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View Full Version : Type and where to find metal roofs

Starting Small
11-26-2013, 09:38 PM
I am just starting to build a post and beam sugar shack. I love to torture myself so I decided to wait until the cold weather came in and am stressed for time before I started on this! My question is on the roof. I will have pine boards running the length of the roof and I want a metal roof on top of that. Where do I find metal roofs to buy? Are there different types or thickness that I need to be aware of? What should I expect to pay per panel? I see home depot has them but would the quality be good enough so it does not look cheap? Thanks!

Loch Muller
11-27-2013, 04:52 AM
I'd go to your local lumber yard/ building supply. Up here it's Curtis Lumber. I just priced out their stock colors of standard metal roofing with a enameled paint. I think the brand is ABC, they are $42 per sheet for 3 x 16, which works out to be $0.85/ sq ft. The sheets come in 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 foot lengths. They can be custom length for an extra cost. I've found the local place to be much more helpful and informed on what you will need to get the job done. It will probably be over a dollar/foot when you add in screws, ridge cap, underlayment, etc... I think there are different gauges of sheeting available, but the stocked (thinner) one at my local store seems to hold up just fine for how you are using it. Good luck.


11-27-2013, 05:28 AM
I second the local lumber yard recommendation, though I did happen to glance that Lowe's has a plastic/composite roofing with the same appearance. I didn't price it out, though. The cost of the sheets of metal roofing are relatively low. It's the flashing and screws that will kill you. You don't even want to know what a small bottle of touch up paint will cost you.

Don't sweat the late start. We're all there one way or another every winter. Look at the photos of people's builds. There's snow in a lot of them!

Worst case scenario, you'll get the posts and roof up for sugaring and finish the walls after.

Have fun and post photos. When I find the paperwork for my roofing, I'll post some prices so you have something to go on.


11-27-2013, 11:25 AM
At my local lumberyard I dont think they even charge extra for special lengths. They just order the length and color you want. The other good thing is they will deliver at no charge. I usually do my fascias in pine especially if its going to be a wood exterior . Its cheaper and I personally think it looks better.

Starting Small
11-27-2013, 12:48 PM
Thanks guys, that is what I will check out then. I will definitely post some pictures once things start to move. I have the site work and the stone in place and just waiting for the permit to come through. Thanks,

Loch Muller
11-27-2013, 02:00 PM
Definitely agree with the pine facia boards. Especially on a post and beam structure. I wish my lumber yard still delivered for free, they started charging a $50 fee a couple years ago. At least I have a truck to do it myself. Have fun.

maple flats
11-27-2013, 03:32 PM
Heck, if you're looking for metal roofing this early, you are ahead of the game. When I built my sugar house I got a party together for New Year's eve day. We were there to set the trusses. Then during the following week I put on the decking. The next Saturday, my oldest son came to help and we put on the steel roof, except the cupola. That I did alone the next week. We made our first syrup in the sugar house that season.

Starting Small
11-27-2013, 05:29 PM
Heck, if you're looking for metal roofing this early, you are ahead of the game. When I built my sugar house I got a party together for New Year's eve day. We were there to set the trusses. Then during the following week I put on the decking. The next Saturday, my oldest son came to help and we put on the steel roof, except the cupola. That I did alone the next week. We made our first syrup in the sugar house that season.

I wish that were the case, I only have the stone put down and not even a single piece of wood assembled yet. Just asking about the roof because I want things to go smoothly once the building permit comes in. Also trying to determine cost. Thanks,

Chicopee Sap Shack
11-27-2013, 05:44 PM
My 12x16 shack that I built this year black painted metal with all custom cut lengths was about $450. I did get a surcharge of like$26 for the 28" pieces but I have clean edges. I was short on screws though. It was about 2 weeks from order to free delivery.


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Starting Small
11-27-2013, 05:47 PM
My 12x16 shack that I built this year black painted metal with all custom cut lengths was about $450. I did get a surcharge of like$26 for the 28" pieces but I have clean edges.[/URL]

Where did you purchase the roof? Thanks,

Chicopee Sap Shack
11-27-2013, 05:52 PM
Hancock lumber I know one of the sales guys so I got a good deal I think I didn't price the other guys

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maple flats
11-28-2013, 07:31 AM
Most all roofing full line sellers will either cut to length or order it that way at no extra or a very small charge, you just pay by the inch. Do not go thru any of the big box stores. In our area there is actually a Amish manufacturer who has the best prices by far. He is in Williamstown, NY. PM grimmreaper for a name and address. There may also be an Amish manufacturer near you. This one also does SS at insanely low prices. Here is the place http://goo.gl/maps/6TPri I hope this link works!