View Full Version : Getting ready for 2014 season
Maple Ridge
11-07-2013, 02:51 PM
I might be a little proactive but I am getting things ready before the snow hits. I added on a wood shed to the sugarhouse and added a new sap line. Replaced some drop lines and am trying the new clear seasonal spouts this year on the new drops and on some of my other lines. I am all gravity so I am hoping they work well for me. Wood is all split and stacked. Need to setup the collection tank and a few other small things and will be ready for spring. :cool:
I would like to step up to a 2X6 next year, but will need to see how it goes.
Anyone else getting the itch?
red maples
11-07-2013, 03:58 PM
my itch has become a rash I have been scratching so much. I am ready to go. except for adding in another 130 taps. getting in real Electricity to the sugarhouse(no more extention cords). Purchasing and installing my new RO, and enclosing the tank room putting a back door to the sugarhouse. Re-sealing the bricks in the arch. but wood is done!!! :)
lots of stuff to do. priority right now is getting electrical stuff done before the ground freezes!!!
I have to finish getting ready for the up coming fall craft fair I started doing last year. syrup is done plastic and glass all bottled up. just need to do maple nuts, bottle honey, maple cream and candy.
My goal is to get everything done by Jan 1st!!! so lots to do by then!!!
11-07-2013, 04:57 PM
Hung more lines during the summer, hauled and bucked up and split and stacked six cords of pine and hemlock and stacked another four cords of last years pine and hemlock in sugar house woodshed. Everything cleaned from last year and last minute check to make sure good to go on that. Pans ready, cleaned sugar house today as far as counters and will do again of course, check lines about once a week for downed trees and also down trees themselves from wind or other, Never stops but love it!!!! Next step supplies, jugs, filters, etc.:cool:
Starting Small
11-07-2013, 06:42 PM
You guys are making me depressed with all the stuff I have to do. Lets see where do I start.....Build a 12X16 shack from scratch, find a new sugarbush (last years fell through for this year), setup the new woods for vacuum, split more wood, clean tanks, and setup the evaporator I just bought in my non existent non built shed....should I start panicking yet????? All this and my brother wants to build us an RO this year, thankfully I told him I am not helping him do that!
We're splitting up three cords of wood on Saturday. We'll see how long it takes. We rented a wood splitter, and are going to end up with a lot of wood in the shed hopefully. We use the worst wood on the planet, so some of it may be hard to split.
11-08-2013, 08:45 AM
I'm getting up at 3 tomorrow to drive to Michigan and get some supplies at Sugar Bush Supplies ( Then on Sunday, meeting Jim of Smoky Lake Maple Products ( in northern Indiana to get my brand new drop flue 2x6.5 pans :D. I'm just a little excited.
Like Starting Small, I'm going to be setting up the new arch and pans in the non-existent, non-built shack. I was in the open last year with concrete arch using 8" steam pans. Wind, rain, & 30-35*F makes for miserable boiling conditions -- so I will be building something to keep me out of the elements.
Almost have the water jacketed bottler done (posting pics and write up once I'm done). I'm working on the collection tank system which is 55 gallon barrels. Other than the shack, I'm feeling pretty good about the upcoming season. I do have to get my cousin properly motivated to get the arch welded up for me. But that should be easy -- he just moved and that has delayed him starting his sideline welding business.
All that plus full-time work. I don't have too much idle time ;-)
Maple Ridge
11-08-2013, 02:51 PM
Well I guess that answered my question. I am hoping to finish up next weekend if the weather holds. Hint of a noreaster next thursday, but looks like it may pass south of us.
We are going to have to get going! With the weather so cold I didn't do much, but now that it's warming up it's time to get going again. We have to add some more blue tubing and taps, cut a tree that fell over the mainline, clean things up and order jugs. I think we can do it.
West Sumner Sugar
01-12-2014, 05:50 PM
We took this morning to get one of our main lines up. We have to take it down at the end of each season. Went pretty well, nice and warm out. Sap will be flowing before we know it. Hoping for a good season.
01-12-2014, 09:55 PM
Finally got in the woods this afternoon. Cleared lines on one section of woods and checked tubing. Lots more to do and not much time left.
02-16-2014, 09:44 PM
Still cold here in Iowa, might have three days this week above freezing then back to below normal temps. Might try to get some taps out but lots of snow to deal with and 6" on the way tonight. Have at least 20" of snow on the ground, its going to be a work out to start. Hope everyone has a great seaso
2014 - 450 taps and buckets
2013 - 300 taps and buckets
Maple Ridge
02-17-2014, 06:15 AM
I put in my test tap yesterday afternoon and to my suprise, it was dripping. Didn't take long to form an sapcicle, but it was dropping. I will be tapping this weekend.
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