View Full Version : Red maples

11-12-2013, 06:52 PM
We have exclusively red maples, in the woods. These trees are stingy with the sap, and the ratio seems to be about 60:1. So it's little sap of apparently limited sugar content. However, we think our syrup has a unique taste (in a good way, but obviously we're biased). I suspect this is because they're all red maples. Anybody have experience tapping primarily or exclusively red maples? Any insights appreciated--we are novices. Thank you.

11-13-2013, 05:34 AM
Yes we tap 100% red maple the sugar content is lower.We switched to tubing and vacuum a few years ago the difference in sap flow was unbelievable.We have aprox 800 taps on our current system and adding every year.I feel if you have reds on your own property reds are just as profitable if you figure in tapping sugars on leased or borrowed land if you figure in your time and travel lease etc.We also like the taste but we could be bias too. Good luck!

red maples
11-13-2013, 06:47 AM
invest in a little or big vac pump and tubing. There is a lot more stuff availiable for the smaller producer. check the maple guys new stuff they have little filter presses, sap sucker vac pumps no releaser needed. Check Goodrich maple farm in VT he's got some smaller sap suckers as well.

most producers that have them will tap them. Reds on buckets are hit or miss but hook them up to vac they run like crazy!!! I have 95% reds on vacuum and do pretty good. its what I got so its what I tap. I actually found several sugars way in the back of my woods. I think the syrup tastes the same but that's just me. it tends to be darker although I run a 2x6 and smaller rigs will often produce darker syrup. Some producers that tap alot of reds and run smaller rigs are adding forced air bubblers to their pans to help lighten syrup and have done so with excellent results.

I am up grading to an RO this year so I don't have to go through so much wood!!! maybe next year I will make a bubbler. too much to do before the season this year!!!

Drew Pond Maple
11-13-2013, 08:45 PM
Last season I had an ok season considering it was my 2nd. My red maples are all woods trees and didn't give me much volume or sugar content, about 1.5%, but i'm on gravity.
This season I'm gonna be on low vacuum (sap sucker) and can only hope to get twice the sap of last year.