View Full Version : arch sizing

12-03-2013, 07:43 AM
is there a place where I can find information on the recommended size of an arch/pans that is needed for a certain amount of tap/sap? for instance, when I'm all done setting up my bush, I'll probably have somewhere around 300ish taps on vacuum and 150-200 on gravity/buckets! maybe 1000 gallons on a decent day??

12-03-2013, 02:41 PM
Cornell has some info on it's FAQs page:


They basically break down the GPH you'll need using the following formula:

Number of sap gallons in run = 650 taps x 1 gallon/tap = 650 gallons
Time available for boiling sap = 10 hours
Evaporating capacity required = 65 gallons of sap/hour

Your taps on vacuum are basically about 1.5 taps so that's about 450 plus the 200 or so on buckets gives you about 650 taps. The above formula kind of generalizes sap production and you could have more or less, depending on the day.

In my woods I generally get about 1-3 gallons per tap per week and I boil 3-4 days a week and have about 900 gallons to boil every week. Different woods and trees may be different!

There are also formulas to figure our surface area of your pans and your boiling rate. At your number of taps, and I'm no expert, but I would think you're looking at a 2x6 minimum but probably a 2x8 or 2.5x8 if not a 3x10 to allow for growth.

12-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Sounds like you've way outgrown your evaporator already.

12-04-2013, 06:39 AM
ahhh... yeah, I've out grown the block evaporator already! I'm sort of concentrating on setting up the woods first then worrying about the sugarhouse later. i'll probably add 50-75 taps a year on the line until I run out of trees! I'm going to boil some of my sap this year... just the buckets, and i'll be selling the rest to make some money to either build me a conventional arch or buy one! I figured earlier on 35-40 buckets, but what the hell... if I'm going to make syrup at all, I might as well make all I can! Thanks for the Info Dave! i'll check out the website and keep your recommendations in mind!

12-04-2013, 09:54 AM
I've got a 2.5x7 english tin drop flue pan I'd sell for $300 bucks if you're interested. I've been thinking about listing it. Maybe you could modify your block arch. You'd keep up then for sure.

12-04-2013, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the offer MadMapler! if I would have had that offer about a month ago, I'd have taken it! I acquired a 4x4 divided pan that will be this years pan! probably use a copper tube preheater set up! next year I will either be purchasing an arch or building one myself! One that I can grow my tap count to! I think I'll have some awfully long boils on the 4x4, but I don't mind it! gives me something to do during my slow season at my real job!