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View Full Version : Which Lapierre Releaser

11-18-2013, 10:01 AM
Hi, first time posting here! I'm working on setting up a ~100 tap vacuum setup, and after stalking the forums for a while and figuring everything out all I'm down to is the releaser. Rather than try to build my own or mess around with other options I figured I'd buy a Lapierre, use it, then probably sell it in a couple of years when I expand.

Is this item below what I'd be looking for? It's out of stock there but if anyone knows another place to buy it, or a comparable part, I'd be very appreciative.
http://www.mapleguys.com/index.php?item=411&ret=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mapleguys.com%2Findex.php%3Fp age%3D1%26category%3D35

I got a Gast 0823 pump for pretty cheap that I plan on using.


11-18-2013, 10:20 AM
Bascoms has them although I think Lapierre has changed the hobby releaser they are more $ now $900 although it would be over kill you might want to get a bigger one now. https://www.bascommaple.com/category/releasers/vacuum_units/

Not all models are listed on this page for more check out the lapierre catalog http://www.sugaringequipment.elapierre.com/default_en.asp?no=176 downloadable pdf.

11-18-2013, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the links. Would the 8" X 14" single mechanical or continuous work? They still are listed a t a little more than $600. Also what is the difference between the Lapierre and Bernard models listed?

11-18-2013, 12:36 PM
The mechanism is different between Bernard and Lapierre the Bernard uses a pivot point where the Lapierre uses a sliding cylinder. Most are same price I have Bernard Double no complaints with it. Continuous is the newer model they eliminate back flow when the releaser dumps and maintain vacuum the non continuous will loose a little vacuum (and gain it back) and cause some back flow. There were some people having trouble with the Lapierre (I believe the cylinder popped apart) I am pretty sure they have a new design so make sure you get the new one.

11-18-2013, 05:46 PM
Awesome thanks. I just found a distributor 1.5 hours from my house so I'll check them out in person, yah from what I read the new design is definitely the way to go

Gary R
11-19-2013, 11:44 AM
Frost Ridge Maple is a Lapeirre dealer and he is less than a half hour from Meadville.

11-19-2013, 11:52 AM
Thanks Gary! I was actually excited this morning because I found another dealer close so that I had two options when I drove to New York, but as it turns out Frost Ridge Maple is actually less than a five minute drive from my house! Going to give Pat a call here after lunch, it's a small town so I'm curious to see how we already know each other haha

red maples
11-20-2013, 10:19 AM
I have used the lap. hobby for a few years. that will work for you. I have the second generation hobby and have had little problems here and there. the newer ones are different than mine. mine doesn't run good on vac over 24" it can hang up during morning and evening warms and cool downs. best thing is to keep a little spay bottle with veg oil in it to keep things moving good. and I play around with little weights on it. seems to work as well. I belive they are 500-600 the The $900 ones are good for 500 to 1200 taps and vert. mech releaser. which I am upgrading to this year but still holding onto mine for future use.