View Full Version : Maple fever

11-13-2013, 10:54 AM
Good morning,
I have been on here for a while reading and learning from all you guys! ( thanks by the way)
So I have this problem. I have no family or friends that have the same interest so I don't really get a chance to discuss maple with anyone more than once. Haha ( when I get some spare time I can usually be found sat in a corner reading the forum) I have had the fever for 3 years after I started on my stove in the kitchen with 10 taps. I think about syrup 3 to 12 times a day everyday all year long. Luckily I have an understanding wife who has given me the okay to build a sugar palace!!! ( we have been boiling for 2 years in a shelter logic plastics tent)
So now I have a chance to design a sugar shack. I have been looking at pics and all your recommendations for what is needed and what I should plan for.
I am working on a post and beam floor plan that will have a spot for breakfasts as well as a evap room. It started out as 10x15 then 20x20 now we have decided 20x40 with seperate wood storage .
So I will be busy milling logs this winter... We put out 220 buckets this pas year and I am hoping to do 450 this coming season. My wife and I Did all the collecting by hand with my ATV. Thanks to all your info I may use Tubing and vacuum in coming years. And installing a blower on my arch, and making hoods for my pans, and ro systems and .... And ... And ... You guys are a bad influence!!!

This is my first of many post ( I hope) and once again it is awsome that there is a place lik this that it's okay to talk syrup withought getting rolled eyes haha:)

Thanks !!!

Robert the newbie!
Moncton, nb

11-13-2013, 11:05 AM
HA HA Maple Fever is right you are for sure by the sounds of it SICK with the FEVER ha most of us spend the entire off season planning for next season in many ways coming up with new ideas, seeking out new taps, getting more equipment, counting $ ha ha. This sight is full of addicts and some very good information and very good advice. Most people who don't make syrup don't have know much about it so you will get those cross eyed looks and those who know some about it think that people who would work that hard to do it are crazy, but most of us who do it are sick cabin fever stricken workaholics anyhow so it works for us.

11-13-2013, 12:10 PM
Welcome to being addicted like the rest of us!!:cool:

11-13-2013, 01:05 PM
Look for a youtube video called mapke syrup poem. Thats all of us.

11-13-2013, 03:43 PM
here you go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOWo4tA_G_8

11-13-2013, 06:53 PM
Video is great, hits the mark. Beginner syrup (I know personally) a lot like a Laurel and Hardy show. Destroyed wife's turkey pan. Thankfully she has a good sense of humor (and a new pan).

11-14-2013, 06:59 AM
Man that guy was good. Does anyone know who he is?