View Full Version : Pinched nerve in neck equals excruciating pain

Bruce L
11-12-2013, 12:45 PM
Here I am in Egypt on the trip of a lifetime with the Mrs.,popping pills like crazy to keep going day to day.I was hoping that this trip of not working and driving for 12 days would have helped things settle down so that I can back to work cutting wood and shortening lines when I get home.I would not wish this pain on an enemy,not only physically but also psychologically .I have been to both Doctors and chiropractors several times,had X-rays done and taking pills that should knock a horse down.Next step is cat scan then neurologist, trust me things cannot get straightened out soon enough!!!!!!,

11-13-2013, 07:00 AM
Sorry about your luck! I have a pinched nerve in my hip right now that the docs can seem to find out what's causing it... other then me moving! a very debilitating and insecure feeling... never mind the pain! i'm not on a trip and my woods are close to ready to go, but deer rifle season starts Saturday and i'm not a sitter! I love hunting as much or more then I like sugaring! gonna be a LOOOONG rifle season!

11-14-2013, 10:17 PM
You need a moil facial release person. The spelling doesn't look right but that's spell check for ya. Sports message person. I have a friend that does it on horses and people. I crawled in their house and in 90 minutes walked out. They showed me some stretches to do...suck like hell! bu they work. If I have a problem now I do the stretches for a few days and I am good to go. It was from an old injury that broke 3 ribs. And it finally caught back up to me. I suffered for a week or so and the wife kicked me to the car and took me to them. Invest in a large sports ball. a good one and do the stretches. It really sucks but you will feel 100% afterwards.