View Full Version : Some tree's run and Some dont???
02-08-2004, 06:49 PM
Some tree's run and Some dont???
I often wonder what others do in this case?
Do you just leave it go and give it a chance.
Or should You tap another hole. If others are running and some aint, does that mean that the ones THAT aint, are not going to??
Any Help please or your thoughts anyway.
Thanks Chuck
02-08-2004, 06:56 PM
it's true some will and some won't, all depends on how the tree reacts to the weather, it may not be ready to spew sap. it may get too less or even too much sun, also maybe it didn't thaw as some others have... OR the tapholeand spout may be blocked with shavings, I don't think you have to tap another hole, maybe carefully pull it out , clean out the hole with a squirt of 25% peroxide/clean water solution to clean it out put it back in and maybe you'll be ok... that is unless you tapped an oak ;)
02-08-2004, 07:03 PM
I use a can of Dust Blaster to clean my holes out.
But when I put my taps in, I didnt spray anything in the hole.
I did boil them in water and a drop or 2 of bleech.
The sap is Not running today.
I should see some results tommorrow and tuesday(highs 42-43).
Ive been reading books on tapping and was wondering what all you bigger Sugarers do in this case of tree's not responding and others are.
02-08-2004, 07:29 PM
I would wait and see first. You could check the things Jim said and the other thing to look for is the color of the wood. If it is brown you could have hit a bad spot in the tree. You want to see nice white wood. If the wood is white and you have no blockages I would wait it out.
Hi Charlie,
There is no way to predict which trees will be the low producers. I have several of the most beautiful sugars in my bush that year in year out are poor. I mean they run a pint while others run two gallons. Usually they are poor every day - every year , no matter which side I tap. Some I have given up on. I might add that is why I like buckets , it allows me to know the trees. Besides , checking buckets is kind of like "trappin" , you just never know. The bad thing about buckets--- my left elbow still hurts from last years sap dumps , really.
Have a great season--- Race in Wisconsin
02-08-2004, 08:20 PM
Check the condition of the tree. Was the color of the wood " tap hole" clean white and hard or brown and soft. Is there a good size hole in the bottom by the roots. If yes than the tree is hollow is side. I find these trees are good for firewood not sap. Also check the tops are any large limbs or complete tops broken off. Large wood- pecker holes in the trunks will also kill the trees and sap flow. It's easier to see the damage now without the leaves on. If theirs any large pieces of bark missing that too will have affect on the tree.
02-08-2004, 08:42 PM
Mapleking, Iv'e got a tree you need to see. The dang thing looks like it went through a hurricane in the summer and ice storm the following winter. It has about six inches of good wood around the exterior and the whole center is gone. several limbs in the crown are gone and my son used to use the holes at the bottom of the tree as tunnels for tonka trucks. I have tapped that thing for twenty years and is one of the best runners I have giving me 4.5% sugar most of the season. I will have to agree with you as I stated above about the dark wood but don't count out an ugly looking tree. By the way, my buddy now owns the land where that tree is and when he built his house they raised the ground level three feet up the tree and it has not affected it in the least.
02-08-2004, 08:46 PM
It has been cold this year and it is a little early yet. Don't get too excited yet because the trees haven't woke up yet.
Sometimes it takes a couple of days of well above 40 to get the holes thawed out. Each year is a learning experience, so laugh at mistakes and learn because each year you will do better than the last. We have all done stupid things, every one of us. If someone tells you different, they are either stupid or a BIG FAT LIAR! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rember, trees on the south side of a hill run way before north side trees and the south side of a tree will run before the north side of a tree regardless where it is! :lol: :lol:
02-12-2004, 07:13 PM
Well, all the tree's I did tap except for one, all had good wood. No damage to them as far as I can see. One did have bad wood, I tapped a second hole and now both holes run. One down the side of tree and the other into my milk jug. I hate to see that because I Feel im loseing sap AND PRESSURE there. Wood it be ok to put a tap into this hole?? Is that sap gonna be not as sweet because its flowing threw bad wood??
Well if these 6 tree's outa the 40 dont run, would anyone say its ok to tap another hole in them.
They are over the recomended size for tapping. I will wait till the weather improves before I would retap them. Right now, I am getting about 3 gals of sap a day from the 34 that are running.
So I will get about a 1-1/2 quart's this weekend of fresh syrup after the evaperation process.
I just love all the help and veiws I get HERE ON THIS SITE.
I Think all you people are just wonderful.
Thanks Again, Chuck
Hi Charlie,
I am with Lostafari on this one. I hope that I see a day or two with 3 gallons per tree , not sure what I will do though.
Good luck------- Race
02-12-2004, 08:08 PM
Hi lobstafari and Race,
Im only getting about 3 gals of *sap a day from 34 tree's that are running.
I wish it was more, but im hopeing it gets to be aleast 30 gal's of sap or more a couple days this season from 40 tree's.
I hope it gets alot better. This is my first time tapping, so I will just play it by ear and fallow the other tappers near me. Good Luck to all! Chuck
Just hold on it will happen. Just like deer hunting ; when you least expect it, there he is.
02-12-2004, 08:22 PM
I always expect it in deer season. I gotten my buck and doe and turkey for the past 8 years. every Archery season for deer and every spring and fall for turkey. Got good spots that are private and always will be.
As for the sap, I beleave you are correct. I will not expect it to I see it. I quess after you learn every year you can kinda get the hang of it. just like rideing a bike. They say once you do it you never for get. But Ive treid rideing a bike after a couple of years you are all over the place. It It took awhile to get used to it again. You know what I mean???
Thanks Chuck
Do you suppose it is the bikes or our age ?
Over and out for tonight-- Race
02-13-2004, 05:36 AM
Thanks for the tip on using the canned air to blow out the tap holes. My partner happend to have a can sitting around, we decided to give it a try. It worked really well, much better than trying to use a twig or something to scrape the shavings out.
02-13-2004, 08:55 PM
A real good puff of air with you mouth has always worked good to and it is cheap! :D
02-14-2004, 06:10 AM
Do you suppose it is the bikes or our age ?
Over and out for tonight-- Race
it is the Bikes, hahaha. You no that isnt true.
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