View Full Version : 2013 Annual Meeting

11-01-2013, 08:39 AM
Maple Syrup Producers Association of Connecticut, Inc
Agenda Annual Meeting- November 9, 2013
Northwest Park, Windsor, CT
8:00 am Registration, coffee and donuts
9:00 am Welcome, opening remarks and business meeting
>Minutes from last meeting
>Treasurers report
>Audit report
>NAMSC/IMSI dues and research fund
>Membership & dues report
>Nomination and election of officers and directors
>Old Business
>New Business

9:30 am Reports and announcements
>CT Dept of Agriculture Report
> IMSI report
>NAMSC report
>Sugar Houses Open to the Public
>Web site report
>Cookbook report
>ALB/EAB report
>Publicity report (Maple Digest, maple News)
>Pre-season meeting (date, location, agenda and speaker)

10:00 am Break
10:30 am Guest speaker #1- Henry Marckres, VT Agency of Agriculture
Noon Guest speaker #2- Bruce Gillilan, Leader Evaporator
1:30 pm Adjourn