View Full Version : What should I do ?

12-03-2013, 06:32 PM
Well we about two months, maybe from maple season and I need a bigger evaporator but mason can not make one for me this season, I know I drug my feet but it has been a crazy year, whole house remodel for parents still in progress, nasty broken finger,pins and all, and to many projects, still no new sugar shake either, maybe have one buy end of feb, maybe. Either way I had 300 taps and only made a few gallons, warped my pan and had no time because of frantic 6 week rush to get house ready for parents,now I am looking for a one year stop gap evaporator, need to have 40-50 gph, and having a trouble finding anything used that is not crazy épée sieve, I know a quality evaporator is not cheap but paying $3500-$5000 for a used 2 x 6 is crazy when I can get a new 3x8 from mason for about $6k. The cheaper of the used evaporators are pretty beat and still not what I would call "cheap". Thought about a hybrid pan for my evaporator but still would not get enough gph to handle my 300 ish taps. Looking for help or suggestions. I have thought about lessening the my number of taps this but can not get myself to want to !!
On a completely different note drove ohio yesterday for their gun opener, hunted near Andover, Dorset state game land and got totally run over by unrespectful "hunter" left at noon at went home, going to go back for bow and muzzleloader but not to that spot, and holy crap, the amount of shooting was amazing, I would guess I heard more shots in 5 hours yesterday than the past 5 opening days in ny!!
Would love to find a farmer willing to lease my 50-100 acres so I can have a decent spot. This is my third time going to ohio, first was an outfitted hunt that was a joke, last went for late mzlder near Wayne national and it was pretty rotten, if I can not find a decent lease may have to back to the outfitter. Not a fan of "group" hunting with strangers the guy walked in on at 11 am and set up 100 yds from me and did not leave, drive,time and license to expensive to put up with that crap. I know I went off on tangent but still dumbfounded by others lack of respect.

12-03-2013, 06:54 PM
I can beat that...11:35 PM!!!! Gun shot. Some DA shot a deer in my neighbors garden...less than 100' from his house, 30 feet from barn, with my cattle in the back ground. Thru it in a truck and was gone before anybody could get dressed and out.

Respect is a forgotten trait. Karma is the equalizer!

So what about building yourself an RO?

or buying one?

12-03-2013, 06:57 PM
My sugarhouse is about 2 miles from the Dorset wildlife area.

Moser's Maple
12-03-2013, 08:03 PM
have you looked into sunrise evaporators??? I heard they are good quality, for a fair price, and are an up coming player

12-03-2013, 08:33 PM
Hey Bowtie, I just checked buffalo craigslist and theirs a small bros 2x6 on there for $2700. offer $2500 use it for a year then resale. Not sure if it's lead free or not. When you find that lease in Ohio count me in!!

eagle lake sugar
12-04-2013, 04:56 AM
I think a 2x8 would be more in line with what you're looking for if you want 40-50-gph. My h20 innovations 2x8 was around 6k last yr. and I get around 50gph with good wood. I think the other manufacturers are in the same ballpark. The Mason 3x8 would get you substantially more, if you can afford to pre-order.

maple flats
12-04-2013, 09:06 AM
Try looking for a little larger size. Generally 2x6-3x8 bring a premium in the used market, bigger ones don't. But also remember, when you sell the bigger one will still be worth less than a 2x6 relatively speaking.

12-04-2013, 10:45 AM
I know of a 2x8 Leader in PA. $ 3500.00 call Bob at Fillmore Maple Supply 585-567-2738

12-04-2013, 10:56 AM
Try Sugar bush maple in mason mi

12-04-2013, 10:56 AM
You should be able to find a good 2x6 for sale. Your somewhat 'centrally' located in NY if your willing to drive a few hours either way. Keep looking