer chained to a pole. Bolt cutters to the chain and they took the hole trailer and sleds.
Its like work hard to get what you want and then have to work harder to keep it.
12-09-2013, 09:24 PM
I don't advertise. I hide them the best I can. Strategic locations for faces and plates. In my area the news stations will post pics for the cops of suspects they cant id. Most are IDed quickly.
Some cameras do video as well. Pictures take less battery and can be set at various elapse settings. My cameras work great up to 50'. I don't like infrared flash pictures but they are easier to hide. You have to consider how much information do you need to find the person or persons. Little bits of evidence go a long long way. Pictures of them? Pictures of vehicle? License plate? (not as hard as you think as the camera would be above and behind them as they enter) Pictures of tire tracks? One thing my dad taught me is be observant we both can tell you from first glance in just about in any condition if anyone other than the normal vehicles have been in the driveway. Now a days with my iphone on me all the time I whip it out and take pictures of foot prints or tire marks that I know aren't normal. Usually UPS or Fed Ex or something but hey you never know.
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