View Full Version : A good NEW problem

maple flats
11-07-2013, 11:11 AM
Almost 2 weeks ago I decided to post a simple 2 line for sale ad, "pure NY maple syrup" in another (non maple) forum I am also in. Well, the response has been huge. Since last Friday I have shipped more syrup than my previous 3 months combined. The response is far better than I ever dreamed. Now for the problem, I am critically low on Medium Amber. I have a call out to a friend to buy 30-40 gal of either light (I would blend with some DA as I am out of my B in bulk) or medium, should have my answer this afternoon.
My sales have traditionally favored Dark Amber, followed by B and then came Med. As such I generally blend some of my medium and most of my light with B to make DA. I have no light bulk left but I do have some light on the shelf, but I don't want to repack that and blend it to make medium, too costly and wouldn't make enough anyways.
In the future I'll need to hold more of the lighter syrups. While my local customers favor the darker, the new customers from across the country are ordering some medium, but they still order more DA (so far I'm selling about 70% dark and 30% medium, no light).
This new trend and huge sales increase caught me unprepared.
This IS a good problem to have!

11-07-2013, 03:07 PM
Congrates to you Dave to explore your sales options out there.Its always a an issue to have problems in life but in your your case your problem is PRICELESS!Good luck finding what you need..

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-07-2013, 06:04 PM
if you want your sales to really go through the roof I have some left hehehe Congrats sell it all before the new season

maple flats
11-08-2013, 05:15 AM
I am going to pick up a 40 gal bbl of medium today. Then I'll bottle about the first 12-15 gal tomorrow. On Sunday I'm picking up a 2x6 finisher. As soon as I can get that set up (I need to shorten one counter top to make room) I'll bottle the rest, using the new bigger finisher which will heat it faster when I get it ready. With the colder weather it should be OK for the week or 2 it takes to set up.